The Pity Dance

avatar for goosman
There are a couple of girls that I see at my regular spots, that hit me up often for dances, that for whatever reason I haven't been interested in. One: Introduced herself to me on my first visit, with the offer of whatever I want. Even when the club tamed down, on later visits, she was still one of the only ones offering a BJ off the bat. Still declined. Now that the front room of the club has been clamped down a bit, she no longer offers me the throat special, but she always approaches me. Last time I was there, because of where I was sitting, I wasn't getting much attention/interaction, but like a trooper she was there. It's not that she's not sexy, she is. But in the context of this club, she just hasn't jumped on my interest radar like some of the other girls (probably her sexiness is a bit more understated, whereas the other girls is more bang in your face). I also think I've maybe because I've categorized her as an extras specialist, I've just written her off.

Another one, at the same club is really sweet. Spends good time on the stripper shit, and is pretty but not overly so. She is Colombian in a club full of Cubans, and 8/10 Colombians are going to beat a Cuban in the looks department (at least in the face), but she is one of those 2/10 and while pretty, doesn't stand out. She also wears bad outfits, which is a turn off quirk for me. Honestly, she is so nice (yes, it is stripper shit), that she is like the one I feel most bad about turning away, and she always approaches me.

Third one, is really kinda sexy in a stripper way, maybe a little bit too stripper looking (like when you see them on the street, you can tell she is obviously a dancer). At any rate, she had what I was generally looking for in a dancer (if maybe a little bit more "stripper looking" than I like. However for her, she was just a girl with a big ass, in a club with some humongous asses around her, so accordingly those girls got my focus & attention that day. She came around a couple of times, and was nice in her stripper shit, she just didn't make my agenda for that day.

So for whatever reason these girls are on my mind, to the point where I, out of guilt & interest in the great stripper unknown (my scientific research as I call it), want to go out for the explicit purpose of getting dances from these three. It certainly could go bad or could be phenomenal. I've had "fuck it" dances go bad, and had a "fuck it" dance put that lady on my list of Top 3 lap dances, and earn her the title of Alternate Current Fave. I'm also aware that I could go to these clubs with the intention of getting dances from these ladies, then the reasons why I've never gotten dances from them before (i.e. their competition) could once again just grab my attention and I wouldn't complete the mission anyway. So what says the group? Should I, or will I even be able to?


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New Jersey
8 years ago
Yes you should. Research is neccesary if we are to ever understand dancers
I was born w/ an extra "white-knight- chromosome" thus I tend to feel a bit bad for dancers not doing-well/making-$$$ and will at times get dances from dancers that are not exactly what I'm looking for.

My funds are limited thus it def puts a strain on me to be "stripper-philanthropic" and also spend on the dancers I really like.

If I think about-it; I'm not really in a position to be buying dances from so-so dancers on top of all the ones I buy from the ones that really do it for me - plus it's not really sustainable for neither me or her; i.e. I'm not really solving the/her problem w/ my pity-dances - thus in the end I try to have the attitude that it's about me and not their issues/bad-luck b/c in reality I can't do anything about their dancing woes or inability to make good $$$ - so if I try to be a "stripper-philanthropist" I end-up not having as good a time and not really solving their woes either.

Perhaps your angle w.r.t. these so-so strippers is more of a curiosity-angle as wondering how they will be if you actually gave them a chance - hard to tell but a big-part of the SC game is what a stripper does for you visually and it's a crapshoot whether one that does not do it for you for w/e reason will do it for you after getting dances from her - and this may also set a precedent that they'll hit you for dances again and again on future visits once you get dances from them.

Strip-clubbing is an inexact science - most of it is trial-and-error and adjusting one's game.
Like Papi, my funds are limited. if I knew she gave BJ's, I'd give it a shot. If not, I would not spend the money hoping for extras. It's about me, I agree with Papi
I agree w/ vince agreeing w/ me

I understand what you're saying, but you can't feed everyone.
i've done it a few times. even bbfs with no tip a few times. just vip fee.
I have done this so many times. A dancer sits down that I have no interest in starts to chat. I may try to blow her off, but she's persistent although not in an annoying way. Eventually I end up having a decent conversation with her and do a pity dance. Most of the time they don't go anywhere but sometimes the dancer will show her appreciation in the back.

Quick story - One night I was at a club getting no attention, as I kept constantly tipping the better looking girls on the stage (all were high 7s or 8s). This one total plane jane stripper comes up, but had a really nice body and cute outfit on. I tipped her $5 (just like all the other dancers) and when she was done she came right over to my table. We ended up getting drunk together, fucked in VIP, she came to my hotel that night and came to my hotel the next night as well. We ended up meeting once a month for OTC for almost 2 years after that. Don't write off the normal looking girls, but then again you don't have to mess with the ugly ones either.
^ LOL king - that's the best way to not only survive in bizarro-world SCs; but actually thrive.
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