Time frame?
How long do you guys wait after first meeting a dancer and getting some dances from her then getting her number before you bring up OTC? I always think if she isn't into doing OTC then she is going to get upset and maybe go tell the bouncer. Some have said on here they ask about OTC fairly quickly like 2nd time getting dances and others have said she won't do it until she feels comfortable with you and you with her. I went to a club that I hadn't been to before and got a 9's number after getting dances with her for the 1st time. This was my 2nd visit but she remembered my name from my 1st visit even though we didn't get to do dances together on my 1st visit because she was leaving.
Nothing to be nervous about. The worst that can happen is she says no. And even if she says no the first time, she might change her mind the next time you ask. That's what happened with my unsuccessful DS IV candidate.
And you won't get kicked out. If guys got kicked out of a club cause they asked for sex, the clubs would be empty.
As others mentioned; w/ a pro or experienced dancer; one can ask after getting some dances w/ her – but it’s often not easy to tell how a dancer will take the question and if she’s a pro unless she herself takes the initiative (which some do).
Thus a “rule of thumb” would be a couple of visits – probably at least two so she gets to know you a bit and she knows you’re into-her and willing to spend on her.
But don’t think just asking is the key – OTC often has a high-failure rate and some areas/clubs are worse than others – more often than not experienced dancers and dayshift girls may be a bit more up to it but it’s no guarantee.
And you seem a bit too tentative and scared and that’s not the way to go about it b/c you’ll be easy-prey for an experienced dancer to rip-you-off.
It’s like most things – the more you do it the better one gets at it and becomes more second nature.
I start asking about OTC the 2nd or 3rd time I see her.
I tend to do 3-4 hour trips, all with the same girl, so by the time I've seen her twice, that means I've probably spent 7+ hours with her.