SCing as a girl
I can make or break your day 😏
No cover charge, ever, which is nice. Last time I was at my choice club, a drunk guy approached me to shake my hand and tell me I was "phenomenal" after he sat watching me watch the dancers for awhile. I must have had a seriously pervy look on my face that night ;)
I really love the dancers who treat me like they treat their male customers. I'm there for the same reason the guys are, after all.
God bless T&A.
I really love the dancers who treat me like they treat their male customers. I'm there for the same reason the guys are, after all.
God bless T&A.
Maybe I should try SCing as a guy?
@Daybreaker- I visited my first stripclub in 2001 and became a hard core monger by 2004. I prefer high mileage nude clubs ;)
@lopaw may need to pm you, to learn a thing or two from a fellow female monger. I'm a monger-in-training.
We find it funny all the women who go with their gay male friends.
You laugh. I was in the club with my ATF one time when three guys and a girl came in. Even in the darkness, I noticed something odd, and remarked on it to her. She told me they were *all* female, and came in about once a month.
@gmd - your story reminded me of one time that I was washing my hands in the ladies room of a local divey club, when I saw what I thought was a guy walk in. I was just about to say something when "she" said "Hi - how YOU doin'?" in her best Joey Tribiani voice. Glad I didn't say anything because there was a 100% chance that she would have kicked my ass.