Let's say you have a chance to have sex with your dream girl (Kate Upton, Jennifer Lopez, Mila Kunis, whoever the hell it might be). The catch, however, is that another dude is going to be doing her at the same time. Let's say you're having sex with her but the other guy is getting blown.
1) Would you want any part in this? 2) Would you be able to "perform" given that another dude is right there?
Good question. In general, I have no interest in a threesome unless it's two women and me. The idea of crossing swords creeps me the hell out.
However, in the scenario you described, if it was my dream girl (currently Ruth Kearney or Katrina Bowden), I would be interested, as long as the other guy never touched me in any way.
It might be tough to perform at first, but once I started touching and licking her, I'd probably be able to focus on her alone and I think I could perform.
I agree with JamesSD on thus one. But I've done my share of "trains" in college, never had performance issues. I just would rather it not be a fat fucking slob.
I did it twice in college to score the hot girl and once to placate my wife within the context of swinging and because the other woman was super hot. I have no issue getting hard and performing and getting performance anxiety and/or upset over crossing swords seems to be an indicia that one is a bit afraid they might like it. Having said that I didn;t enjoy any of the three times; three strikes and you're out so I won't ever again and it has been placed on our no thanks list for swinging. Told my wife if she wants two men at the same time to find two men.
last comment2) I have no idea if I could perform or not. However, the idea of having another dick in the room, in my dream girl, is a huge turn off.
However, in the scenario you described, if it was my dream girl (currently Ruth Kearney or Katrina Bowden), I would be interested, as long as the other guy never touched me in any way.
It might be tough to perform at first, but once I started touching and licking her, I'd probably be able to focus on her alone and I think I could perform.
Apparently though performance issues are common.
2) I've double teamed enough civi girls to know that I won't have trouble getting hard and getting in with a dream girl type.
That being said - I'm not sure who I would consider a dream girl - but I'm sure there are a few I'd consider lol!
I don't think having another dick there would bother me.