
Strippers to your door service - Anyone tried?

Avatar for MULANEY

We've all seen the ads saying "college strippers to your hotel room" etc. all of them seemingly from one company or another. Has anyone actually tried these services? Are they as advertised? Are the girls as advertised? Whats the rundown on extras? etc. Would love to know more.


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Avatar for tumblingdice

Yeah,I ordered one.She was your typical Irish slut.

Avatar for MULANEY

Was it your normal stripper experience?

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Why bother? I prefer to order my strippers directly so I know what I'm getting.

I suppose you could say that relying upon a service takes the work out of the process. But I think the search is half the fun.

Case in point I have my own personal college student right now who comes to my door every week for some alone time. I'd be willing to bet that a service is just like porn, they advertise cute young college coeds but when you clink the link what you get are 30 something milfs.

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

I am always reticent about meeting up at my hotel room blind. A good way to wake up robbed or dead.

Avatar for Estafador

I never seen that before. Was this on backpage?

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Yes, someone posted about things like this before. No matter how they advertise it, it is just a call girl service.

As Rick Dugan and JohnSmith69 explain, better just to go to the strip club and find some for yourself. Face to face non-committal first meetings are always best.


Avatar for ButterMan

I've seen this in vegas no where else.

Avatar for PhantomGeek

I've seen this in Minneapolis. For some reason, the clown running the agency advertises on the forums of a massage-parlor site, where he gets all sorts of shit for having the lousiest service in the area with the least attractive women. And, for some reason, he claims that some porn stars had worked for him, which just earns him more jeers.

Avatar for Quemafia

I'll only try it if they offer it on Amazon.

Delivered by drone.

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