
All her friends are strippers

I was talking to this stripper the other day, and she mentioned that all of her friends are strippers.

Don't these strippers meet girls in the real world?


  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Soon they all will be friends with Harriet Tubman.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Very true Jim lol.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    larryfish, your friends often imitate your lifestyle (income, career, hobbies, etc.)

    Strippers hang with strippers, bankers hang with bankers, rich people hang out with other rich people, hunters hang out with other hunters. Larryfisherman hangs out with 15 year olds.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Strippers do meet people in the real world. Most of the strippers I"ve known have civilian friends. But I do know a decent subset who, all their friends are strippers. And a number of the strippers who have civilian friends, lose those friends occasionally. One of my strippers once shows up to our OTC and told me she'd lost her BFF... she (the stripper) had not managed to show up for yet another event (in this case, a concert that they'd gotten tickets for weeks in advance, and the friend was very excited about). My stripper had all kinds of excuses -- her life was an absolute mess, so long story short, she didn't make the concert. For the friend, it was the "last straw" in a long line of disrespectful and outrageous behavior, and she cut the stripper out of her life. For my stripper, it wasn't meant as disrespect, it's just the way she lives her life... or maybe, the way her life lives her.

    I think that story illustrates the problems: I've been telling you guys, the outrageous ways that strippers treat customers (showing up late, not showing up at all, not answering your texts, not texting to say she'll be a no-show in the first place, asking for money, making poor judgements, not accepting responsibility for her own decisions or situation, etc.) -- that isn't reserved for customers. Customers get treated to the worst of it, but for many of these girls, that's the way they live their lives, and their family and friends get a good dose of this behavior too. That behavior, in fact, is why she ended up in a situation where her best option was to become a stripper in the first place.

    As a result, my experience is that there's a pretty good subset of strippers who make civilian friends often (these are outgoing, friendly, attractive girls, after all) and lose them just as fast. Other strippers understand them... civilians don't. Again, I do know many strippers with a wide circle of friends, including civilians. But there's a significant subset who can't make or keep civilian friends long. And the civilian friends who stick around, tend to be just like strippers, but civilians -- that is, beautiful, outgoing, looks-focused, and living a (sometimes self-destructive) party lifestyle, so they can keep up with the strippers, understand the flaws, etc.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Thanks for the insight Subra!
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    One more story! (hope I'm not killiing you guys with these). I've told this one before... I was sleeping over my ATF's place, and hear her roommate (another stripper, damn hot) out in the living room arguing on the phone with her boyfriend. When we come out, they'd just hung out, and stripper roommate says to us, "I don't know what he expected. I'M A STRIPPER. If he wants a girlfriend who acts like a soccer mom, he needs to date a soccer mom. You want to date a stripper, this is what you get."

    I don't know exactly what the roommate did, but I loved her honest self-awareness. She's a stripper. She parties constantly, she goes out with her hot female friends and picks up guys, sometimes she fucks one of them. That's the way it is. You don't like it, you shouldn't be dating a stripper. She's not going to change. So the boyfriend can either accept that behavior, or walk. It's the same with civilian girlfriends -- she's a stripper, accept her behavior, or find new friends. Many will find new friends, especially when it comes to the worst-behaved strippers.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ the boyfriend expected to "change" the stripper or for her to "change" her ways. Just like how a girl starts dating a loser thinking things are going to change -

    uh yeah good luck with that
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Yep. It's the answer to the question so many guys here have -- why do hot strippers pick loser boyfriends? Answer: strippers are at the bottom of the social ladder (whether I think that's fair or not -- in fact, I do not), and their choices can be limited by both that, and the fact that they need to choose guys who will put up with their behavior... and those types of guys, also have behaviors that are difficult for women to tolerate. In short, you have to look past the beauty -- women at the bottom of the social ladder who display bad behavior, have options limited to men at the bottom of the social ladder who display bad behavior, in many cases
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I agree, Subraman.
  • K
    8 years ago
    They are around other strippers .
    They have the same schedule as other strippers. They work while their friends are out partying.
    Many women hate strippers .
    They can relate to each other.
    Once one woman becomes a stripper it is not unusual for her friends to follow her into the industry.

    these combine to lose their civilian friends and any new friends are strippers
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Most people make friends either at school or work. A lot of people I know from HS still hang with the same people from HS, a lot of the people I know from college still hang with people from college.

    The stripper lifestyle also has a few quirks that just make it easier for strippers to be friends with other strippers. A nightshift girl likely isn't going to want to go to a party Friday night at 9 PM like normal people. She also probably dresses more provocative than a lot of girls, and bitches be jealous.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"She also probably dresses more provocative than a lot of girls, and bitches be jealous."

    I alluded to this earlier, too, and I think it's interesting. Every stripper I know dresses to kill, with absolute maximum sexiness overtly on display, whenever they go out. One stripper told me recently, "We don't go out with girls that aren't hot, it's just too hard. The get mad because the guys don't pay them any attention, and it always leads to problems." All her friends are smoking hot strippers, or smoking hot civilians, and the whole lot of them are 8.5s and up.

    I'm on another stripper's Snapchat. Her Story is filled with vids of her partying with other smoking hot girls (lots of them are other strippers, but some are civilians). It's always different girls, but the thing that remains the same, they're all almost as hot as her, all dress as sexy/slutty as her, all manage to keep up with her partying (there's often Story updates at 4am, 5am, 6am) etc.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Subra, you speak truth. My ATF speaks quite openly about her first husband, whom she hopes to remarry in a few months when he finishes a 6-year prison term for burglary; their best friend, who is in the pokey for an 18-year sentence, also for burglary; her recent ex-boyfriend, who smoked weed and played video games while she supported them by stripping; and another recent hook-up with an old friend whom she fucked as soon as *he* was released from a 5-year sentence. (My response: "I'll bet that sex didn't last long!") And this chick grew up in an affluent suburb and has a bachelor's degree!!
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    Dating or friends, it's all about who's in the same social circle. Similar schedule, occupation, outlook, lifestyle, etc. Thing not mentioned is money.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Hmmm, interesting insight.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Yes... it's also why you it's so common to hear this from strippers, and especially on stripperweb: "I dated a customer once or twice, but it always fell apart once he realized I was a real person". The girls don't realize: it's not that he found out you're a real person, it's that he found out WHAT KIND OF PERSON YOU ARE. Even as hot as you are, even for a desperate PL "who has to pay a stripper to see bootie", even that guy has his limits! Once he figures out the real you, there's only so much he'll take. And OF COURSE he knows there's a real person underneath the stripper persona. Like my ATF's roommate said: you're dating a stripper, so suck up the lies, infidelity, lack of accountability, manipulation, etc.; if you don't want to deal with atrocious behavior, date a soccer mom instead.

    Obviously, those are big broad generalizations and I've met some wonderful strippers, but among the strippers I"ve gotten to know well enough, this is pretty common
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^ mostly true but one fact that is not mentioned here. No matter how hot any woman might be if she's of dating age, and not attached, some guy somewhere, is sick of her, and that always holds true.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "Birds of a feather flock together"
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    @subraman they do this because not enough people put them in check. The boyfriend gives up too easily, the girlfriends just don't like to be bothered with other women's issues and the John's will get all pissy about a no show, but will turn right around and give them another chance. There's always exceptions to the rules but there ain't enough John's who put their foot down and tell her to suck dick or gtfo
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I've never dated dancers, so take this with a grain of salt, but what Tiburon writes is true of pretty much all civvies I've dated or been around. Even the staunchest feminists, too. There are exceptions, though not many.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Tib: I don't doubt there's some of that going on. But IME, the strippers who were the worst offenders -- they went through life with everyone in their life constantly irritated with them and little bouts of not speaking, and losing friends occasionally. I think these are pretty serious consequences. I think, in many cases, they just don't have the life skills, and especially the emotional maturity (I feel like you get 23-year-old strippers who are no more mature than a 16-year-old regular girl) to deal with things, consequences or not.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Women always divide into two opposing groups. Neither one of the groups per se is the best to deal with. Rather, you find ways to play the two groups against each other.

  • K
    8 years ago
    A dancer I know had her 28th Birthday Party on a Monday. She's complained that only her stripper friends came. The party started at 8 PM in a restaurant about an hour from her place but near a few clubs she works.

    She cannot understand that her civilian friends might not want to spend the night partying until sunrise but even if they do, they have husbands, children and jobs that start at 8 or 9 AM and can't. She does not understand that everyone isn't given a sign up sheet a week or two before hand to set their schedule. She said they should trade a day so they can attend.What other industry can you trade a day?

    Repeat this a few times and she drifts away from the civilian friends and bonds with the strippers.

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