I swear, it never ceases to amaze me how clueless professors are. I will never forget my last semester in college and a professor said "none of you should accept a job starting at under $50K, you can accept lesser but those jobs are really beneath you." Knowing the job market for my major I knew with no experience I would be extremely lucky to find a job making $30K in my field. So I asked "have you ever had a job in the private sector or worked outside an university setting?" Yeah that didn't go over too well.
It is getting to be liberal eating liberal out here. Gotta buy more popcorn, but with the education of these younger kids by idealistic left wing whahoos, kinda expect it.
Didnt she know you wait until you have tenure to be controversial?
But seriously theres a big difference between saying a word in academic discussion and calling someone a racial slur.
I'm a huge fan of free speech and academic freedom. Unfortunately as more universities act like degree stores rather than places of learning, more students will act like dissatisfied customers.
Over the past 10 years I can't believe how liberal everyone has become, and how clueless these professors are. Now don't think I am saying ALL liberals are clueless, not saying that at all. Just saying all university types are clueless to real world issues. If you disagree with me on that point, I am ready for a healthy debate.
People don't work as hard any more, and they have more free time on their hands to think of idealistic fantasy lands. If they were busier they wouldn't be so sensitive to looking for ways of becoming a victim. Conservative values isn't a political term, it's based on a foundation of survival. That's why the GOP has been around the longest and will thrive once the pendulum swings away from the liberals.
Meat, unless the party comes to its senses and nominates Bush, the ass clowns who are leading right now will destroy it, or at least damage it for years to come.
My race of total horror would be Hillary vs The Donald. I'm not sure I could even bring myself to vote.
I say these things as a life long Republican who has reluctantly voted Democrat in the last two elections. My party has been highjacked by the "Christian'" ultraconservatives, whose faith bears no relationship to what Jesus taught. Build a fence around America to keep all "those people" out? I bet the Native Americans wish that they had had such a policy! And let's not forget those waves of Irish and Swedes and Germans and Hispanics and Asians that have been "ruining" this country for years (my tongue is really far in my cheek here!). And the Blacks! How did we ever let them in? Oh, wait, we brought them in against their will, didn't we.
It makes me wish for the days of Ted Kennedy, and that is something I never thought I'd ever say. Sorry about this political rant.....
last commentAnd who waits till 18 to drink anyway
But seriously theres a big difference between saying a word in academic discussion and calling someone a racial slur.
I'm a huge fan of free speech and academic freedom. Unfortunately as more universities act like degree stores rather than places of learning, more students will act like dissatisfied customers.
Over the past 10 years I can't believe how liberal everyone has become, and how clueless these professors are. Now don't think I am saying ALL liberals are clueless, not saying that at all. Just saying all university types are clueless to real world issues. If you disagree with me on that point, I am ready for a healthy debate.
My race of total horror would be Hillary vs The Donald. I'm not sure I could even bring myself to vote.
I say these things as a life long Republican who has reluctantly voted Democrat in the last two elections. My party has been highjacked by the "Christian'" ultraconservatives, whose faith bears no relationship to what Jesus taught. Build a fence around America to keep all "those people" out? I bet the Native Americans wish that they had had such a policy! And let's not forget those waves of Irish and Swedes and Germans and Hispanics and Asians that have been "ruining" this country for years (my tongue is really far in my cheek here!). And the Blacks! How did we ever let them in? Oh, wait, we brought them in against their will, didn't we.
It makes me wish for the days of Ted Kennedy, and that is something I never thought I'd ever say. Sorry about this political rant.....