
Never a dull moment at BI.

Since I joined the other site, BI, there had been a steady parade of drama on the blog. First it was a dancer, supposedly a ROB at SRCOI who switch to Synn under another name. The PL's exposed her as the ROB but the stripper denied it vehemently saying it isn't her. Proof was eventually obtained from identical tattoos.
Then a reviewer Mar+++lar created quite a furor by claiming he secretly "marked" dancers. The BI nation was so outraged especially the dancers he claimed he marked. He was "flushed" by the founder who went on and on, even gave an analogy about gardens etc.
There was another PL who got flushed for providing details of reviews to some dancers, an unforgivable transgression.
Now, a bunch of dancers are engaged in a fierce cat fight. One of them remarked: the EPA should come and regulate Par***se club since there are so much livestock; there should be a sign by the stage saying "do not feed the animals".
Just thought I'll share something amusing.


  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
  • sinclair
    8 years ago
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Yes I enjoy BonedIn, lots of good intel.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    So how many reviews you got over there?
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Do they have a Juice equivalent over there? If not I'm sticking w/ TUSCL
  • Chili Palmer
    8 years ago
    No, the people on Bonedin actually go to strip clubs, then give real intel on real dancers. 180* opposite of Juice and 99% of the posts here.

  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    LMAO, you are calling us liars, Chili Palmer. The heck with you. I've been giving the low down on dancers all over the USA for 15 years.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I agree with Chilli that Juice isn't real, but most of us already know that.
  • Chili Palmer
    8 years ago
    Nope, just calling Juice a liar, which he has freely admitted to being. I am calling most of the posts here, and ALL of Juice's posts here under all of dozens aliases utterly without value, and it constantly amazes how low the bar is set here for what passes as entertaining or humorous. That people here are constantly sucking on Juice's cock like he emits some type of electronic pheromones when he would be drummed off any other legit strip club site in about five minutes is a constant source of bemusement to me whenever I log in here.

    I've been posting since alt.sex.strip-clubs newsgroup days, then Z-Bone, then SCJ, and now here. The one constant is that this board always seems to be filled with retards, regardless of era. Today, the retard-in-chief is Juice, and you all keep making it rain on him by the amount of attention you constantly throw his way, so others see this and try to emulate that behavior, sucking us further down the dipshit path. This board is a vortex of dipshitness, and you all constantly fight to keep it that way.

    You know what? None of what I just posted would even matter to me if there anything any remotely entertaining on this board from the League of Dumbasses and their toadies, but the constant attempt to play "Can You Top This?" level of stupidly isn't even remotely funny to anyone who has an IQ above room temperature. The saddest thing is when the few intelligent posters left on this board actually egg him on.

    Try going back and finding posts from the "A Fail to Suck" days of ASS-C. That was some real writing, and real comedy and humor.

  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Lighten up - we are not trying to solve world-hunger nor radical Islam here - it's not very-hard to bypass/skip threads or posts not to one's liking - I'm not a regular on any other board strip-clubs or not but it seems there is some type of drama in all of them and some may be worse than TUSCL.
  • Chili Palmer
    8 years ago
    Yeah, I know, Papi, I'm the ad guy. As on the few intelligent posters, when I see you encourage Juice and the give the same old cliched excuses that have been used for almost 20 years on this site, it just reminds me why I rarely post on this board. I'll go back to mostly lurk mode and you can all wallow in the collective mediocrity that is the TUSCL bulletin board, instead of trying to actually make it, you know, funny and relevant to actual strip clubbing.

  • TeenyWeeny
    8 years ago
    if you're not a local who posts multiple reviews on different dancers a month, it's a worthless site run by an egomaniacal dictatorship. as for you, Mr. Palmer, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Wrong Chili. This site is funny. Guys who cry about Juice enablers crack me up. They don't get it. Maybe you belong on a Mark Twain site
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Chilli- the ignore button is your best friend. I've done that with a few of the real morons on here, and it's made my TUSCL experience a lot better.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Fucking Crybaby. Don't let the virtual door hit you in the ass on your way out.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I get what CP is saying and I respect his opinion - but TUSCL being for the most-part an anonymous internet-site and a tits-and-ass site, I actually would expect for it to be worse - but we all have particular things thar irk us.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I think what Chilli is saying is he doesn't find Juice plarigizing reviews, multiple aliases, or Juice in general funny. Most of us agree with Chilli, and a lot of people have Juice on ignore. There are a few of you that like to egg him on for whatever reason. To each his own, I think it says more about you than Juice.

    All you need to know is that The Godfather of TUSCL (Shadowcat) doesn't have anyone on his ignore list besides Juice. Correct me if I'm wrong Shadow.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    I come to this site for the silly fun and I don't take anything posted here, including reviews, very seriously. It's all just silly fun. BonedIn, OTOH, is where SoCal mongers go for real club & dancer intel. Yeah they have a blog there too and yeah there was a shitstorm on the blog today with some catty dancer arguments, but so what? It really wasn't worth dragging it over here. Just like the stupid shitstorms that appear here all the time, they eventually blow over and life goes on until the next shitstorm hits. Such is the interwebz.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "... There are a few of you that like to egg him on for whatever reason. To each his own, I think it says more about you than Juice ..."

    I'd say for those that take Juice; or anything said on this site; at face-value; then you got bigger issues then Juice's silly little posts.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^^A-fucking-men Papi.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Believe or not Chulo some of us actually take most of the reviews on here at face-value. I guess most of us have big issues :)

    As I've said before, Juice doesn't bother me, he or she doesn't affect my TUSCL experience (his alias that lives in Pittsburgh is the annoying one). I'm talking about most people on here who might not post on the board, but do read the board.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Fair enough
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    i know where chili is coming from and i sometimes feel the same way----i don't feel as strongly as he does about it----but it annoys me sometimes too

    more importantly, the non-sense on here likely discourages ppl from posting on the board. :-(
  • Cowboy12
    8 years ago
    I have used the ignore button a few times, as there are posters that are just flat out annoying with the same repetitive comments in their posts.

    I think Juice is just trying to be funny....sometimes he is funny, others times, not so much.

    Anyway, I have found some useful info here, and just look past the trolls and their comments.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Chilli do you bitch and cry enough lol...sound like my X wife...blah blah blah lol
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Larry I'm more verified and certified real than you are LMFAO thus making my reviews more real and authentic than yours lol

    Larry stop being a homeless homosexual and wipe that meth mouth out yeah face LMFAO

    Chilli you make me laugh because your life is so pathetic your actually trolling me lol

    What a looser
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Thank you to all my family on tuscl that stood up and beside me on this thread....it means a lot to me
  • alldaylong
    8 years ago
    I agree with Chili Pepper this place is a clusterfuck, from the setup, moderation, layout, etc. But it is entertaining, even if that entertainment makes Beavis and Butthead wince.

    It is what it is and who it caters to...
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ^ what is the alternative w.r.t. the subject matter, StripperWeb?
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    ^ read it again.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    time for a group hug.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Circle jerk
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Circle TUSCLer on TUSCLer gang-bang - thank about it
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    How come there is no NY style website like boned in?
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i was a regular on bonedin until johnny patrol banned me ( for being too much like juice.) jp is still there with a new handle btw. it is a good site especially for the los angeles intel.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Nobody has a gun to your head if you don't like it here you can log out anytime.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I've basically retired from the game at this point so I really don't get the issue as being current lol
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    as for paris/tatum... she has been a sweet nice fun girl too me. :)
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    just an update on the site bonedin.

    i got a chance to view the current postings. damn. the site is soooooo lame 98.7 percent of the time now. ever since johnny patrol/ california (who is still a super moderator), domo and even jjay have banned certain controversial posters such as hot rod, druzod, monga, cindy cindy, me, jokers wild, marklar, and certain other posters (those because of minimal number of reviews or interactions) ... the site is now disney rated pg13. domo, jjay, jp/california are running scared. sad. so sad. was soooooo much better than the other los angeles strip club site zbone. now... shit. bonedin is politically correct on the surface... unless you have attained the ar status... jp/california finds me every time i try a new account. my total of 180 reviews don't give me shit there. but thank goodness for tuscl. there is an alternative way. end of rant. :)
  • sclvr5005
    7 years ago
    I don't know what your talking about, jas. I'm a regular reader and contributor of BI and it's as good as ever. Sounds like bitter grapes to me. You got kicked off by your own doing. Believe me the AR content is priceless. You screwed the pooch on that one big time.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Freedom of expression means some people are gonna be offended but it's a way better system that trying to moderate opinions which leads to a stale environment
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    most certainly sclvr5005. i definitely did myself in with my own stupidity with jp. ain't no forgiveness with him.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    If you don't like it, just leave. Larry, just leave whether you like it or not.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    I gotta agree with sclvr. BonedIn is alive and well and doing great. What trolls did on the site (before they were kicked off) didn't improve the site - they just dragged it down and scared off the dancers. The dancers now contribute alot more and post pics and their schedules. Clubs also post specials and other stuff that helps out the membership there. When they bounced the toxic members things got much better.

    Sorry that it didn't work out for you.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    Lopaw... i admit I was toxic then but I think I've mellowed out in time. certainly my reviews as 177 and mercy69 were better than my earlier reviews. jp/California keeps zapping me with his taser... at a lethal setting.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I missed Chili's original post. I was part of ass-c back then, too, though not posting very much in the "fail to suck" days. I did meet a lot of the guys at Chez Paree, eventually, and became a fixture in the irc room. Used to SC with ALS/victor/samkool for years after that

    What nick were you using?
  • nofuglies
    7 years ago
    Guess it's all well and good for you locals. I am not from the area, but wanted to give and share intel since I do travel to LA a couple times a year. I wrote several reviews, then made an inquiry to what I need to do to get access to the AR section. I was told that since I wasn't from the area, I had no need and would never be given access. F that! I then removed my reviews and got written the riot act.
  • Socalclubber
    7 years ago
    I've been a member on Bi for a couple of years. The site does serve its purpose. By bringing the community of pls and dancers together by providing real time roll calls, club and dance reviews by peers which help expose rob dancers, a way for dancers to interact with members through posting schedules and pics. And a open forum for members to post topics of the day. Then there is the downside of too much info like members getting outed by other pls or dancers through their reviews and because of it not getting the service they usually get from their atf. And dancers getting harassed by new customers asking for the same type of service she provides to her regular. So its a slippery slope.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    One thing I see for sure some of those posters on BI seem to take their attitude straight from Stripper Web.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Chili Palmer
    October 21, 2016
    No, the people on Bonedin actually go to strip clubs, then give real intel on real dancers. 180* opposite of Juice and 99% of the posts here.

    This is the sort of shit I was referring to. Really only 1% of us here go to strip clubs
    Like I said 2 years ago don't let the virtual door hit you in the ass dumbass.
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