I was just tooling around the TUSCL site and came across the following site under the LINKS section:
http://stripper-faq.org/If your an aspiring dancer, this site is a must read. As a customer, this site addresses some of the things which frustrate me, as well as many others. If your a dancer, I'm sure following some of these tips will be a win-win - the customers will have a better experience and the dancers will make more money!
Here is an excerpt from the MAKING MONEY section of the site. For a dancer, it's advice on how to maximize your income potential, and it addresses a topic which is a common area of complaint for myself and many other customers. For the full text, please feel free to go to the site. Again, you'll find it under the LINKS section of TUSCL.
"...Learning how to properly break the ice and get invited to sit with a customer takes time. Most girls tend to just walk around to every guy in the room and ask "Wanna dance?" and then when he says no walk off. This is the exact wrong approach. Every guy in that room has enough money for at least one dance- you just have to find the right words to get them to buy one. "Wanna dance?" can work in a very crowded room or if a guy is already interested but it will do absolutely nothing to convince a guy who was uninterested to change his mind. It's too easy to say no to. ... When you approach your prospective customer try and say anything but "Wanna dance?": would you like some company?, would you like if I joined you? If the room is slow and he seems reluctant put a very slight push on. If he says he's not interested ask if he would mind if you just sat down and rested your feet for a minute- you're "not used to these heels". Few men are going to say no to that, and the "not used to these heels" implies that you're a new dancer and invites conversation. If 10 minutes go by and he still doesn't buy a dance don't ask- just say "I'm sorry, I've got to get back to work- it's been nice talking to you okay?" This implies that you didn't consider sitting with him work, a slight bit of flattery that will probably get you a dance later. Think of this approach as "seeding"in that you may not get the dance then, but chances are you will later. After a half-hour of "wanna dance" from the other girls he's going to wish for your company again and probably be willing to pay for it. Or even the next time he comes in yours will be the familiar face..."