If strippers were with guys who contributed to society

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instead of drug dealers, losers, etc would that change your clubbing habit or is pussy, pussy no matter who its given to?


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avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
If strippers were with guys who contributed to society there wouldn't be as many strippers.
Pussy is pussy is pussy.
Being w/ a girl who is classy enough not to be w/ a douche but still gets down, is better, but I would not not-fuck a chick b/c her BF was a douche
Then she would probably be a housewife instead of a stripper. Or she's be one of the career hustlers we see on StripperWeb and you probably wouldn't like her.

FWIW. I met some women like that on a Sunday night. Some of them work Sun or just work Sun+Mon and sell conversation (time) or low mileage dances. They just dance Sun & Mon to get their work out of the way so they can return to their life in the Suburbs the rest of the week and be a housewife & SAHM to the husband and kids. The one had been doing that for 7 years and seemed to have her head on straight.
I don't see why I should care either way who a stripper is with. I do feel some mild respect for a stripper who has her head straight enough to snag a regular guy, but really, it's mostly a don't-care.

Agree with the feeling that if she could snag regular guys, she'd be a housewife or working stiff, not a stripper. I've told this story a few times before, but it's worth repeating. I had slept over my ATF's place, and in the morning we hear her stripper roommate arguing on the phone with her boyfriend. The roommate had done some typical strippery things, I can't remember exactly what ... he might've been irritated that's she's been partying like a monster, meeting guys, etc... but whatever. Anyway, she looks at us and says, "I'm a stripper. If he wants me to act like a soccer mom, he should date a soccer mom. He wants to date a stripper, this is what he gets". There's a strange beauty to her logic. She's gorgeous and sexy, but she's a bit fucked up in the head and behaves badly. But she won't apologize for her bad behavior, because she's a known quantity -- either you accept her behavior, or move on. Very few legit guys would accept that type of behavior, even the biggest milquetoast will eventually tire of it. So strippers, who are beautiful but nevertheless on the bottom of the social ladder, seek guys of similar status
Anyway, you can't tease these things apart, the decisions that led to stripping are present in all areas of her life... if she was a better decision-maker, she'd have a better boyfriend; but if she was a better decision-maker, she wouldn't be a stripper
Well said Subra! I like that quote "i'm a stripper if he wants me to act like a soccer mom he should date a soccer mom" Classic...says it all.
BM: Right? I loved the entire conversation, she framed everything so clearly and crisply. She's a stripper, she's not going to change for you, you fucking moron. Either be with a stripper, and all that implies, or find yourself a different girl
avatar for Imamutt
9 years ago
Subra- Flipside: BF sez, "I'm a douchebag, if she wants me to be a regular guy, she should date a regular guy".
Subraman is like the philosopher of TUSCL. I like your stories and the messages behind them. Thanks for sharing.
+1 Subraman what she does is part of the package, likely as not a 'regular guy' is only going to take so much before he finds the exit.

I'm taking a wild guess that if Stripfighter isn't a troll, there is a large degree of butthurt behind the thread. Don't go looking for a girl to take home to mom in a strip club, it just won't happen!

"I don't see why I should care either way who a stripper is with. I do feel some mild respect for a stripper who has her head straight enough to snag a regular guy, but really, it's mostly a don't-care."

And I don't think most guys do care or don't care to find out. Personally I stay out of any SO talks and presume she's single.

As far as the second point, that was maybe where I was more headed towards. If you knew she was with a "regular guy" would you push as much for extra as I'm sure most here think of themselves as "regular guys" and does it become a moral quandary? IE it's easier to justify fucking another man's GF if he's a loser and by extension she's one too if she's with him even if we don't admit openly (my opinions) vs if the guy was somebody like yourself.

"Then she would probably be a housewife instead of a stripper. Or she's be one of the career hustlers we see on StripperWeb and you probably wouldn't like her. "

Dominic77 +10

"... does it become a moral quandary ..."

I think in the U.S. w/ it's Judeo-Christian roots we are hardwired to think that sex is a bad thing instead of something natural that is meant to be enjoyed as long as it's b/w consenting adults - it's just sex - that's it - it's a natural thing - some women are not as hung-up on the hardwired-in "moral implications" - they are providing a needed service and we have genuine biological needs - P4P has been around forever for a reason - as long as it's between consenting adults and your are not forcing her nor tricking her into it then you both get out of it what you need - it's not as if you are asking her for one of her limbs.
-->"As far as the second point, that was maybe where I was more headed towards. If you knew she was with a "regular guy" would you push as much for extra as I'm sure most here think of themselves as "regular guys" and does it become a moral quandary? IE it's easier to justify fucking another man's GF if he's a loser "

Ah, I see where you were going. No, no difference whatsoever for me. Her bf just doesn't factor into my thinking at all. We're both adults, if I want her and she's willing, she's chosen this as a job, and I have no moral quandary at all.
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
I just don't see a stripper having a regular guy as a boyfriend. Too boring.
They need someone exciting, with an edge, and who has a lot of free time to hang out.
Gosh I wish all the hot soccer moms in my neighborhood were strippers. Oh but they just sit and home, go to the spa and grocery store in their Cadillac escalades because they don't have to work.

It's almost like they are the female version of stripper boyfriends. Stripper boyfriends buy weed and play videos games, soccer moms buy Xanax and collect purses.
"... if she was a better decision-maker, she'd have a better boyfriend ..."

Probably the case for many of them - but I think strippers often "end up" with the BFs they have rather than choosing them per se (in many but not all instances).

Most straight-edge guys could not handle having a stripper for a GF even if she's level-headed - i.e. they could not handle the thought of their GF being groped and more by other guys.

Then there are the strippers w/ issues that no straight-edge responsible guy could handle due to their drama and issues; thus strippers end up w/ whom will take them and many choose to be single b/c they can't keep/land a decent guy due to their dancing-job and they don't wanna settle for a dirtbag - thus IMO some may choose these guys but many just can't do any better and they don't want to be alone b/c most females can't get by w/ just sex alone like many dudes can and females IMO are more about relationships (and why on avg most females often have a larger circle of friends than most guys and often have more long time friendships).
Then they wouldn't be strippers, now would they.
Watching all the hot MILF's on the beach today, I hoped they'd be strippers. LOL
"as long as it's between consenting adults"

"We're both adults, if I want her and she's willing, she's chosen this as a job, and I have no moral quandary at all."

I guess to further add fuel to the fire, does her being a stripper allow us as PLs to push the boundaries further than with civvies. Does her being a sex worker justify it, hell, women(civvies) cheat but that doesn't mean we should get them to do it or do we have the same cavalier attitude that "we're both consenting adults?"
^ of course - they are sex-workers - one interacts w/ them for one's physical and sexual gratification and they take our $$$ for it in exchange - I'm def going to "push the boundaries" w/ a professional financial advisor whom I'm paying vs my next-door neighbor who's giving me free financial advice - we are consumers and all consumers are going to push for what they want.
Does anyone else get the feeling the OP is an "undercover stripper" trying to pick our PL brains or maybe a stripper BF?
I 2nd what rh48hr and subraman are saying. They probably would not be strippers.
Most paid employment, particularly the types performed by men getting large paychecks, does not contribute anything to society, certainly not anything comparable to the resources it consumes.

Capitalism produces excess, and so the rest can be either just waste, or it can be deliberate conspicuous expenditure. When it comes to women, the best is what is done in this later category.


@ Papi_Chulo

haha no "undercover stripper," stripper bf, nor any other conspiracist. More thought exercise that has evolved/devolved to on where we or if we draw the line. So for you sex workers are free game, how about sex worker who's a neighbor or gf of an acquaintance/or a friend?
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