
What would happen to strip clubs if the central bank tries to restrict cash?

Instead of derailing another thread I decided to repost a comment here.


copy and paste seems I have a problem.
will repost below.


  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Here is a copy.

    Minutes Ago • zero hedge article on the economy and cycles

    in the top left of the link is another link to the coming war on cash that central banks around the world are concerned about. To sum up, with central banks resorting to negative rates as a last gap effort to avoid a declining economy, it becomes cheaper to hold cash than to keep it in a bank. Central banks can't have that so charging people to hold cash or eliminating cash is what they have already been discussing. People taking all their money out of a bank could collapse the entire financial system because there isn't enough cash to convert everyone's money to cash.

    I probably should have majored in finance. It is what I seem to be more interested in.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    and here is a link to the war on cash from zero hedge

    So how do you think a stripper would act if I dropped a silver dime on stage instead of a two dollar bill? She'd be like what the fuck?
    Do you think strip clubs will go with their own paper money convertible back and forth to digital money, minus a fee if central banks eliminate cash? I think customers and dancers still will like using cash to make it rain and slip into a dancers thong, garter or whatever. Making it rain with silver coins might be like a 2amer, :)
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I'm hoping a republican gets elected who boosts economic growth here in the US enough to avoid all talk about eliminating cash. Elect Sanders if you want massive taxes on everyone and no extra money to worry about spending on movies, eating out, or strippers. I think he said he wanted to raise Medicare taxes by 7 percent on everyone for starters. Every working guy would have 7% less money to spend on everything else. Strippers may be at the bottom of the barrel when guys think about what they need to spend money on when they look for ways to cut spending by 7%.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Strippers need money??? WTF for??? Drugs for their loser boyfriends. Let em go cold turkey.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago

    Sanders plans would increase taxes by 8.8% for those making less than 250k a year assuming congress actually passed all his proposals. Taxes would be higher when you add up other taxes he proposes or your income is higher. Leave it to strippers to think Sanders is a good choice. Yeah, I can understand a candidate promising free this and free that, sounds like Obama and Hillary but when your customers are all out of money , they aren't going to be buying too many dances.
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