9 or 10s at 5k to half marathons

Darkblue999Somewhere in the club
I see many girls who can be qualified as 9s and 10s during 5k races up to half marathons.Today I did a half marathon.Saw pretty girls with nice bodies.Wonder how do they get those bodies.
last commentI was writing about this before. My latest SB runs full marathons, but does cross-training. I think the swimming and cycling beefs up her muscle tone so she doesn't end up looking like a stick-figure distance runner. She's Asian, 5' 2"
one of my LM favs at a rhino runs her ass off on those marathons.
This is my kind of runner:
Runners and Bicyclist's, they won't be very fat.
But I still like women in high heels and makeup, slutty.
It is been my strategy for distance running is to pick the best looking female butt and chase it for as many miles as I can.
Did you catch her, jackslash?
That's cool, most of the time the girls I see are too damn thin. Some cross-fit girls are crazy hot, especially when I see them in the grocery store wearing spandex shorts.
I think to myself, "damn that's a nice ass, now I gotta get my ice cream so I can sit on my ass all night and watch Monday Night Football." lol
Triathletes also tend to be pretty hot (even though they rarely have much in the boobage department).
Huh! I"m definitely hanging out at the wrong race! I think competitive long-distance runners have some of the worst bodies in sports. I see nicer bodies at 5ks and 10ks.
Maybe it's the same thing as the airport effect :)
That's my strategy too.I pick the girl with nice legs and associated and run along for few miles then pick another one because I can't cope up with those fast runners
Subramanyam, You can find them in half marathons too but not in marathons
^^^ Yes, the hotness persists up to 21.241 kilometers -- but after that physical beauty becomes impossible. Proven conclusively in a reason publication from the Mayo Clinic.
You read so much horseshit on TUSCL...
Lol I don't question how they got those smokin' bodies. I just enjoy them!
I'll take a 100m sprinter over a lanky distance runner any day
-->" I'll take a 100m sprinter over a lanky distance runner any day"
Of course you would, Paps :)
Random: you are aware that different sports do tend to develop different body types, though? That IS science, and follows the SAID principle clearly and consistently. It's not only not horseshit, but self-evident if you've ever participated, or even watched the marathon and 100m at the Olympics (although Olympic bodies take things to extremes). There's a reason sprinters tend to have more muscley shapely bodies, and long distance runners, more androgynous ones. Someone who doesn't like androgynous bodies, might not love looking at marathoners.
Got it, @Subra.
While I'm having sex with my beautiful, curvy, SB on Wednseday, I'll make sure to relay the information that half-marathons are fine -- but that full marathons will leave her androgynous-looking and unattractive to the kind of guy who inhabits strip clubs. She really needs to take up more productive habits anyway, like smoking weed six times per day.
I'm more-less kidding. Yes Olympic athletes can have freakish-looking physiques; girls who are athletic and take care of themselves as a lifestyle are incredibly sexy.
I know you're kidding ... but that's all Darkblue was noticing -- once you get to long endurance races, the more androgynous the bodies. As a general rule, in my experience, it's true, not horseshit. He didn't reductio ad absurdum it down to a line in the sand, beyond which lies boy bodies
A balance is required.
We are just chasing women...isn't that what we are doing at clubs?
soooo right.
-->"We are just chasing women"
I won't chase her farther than 10k.
I appreciate top tier athletes of all kinds, but runners (especially long distance) tend to be very thin and sinewy, which makes for a very bony and uncomfortable lap dance.
Yeah I tend to like real big tits too much to go for serious runners. Good legs and butts though.
Up to 1500 meters the girls can look pretty meaty vs almost anorexic
Hurdlers have the best butts and legs.
I used to run 5k to half-marathons. Saw many 9-10s.
I also like to cut a rug on the dance-floor, with 9-10s.
I never question where they get those bodies. I know.
I do question why I still go to SC's and AMP's for 5-6's when I'm a respectable 7-8.
I suppose it's easier to fork over $60 than actually ask.