Need some advice

I visit the same club fairly regularly so I know a few dances at this particular club. I have the phone number of one dance and we have discussed OTC just haven't set it up yet. Here is my problem. On a recent visit to the club I had already done dances with 2 other dancers when this girl came and sat with me. We talked and after a few minutes went into the back for some dances. This particular night I wanted to dance with a number of different girls so I was making sure to limit each to 3 songs, for which I paid $100 and that included a tip.
At the end of the 3rd song I said I was done. As I got up to pay and handed her the 100 dollar bill she said "sorry that was 4 songs". As she said it I remember a few months ago the exact same thing happening. I paid the additional amount but no tip.
The question is should I be done with her and just tell her next time I am at the club, do I text her and tell her I am done with her or just let it go and set up the OTC. What do you all think?
At the end of the 3rd song I said I was done. As I got up to pay and handed her the 100 dollar bill she said "sorry that was 4 songs". As she said it I remember a few months ago the exact same thing happening. I paid the additional amount but no tip.
The question is should I be done with her and just tell her next time I am at the club, do I text her and tell her I am done with her or just let it go and set up the OTC. What do you all think?
Also heed sharkhunter's advice here as well! Very good advice !
As for what to do with her given where you are now, 9 times out of 10 I'd dump a dancer like this. However, I have had a couple of regulars in the past who I stayed with even though they tried over counting songs early in our dealings with one another. These girls turned out in the end to be good providers, and never tried to rip me off again. If either of them had tried o cheat me again it would've been the end, but neither ever did. So I don't think it would be a horrible choice to give her another chance if she's otherwise very desirable. But you have to lay down the ground rules first, one of which is dont be stupid and try to rip me off again.
I think it happens once, I'm willing to chalk it up to a mistake. It happens a second time, and I'm pretty much done. I feel even MORE strongly about that once we've agreed to OTC... she rips me off in the club for a paltry $20 even though we've agreed to OTC? I would definitely count my blessings that I figured this out beforehand and move on. I guarantee there are lots of strippers who are just as attractive and fun as her, who won't be pulling the extra-song thievery.
With expensive dances like this often times a dancer needs to pay the house a cut for each dance meaning there is often a dance-counter; if there is one I'd say “let's go straighten it out with the dance-counter”; I've done this b/f and the dancer's math skills all of sudden improves to the correct # of dances (alhtough in some rare cases the dance counter can be a douche and in cahoots with the dancer(s)).
If you feel she's not treating you well ITC: then one would think her treatment OTC would suck also (in a bad way). IMO don't do OTC for the sake of doing OTC; do it w/ the right girl.
There is one dancer at Harem in Dayton like that. She likes to pull the over counting or saying we agreed to $30 when I only agreed to $25. So far every time it's been after I have gotten enough songs that the extra song is often less than what I tip her, so on those days she over counts I correct her on the count then don't tip her, so she makes less than she would have if she hadn't tried to over count. It never fails the next time I see her memory and count is perfect.
She has brought up OTC but I would never agree to see her outside the club, she a bit too unstable. However unfortunately some of the best dancers lap dance wise are also the most unstable. It's quite obvious she's a ROB, but in her favor she gives an extremely good lap dance, so good that she has gotten kicked out a few times for going too far. As long as she keeps giving a good lap dance, and none of my other favorites are there that give as good or better dance than her, I'll still get dances from her. However, if she starts pulling the over count too many times, she's gone.
I've had as many undercounted situations as over counted encounters. If the entertainment sucks - cut her loose. If the entertainment is good - set the limits ahead of time. Rinse, Wash, Repeat!