My Discovery That Broke the Internet : Sammy Braddy

avatar for rh48hr
I was going through the links Mr Deuce had for Sarah Randall (I thought she was decent but wasn't a favorite) and on her Boobapidia page there were links to similar dancers.

I clicked on the one for Sammy Braddy and I fell in lust. Her body, her tits and her face were all outstanding in my book.

Unfortunately, she is only a glamour model. She'll show her tits (which are real and spectacular), but she doesn't do porn (probably a good thing for my dick because my dick would get raw from me jerking off on a regular basis to her ).

But I digress ...

Anyway, I thought I would share some links. I know she will not be everyone's cup of tea, but she floats my boat and if she gave HM dances in the club would get the lion share of my money. I generally prefer longer hair, but in the pictures where she has short hair, she might even be hotter in my book. Enjoy gentleman!

Tumblr account dedicated to her

Porn hub videos (no sex)…

Boobapidia page…


last comment
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
There's something off about her face. Either she's got a lazy eye or she used to be a man.
avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
Gotta love those English girls with big tits.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
Good find, rh48hr. Me likee!

She's 30F-25-35 -- and not the least bit "mannish". Lazy eye perhaps.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
She is hawt
avatar for ButterMan
9 years ago
oh hell yea!
avatar for azdd
9 years ago
She did one of those short promotional videos and photo shoot with Alice Goodwin a few years ago. Double the fun, but I would choose Alice over Sammy any day.
avatar for Meursault
9 years ago
Playboy has a seemingly endless supply of plastic looking, big titted, vacant eyed bimbos. At least they used to be tattoo free, but I see even that is no longer the case.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Azdd- here's a link to the video you referenced so people know what your talking about.…

Alice is impressive as well. I'd like to be the meat between those two pieces of bread.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
Good video but didn't sense much sexual attraction between them
avatar for ATACdawg
9 years ago
What I want to know I'd. What kind of arm span do those girls have that they can reach around and undo each other's bras? Wow.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
avatar for bvino
9 years ago
Good to see a woman struggle to take another woman's bra off. Makes me feel better.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Bvino - great point! Lol
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