

New York
Friday, June 3, 2016 3:32 PM
Slow weekday night at my urban SC. A group of AA PLs is parked near but not at front row. First time I notice the group, during a table dance, the chair (all chairs are on castors) slides backwards, PL and his AA stripper drop on the ground, HARD. Chair knocks over a cocktail table, crap on it falls on the floor. Stripper keeps grinding customer on the carpeted floor not giving a fuck the chair is now missing. When the PL realized he is on the floor, he didnt get upset or panic, his facial expression was pure happiness that he was on the floor with a stripper grinding him cowgirl OTC sex style (him lying flat on the floor). After 10 seconds of watching the floor grinding I turn back to my 2 day old college stripper and continue talking with her. We both giggle at what just happened. IDK if any staff member told those 2 that they can't do that or not. An hour later I look again at this group, and now the AA stripper is on stage, bent over, ass to the group of PLs, and has a disposable.plastic cup between her ass cheeks. How it is being held up, I still wonder the next day. glued or tapped to her VJ or asshole? or a buttplug in ass or VJ that I dont see. She could move around or walk around with the cup gracefully and it didn't fall. I looked at all the crumpled dollar balls on the stage, probably $50-$100 there. Since I had my college stripper, I couldn't watch the b ball game for long, so IDK if the PLs ever scored a dollar ball in the "hoop" or what the reward if any was for a score, but the look on the PLs faces and smiles and laughing as each of them was trying their b ball skills on the stripper were priceless. College stripper said to me "I've gotta try that [the cup trick] at home" about cooterball. Compared to the "make it rain while not looking at the stripper while wearing shutter shades" crap you find at my urban SC, cooterball was genuine customer fun.

1 comment

  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    That could be a new way for LeBron to practice his long ange jumper before game 2
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