
Liz Warren

On a twitter rampage against Trump. Really funny shit.

Will she be the one who ultimately gets to say...



  • Dougster
    8 years ago

    should work for those who don't have twitter accounts.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Is Liz Hillary's VP pick or just a candidate for one? I thought I read Hillary probably wouldn't pick her because her Wall Street friends were going to cut off all their funding if she chose her.

    The world is going to end. We're all doomed. Meanwhile I have a relative who said if Trump is elected, he will get the national budget balanced within 10 years cutting out a lot of wasteful spending. I doubt that he will get the budget balanced. I doubt Hilary would cut much spending at all. She'll just increase taxes to save social security killing our pay checks and economy in the process. Unless she has a smart advisor saying raise the cap on income, why should the rich not pay social security? Reduce payouts a certain percentage for all to be fair. However she's not into anything fair. We'll all be screwed one way or another.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    A lot of people wanted Elizabeth Warren for prez.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Yeah, I think I'd prefer her to Hilary and definitely to Trump.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Must confess I do start thinking of that Paul Revere song "Indian Reservation" every time I her speak or tweet though.

  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    "Must confess I do start thinking of that Paul Revere song "Indian Reservation" every time I her speak or tweet though."

    If I were more cheerful about the news I'd say "ace!" to that.

    Like her or not, Warren has been effective at trolling Trump. And I agree, Trump is likely to be a disaster. Unfortunately the choices are Trump, Clinton, or protest candidate.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I like complaining and sometimes talking crap about both candidates but in the end, I don't believe my vote will amount to anything in South Carolina because this state has voted Republican for president no matter who I voted for. I really believe Trump might be good for getting our economy to grow faster and to cut government spending. My biggest concern with him is what his plans are for our national debt. Sounds like he might have a goofball plan to only pay 50 cents or 25 cents or something for every dollar owed. Yep that might fix debt issues. However it would screw over everyone when gas goes up to $8 a gallon and the cost if food triples or goes up several times like everything else because that goofball plan would wipe out lifetime savings, destroy our currency, and create more problems than it was supposed to fix. Not saying Trump proposed that but that what scares me he could propose. Obama and Hillary might be happy that $8 a gallon gas would finally force Americans to drive economy cars saving the environment. That reasoning only works for politicians who don't have to save up money to pay for a new expensive car when Americans will have no savings if gas, food, etc, are several times higher.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    LOL! Those tweets are hilarious.

    Betting markets have Tim Kaine as VP choice, with 5-to-1 margin over Warren.

    Bader-Ginsburg also publicly dumping on Trump -- but she had to retract after taking criticism from the left about a supreme court justice taking sides.

    Partial list of GOP names boycotting the convention: McCain, Jeb Bush, G.W Bush, G H.W. Bush, Romney (admire Romney for his principals). George WIll is no longer a republican. Tim Tebow will not speak. List goes on...
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    Warren is totally sharp and I would support her for POTUS if she were in the race. The biggest thing she's right about here is that Trump is a bully. Its time the kids on the playground stood up to the bully. Coming to a voting booth near you, November 2016
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    to sharkhunter:
    I think Ms. Warren is just the mouthpiece Mrs Clinton can use via/by "proxy" to sling mud / fight dirty / take Mr. Trump to the mat (wrestling term) without Mrs Clinton getting her hands dirty in the process. Ms Warren mentioned that when she started (sorry, I don't have a supporting link to confirm this -- I saw it on the news one day).

    Speaking of appearances and angry via proxy. This is just LMAO:
    "CLIP: President Obama's Anger Translator (C-SPAN)"
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    sharkhunter --> " Unless she has a smart advisor saying raise the cap on income, why should the rich not pay social security?" --> end quote sharkhunter

    I agree. I'm surprised that one isn't already a done deal. Also in the broader sense, and I know this is "anti-America" and hints at socialism/communism but really since 1970 or so most of the productivity gains have been funneled to the top (pick your line in the sand):
    Top 10%
    Top 1%
    Top 0.1%
    top 0.01%
    Top 400 richest dudes and dudettes.

    ... and not the little guy.

    the least they can do, since America is such a great and awesome place to start businesses and/or be a corporate executive, is those guys can toss a "little back" for social security for everyone else. Sheesh. Or maybe start taxing "wealth" instead of "income." Though I don't really know if that would work. but yeah, life the cap on wages for SS tax.
  • Meursault
    8 years ago
    I can't believe I go to a website that has serious Warren supporters. Trump being a douche, dosn't make Warren less of one (despite her proud native american heritage). No need to even address the idiotic tax and wealth arguments above. By the way, Warren and Clinton are the biggest bullies on the block if that really is something that matters to you.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    I can't take pressure of living in a swing state! My vote might actually mean something.

    I can't believe these are our choices. I'm a conservative-leaning independent. No one represents me. However, the lies and hypocrisy of the liberals and democrat party hacks, the ignorance of any socialist, the hate of the BLM LGBQT community far outshadows any comparables from Republicans and Conservatives. That's why I have to vote Republican. They are the lesser of two evils. (I know all about the idiot libertarians, and thankfully they get less than 1% of the vote)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Liz Warren's a very smart woman, very capable.

  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Gammanu, be careful what you post and remember only white people are racist in a politically democratic socialist America.

    Warren is a carpet muncher. Too bad she doesn't focus on what she and is TUSCLers have in common in order to garner more support, besides her false narratives of the evil rich white guys on Wall Street and her claiming to be Native American. Lol!
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    SJG, you say she is smart? How doesn one defend a supposedly smart human being who states that she IS Native American, yet she is not registered as a Cherokee tribe and at the best may have 1/32nd of Native American blood in her? My guess is you meant to say she is very capable as a politician due to the fact she can lie really well, agree? Or is there some other points supporting to her being qualified?

    It's kind of like how I can say I'm a very capable chef of fine cuisine, because I like eating so much. That is literally the same logic as supporting Warren. If the food tastes good then I'm a really awesome chef! God I love cooking.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    ^^^ sort of moot point since she's not going to be the VP pick, anyway. Despite the fact that she probably used the NA link to get into law school, she's one of the few who actually gives a shit about what caused the Great Recession. If @Dougster's right, the banking system is going to change radically, anyway. So who cares?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "not registered as a Cherokee tribe and at the best may have 1/32nd of Native American blood in her"

    I know lots of people just like you say. Being Native American is part of her identity, but only a small part. It only even got discussed because others were trying to cause a problem for her. Total non-issue.

    She is very concerned about our economy and the affairs of working people. I first knew of her when I read:

    This is a very important book because it refutes some widely held myths.

    Elizabeth Warren & Max Cleland: The Former & The Future Senator


  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    She won't be a politician if she didn't lie herself from time to time and then blast others for doing the same, right?
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    She is a worthless cunt like Hillary
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Liz Warren is a liar, a fraud and a total cunt. She has done nothing for Massachusetts, but plenty to raise her national profile. Worse Senator than the traitor John Kerry.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    She is mostly concerned with the fate of working people, and with unfairnesses in things like the bankruptcy laws. She is also concerned about women's privacy and freedom in reproductive health matters. In her first book she showed how the real estate market has gotten completely crazy, because of dual income. Feminists fought for dual income, but that was not what they were intending.

  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    No doubt we have major issues that need fixing/correcting but IMO ultra-leftists like Warren are a classic case of the "cure" being worse than the disease
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Warren is a conservative 9 to 5 Democrat. She wants people to be able to work their way up the socio-economic ladder. Unless people can do this, then radicals will blow up the ladder.

    Warren wants to save Capitalism from itself.

    She is nothing whatsoever of a Leftist.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    SJG: "Warren wants to save Capitalism from itself."

    Now you're starting to get it. So she can hang onto that $14 million net worth. She may talk, even provide some safety switches but would not be dumb enough to kill the goose that lays the golden egg.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ very rare that Dougster and I actually agree.

    But it is also clear that many people on TUSCL are listening to Right Wing media and getting fed lots of nonsense.


    N A S A and the Occult Project 'Babalon Working'Parsons Crowley Hubbard1
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    San Jose Guy, I'm probably being really stupid by trying to engage with you on this topic of Liz Warren, but do you realize for decades she purported special treatment based on the perception that she was Native American? She got into and through law school based on her application of being Native American and had much of it paid for because of that perception. She has no more Native American ancestory in her than the majority of US citizens, yet continued for her whole life using her "minority" status as an advantage to her. She has lied to everybody on her way to the US Senate.

    She is divorced, which would show the commonality that SJG and her have in common, but for most of her political life she had voted Republican, self admittedly until 1995, which coincidentally was the start of her political career. She has been a teacher for most of her life, and educated people know that academic professionals have no real world experience, only ideaology. I'm happy I don't have to lie for a living like these hardened politicians like Warren who've made a career of it. Is she any worse than the Republican opponents? That's debate able, but one thing for sure you can't argue with is that she is no better than any Republican opponents in the presidential race.

    I find your opinions non-mainstream SJG, almost counter cultural. Maybe you can't have mainstream people join your revolution? What type of person are u looking for to join? Can successful business owners and entertainers join your organization if they have a middle of the road approach to politics?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "she purported special treatment based on the perception that she was Native American"

    No, I've never heard that, and I am skeptical of it. I would like to some documentation on this. If it is true, oh well, then she is just using the laws as they are. She has done well getting an education, and she was coming from hard economic times.

    "She is divorced, which would show the commonality that SJG and her have in common"

    Not following your meaning here.

    "for most of her political life she had voted Republican"

    Well yes, that goes along with my point that she is not a liberal, she is very conservative. So it is only after some re-evaluation that she has even wanted to present herself as any kind of a Democrat.

    Being a teacher is real world experience. I think Jim that you are getting your discussion points from Right Wing media.

    Lie for a living? She presents her views, quite conservative, but also looking out for people at the bottom and for women's privacy. No lie in this.

    Yes, she is almost a Republican, that has been my point each time we have discussed her. So there is no reason to be attacking her from the Right.

    Non-mainstream, almost counter culture? Well imagine that.

    What type of person am I looking for? I've told you that I am building an organization, and the reason I mentioned it was to clarify my position that strip clubs and P4P are not really solutions to anything, and so I explained that I am building something which works quite different.

    But my organization does not advertise or ever do open recruiting. It is always by f2f personal invitation only.

    As far as what I think about successful business owners and entertainers, it depends on the specifics of their views and of what they are doing. We certainly plan on being successful.

    About middle of the road politics, well there certainly is no need to have a revolution for that. My organization has the specific agenda of supporting radical politics, completely outside the realm of anyone who would be on any ballot.

  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Jim, aren't you sorry you asked?
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Actually Meat72, I'm glad I asked SJG. There were some points that he made I wasn't aware about before.

    I still wish someone would make me some soup!
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    Just for laughs: A 'Faux Soviet style Agit-Prop' Poster of Liz Warren with Cleavage and thigh sticking out of a slit skirt.

    Guaranteed to get guffaws from her detractors and smirks from her admirers as well:


    (yes Capitalismos some wag is offering it as a shirt you can order from the net- at least this is a little more friendly to the eye than the classic Che Guevera in a beret )
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