
Some old guys on here are cranky old geezers, but Jackslash is the man! Funny guy, and yet gives great insight, and is usually on the mark.
I hope to be cool like Jackslash when I'm older. When I get back to Detroit I hope to club it up with you buddy!
Do you all agree with me that Jackslash is the fucking man?
last commentYep, we've had conversations, he is an adept TUSCL'er.
He's great. When I grow up I want to be just like him. He is the man
when I grow up I wanna be like Juice.
Jackslash is cool but when I grow up I want to be like John.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm checking in with TUSCL before heading out to a stripper's apartment. Broads and booze forever!
" Broads and booze forever!"
That's what I like to hear. You should bring her a nice gift, like a paper towel holder, or some new spatulas!!!!
'san_jose_gay' is an impersonation troll, and their identity at this point is obvious.
He's a great guy - hard to believe he was actually gay until just a few years ago - go jacko!
Jumpin JackSlash he's a gas gas gas!
He seems like a cool dude.
Definitely a cool dude! A great discussion - and a great post by Mr Slash too!
Can I join the Jackslash Appreciation Society as well please?
Sure, londonguy, let me hand you a Guinness Stout. CHEERS, jackslash !!