Any strip clubs in/near Columbus, OH that offer extras?

avatar for pbjfb
I tried going through all of the reviews, and it seems that none in the Columbus area offer extras. Did I miss any? Please list any if you had experience there. It seems like it is a Detroit thing to find extras.


last comment
never found or heard of any.
The closet clubs where that is the norm are in Akron which is about a 90 minute drive, and most of those clubs are dives.
I have a friend that occasionally goes to Diamond Jim's. He says that it is a jack shack.
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
I've read reviews that Dreamer's Lounge is pretty much a jackshack.
avatar for samsung1
9 years ago
Diamond jims is now closed. Some of the staff is now working down the street at break away lounge but it's not a strip club.
Unless you have the infamous Woody Hayes aversion to spending anything in the state to the North, a trip to Metro Detroit might be in order. Beer is cold and the girls put out in the VIP at several of the bars.
avatar for rl27
9 years ago
Was good five years ago, but not sure now. At Columbus you are going to mostly get one way contact, no ITC action, and very few offers of OTC action. The closest clubs with two way contact are in Dayton, which is about a 70 to 80 mile drive depending on where you are staying.

Some extras are available in Dayton, but it's nothing like what you can get in Detroit. OTC is readily available in a few Dayton clubs, but only if you are a regular.
avatar for rl27
9 years ago
The post above should say Akron was good five years ago . . .
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
Yes Akron has definitely gone down hill over the past few years, especially dancer quality. Way too many fatties and unwashed junkies.
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