
OT: NBA player Bryce Dejean-Jones fatally shot

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Dejean-Jones kicked in the door of an apartment he thought belonged to his estranged girlfriend and was shot by the resident. Commentators are bloviating about the tragic loss of a young man's life, but I think he got what he deserved. If somebody kicked in my door in the middle of the night, I would shoot him. Dejean-Jones's agent says he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but does not seem to care about the ex-girlfriend who would have been beaten or killed if he had entered the right apartment.



  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    I agree with you Jack.

    He wasn't breaking down the door to play Trivial Pursuit with her.

    Also of note. He played for 3 colleges. That's suspicious. You don't transfer twice without a reason. Right there is a red flag.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    Sad to hear of his sudden death. The story has many gaps - but hopefully they will be filled in once there is time to assemble the story.

    You don't break down a door - and then a second door - wtf! I hope they don't try to bring any charges against the shooter - as it seems that he shot an unidentified intruder.
  • CaraLynn87
    8 years ago
    if he is to be portrayed as a victim, then he is a victim of liberalism! liberal run cities are chock full with those of his ilk.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Oh well, hate to say it but he got what he deserved.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Castle doctrine. If someone breaks down my door, I am shooting. And I wouldn't wait for them to make it past the foyer area because I don't want blood on my carpet either.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Sad story
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Well even if he had the right door I'd wonder why the hell my ex is kicking in my fucking door.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    I'm not sure what's particularly sad about it. He had a history of violence. His ex-girlfriend was not harmed and his child still has her mother. If he had acted in the manner expected in a civil society, he'd still be alive.
  • DoctorPhil.
    8 years ago
    i tried to get him to mellow out the last time the nba asked me to give a seminar on living the good life. you need to learn to appreciate the little things like watching a space lesbian munch carpet while shotgunning a pabs blue ribbon beer and jocking off
  • CaraLynn87
    8 years ago
    doctorphil = asswipe!
  • DoctorPhil.
    8 years ago
    i need to include @CaraLynn87 in my troll detection algorithm. i suspect she is that @mikey troll. my algorithm suggests that @mikey may actually have a feminine personality. he could think that he is actually a female named @CaraLynn87. dont worry @mikey i will help you. your welcome
  • CaraLynn87
    8 years ago
    doctorphil = major asswipe!
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    It's sad because someone died. In the article it says it's his girlfriend, not exgirlfriend. Maybe he was thinking another man was in the house (not knowing it's the wrong apartment) when his girl didn't open the door, and he just lost his mind. He wasn't armed. I'm not blaming the resident for shooting, I probably would have too. It's just sucks that someone had to die off basically a mistake. Again though I don't know what his intent was when he broke open the door.
  • DoctorPhil.
    8 years ago
    just keep insulting me @CaraLynn87. your only providing data that will allow me to confirm that your @mikey
  • CaraLynn87
    8 years ago
    larryfisherman, sad story no doubt, but he lived and died bu his mistakes. doesn't mean one should make light of the event.
  • CaraLynn87
    8 years ago
    doctorphil = 4 star general asswipe!
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I don't think anyone is excusing his actions - I think most people that are saddened are saddened by the fact a very young man died over something that should have been avoidable.

    But we live in a violent society where often times thugs feel like they can do as they please and non-thug people feel they have to take w/e means necessary to protect themselves.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    He also picked the wrong state to make his mistake - in TX people love their guns more than their pickup trucks.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Many of my liberal, read "progressive", friends are all happy when they hear me agreeing with them with regard to abortion rights, gay marriage, etc, get their panties in a wad when I also advocate the 2d Amendment and gun rights, and say this guy got no more than he deserved.

    They call me inconsistent, but that's only because they don't know what the word means.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    If he was looking to kick anyone's door in he was a menace to society and the resident did society a great service by ridding it of this thug.
    GMD the ultra-libs never see the inconsistency of their views. If they truly believed what they spout they would be libertarian.-- No special privileges, everyone equal under the law
    Libs are changing our society so honest work and ideas are prohibited making theft and cronyism the norm. A prime example is face-butt the "founder" was contracted and paid to develop the the program that was someone else's idea. He stole the idea then secretly developed it, sold it as his own and by the time the actual owners were able to file a theft of intellectual property lawsuit he had so much money and government influence they did not stand a chance.
    We are headed for a "Who is John Galt" moment where the makers walk away(the people who actually work and pay for all the deadbeats leaching off them). What happens when the most productive segment of society (50-70yo) simply go home and stop paying taxes on their 6+ figure incomes and live off their retirement savings with little or no income to tax. The libs are about to reap what they have sown (huge segments of society that are not productive and the younger members of society trained towards mediocrity).

    It is a shame that this boy in a man's body was never taught how to behave like a human just because he could play a child's game well. This NBA player thought he had the power to be above the law just because he made a ton of money for playing a game just because he was tall. He found out he was wrong and we are all better off without him. The good that can come out of this may be someone will think twice about kicking in the next door.
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    Piece of shit thug received his just reward.
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