
Appeals Court Rules Brady Must Serve Suspension

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life



  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Will a lawyer explain to me why this is going in front of a US Appeals Court?
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    If it goes to the SCOTUS, and it's a 4-4 vote, does that mean Brady is is suspended for half of each of the 4 games?
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Thanks again Obama! Rickyboy will be crying in his sleep as he looks forward to this fall's opener. Oh well, all things that go bad can be blamed on Obama.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Justice!..... If I lied like Brady when I was a kid, I would have been grounded for a month
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I haven't read the decision but why wouldn't it go to an appeals court? There is an automatic right of appeal from most federal court district court final decisions.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    I'm by no means a fan of Roger Goodell and "The Shield" but I'm glad the NFL won. (and it has nothing to do with my like or dislike of Tom Brady)

    The NFL has the right to suspend players and Goodell gets to decide the appeal. This was collectively bargained by the players union. Goodell did not want every player who gets suspended to file a court case.

    You don't want the criminals running penitentiary, so to speak.
  • JohnBuford
    8 years ago
    For the record, the vote was 2-1. If you include the first Judge who ruled, it's 2-2. That's hardly a "slam dunk." But...hey, the NFL (for now) has won.Noted. The mouth-breathing Pats haters are happy. Good for them. Just don't whine when the NFL/Goodell (a $40 million) screws your team.
  • JohnBuford
    8 years ago
    Grrr...meant to post " $40 million empty suit "
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    2-1 is irrelevant, both as a practical matter and as a legal precedent. It's no different than if the vote had been 3-0. And the lower court "vote" gets no credit in the equation.

    The appeals court decision was no surprise as a legal matter. Indeed, the surprise was that Brady managed to win initially in the lower court.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    That just goes to show where the legal system is going. Brady should be bound by the terms of his contract but because of his celebrity he thinks he is above such things. I am tired of celebrities and politicians thinking that they are above the law and a contract is law! You can bet your ass if it wasn't Brady the lawsuit would have been thrown out immediately!

    The NFL is killing the goose that laid the golden egg by not following their own rules and contacts they are alienating their fans.

    I answered a phone survey in February about the Stupor Bowl and was asked: how many persons did I know that went to or hosted game parties, I replied very few and many of the few many watched just enough to see the half time show.(what ever it was). Next, "Why ?" I replied, because the winner seem to be predetermined before the season started and the game is played late on a Sunday night. Last question was "Am I a fan and of what team" I replied I stopped following any team after "deflategate", the latest in the dozen+ cheating scandals involving the Pats plus the dozens of other scandals to which league management has only done lip service, and I am not planning on following the NFL in the future.

    Keep in mind I do not live in a major metropolitan area and have always had an attitude when a pro team threatens to leave unless the taxpayers pony up millions for facilities, I say good riddance.
    By definition a professional team is a business and should build its own facilities to conduct it's business (play the games). If said business cannot afford to build and operate the facilities it requires then it should not be in business.

    I am weary of crooked owners, administrators, players and officials making millions upon millions per month all a taxpayers expense.
    The "rent" these assholes pay on the stadiums is so small it does not even pay the interest on the loans/bonds. Do not believe the myth about secondary money made from the games from restaurants and bars. That is a lode of manure. The pittance made that way pales in comparison the the tax burden these white elephants put on the residents.

    Witness the St Louis moving before their lease it up on the stadium that was built to their exact specification and now they are going to break that lease because they want a new stadium or move. My answer is go ahead and move but you still owe the balance of the lease and would file a lean on all RAMS chattels.
    At least the COLTS had the decency to move at the end of their lease and had no legal/contractual obligation to Baltimore.

    By not following their own rules and honoring contracts the NFL looks more and more like a criminal enterprise operated and staffed by criminals supported by corrupt politicians.

    The NFL is something I now only watch when there is an ugly girl on stage!
  • ididthisonce
    8 years ago
    Throw his ass in jail and let me get a lap dance from his wife.
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