strip club disillusionment

avatar for luvemthick93
After blowing thousands of dollars on my recent SC escapades I think I'm getting tired of it. I've visited a few more clubs that I've reviewed on here but it just seems to be getting boring. Maybe the financial side of it is a turn off. Maybe as a salesman I'm just seeing all these beautiful butt naked honeys as saleswomen, and that's ruining the experience for myself. My most recent trip I actually left with money in my pocket. I just got tired of being hustled for drinks and vips and SS with slightly underwhelming women.


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I feel ya...I've been having thoughts about this myself and my strip clubbing visits and spending has decreased thus far throughout the second half of the year. I made the mistake of severely overspending on dances and lackluster VIP trips (although I admit quite a few of them have been "worth it"). Don't even get me started with OTC as I am not much of a fan of it with the exception of one special dancer. Now, I haven't done a VIP in three months now due to too many bad or underwhelming experiences relative to the costs.

Most of us go through a period of burnout once in a while. Fortunately for me, I still go to regular clubs and bars so I have a couple of civilian girls on my radar to offset some of my strip clubbing costs. I'm still young so I am able to pull it off although it does take much more work than the strip club scene. Whenever I need a break from the strip clubs I just hit up regular clubs and bars for a while. No nudity obviously but at least I am still in the presence of some fine looking women.

I think you have to remember that pretty much all strippers are about money first and foremost. Most of them don't care about us like that because we are ATM's in their eyes. I just keep things in perspective and let their words go through one ear and out the other. I don't believe anything they say. A handful genuinely enjoy satisfying their customers and/or regulars but in the end it is still about the money.

avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
It happens to all of us. Take some time off (a couple months) you might find you're itching to get back sooner than you think.
If you're going getting constantly hustled for drinks, then you need to go to better clubs where you can have a better experience. Just keep driving south from the clubs you have reviewed and you'll hit some great places.
Yeah take a break or even space out visits to the strip club. Its a lot more fun.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Shit, thats no fun
I can happily say that after spending 35+ years and several thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars in strip clubs, I remain un-disillusioned with them.

How does one get tired of attractive, naked women, most of whom are willing to be fondled, groped and fucked by a creepy old pervert like me?
We all have different personalities and things that make us tick – for some guys the SC scene just does not satisfy them completely and they prefer to date civvies or be in a relationship.

As w/ anything one does over and over again; it can become sorta stale at times – I strip-club A LOT and at times I go b/c I'm bored and want sorta a quick high - thus I don't enjoy these visits as much b/c it's the same ole same ole and I wasn't in the that big of a mood to begin with.

I def enjoy my visits more when I'm horny – sometimes I'll look at porn for a bit b/f hitting the club and that seems to often fire me up.

Also – not all clubs are the same – I like variety and have a better time when there's lots of dancers in a club and lots that I wanna get dances from.
You have to be proactive about your SC visits – you are the customer and the one w/ the $$$ - it's about *you* - you are there for the dancers to please *you* and for them to show *you* a good time – you are not there to bend-over-backwards adhering to all their requests (and sometimes demands).

We men are wired to try and please women so we can get the cuchie – but SCs are bizarro world (the opposite of the real world) – just b/c you don't bend over backwards to please the dancers IMO does not mean they won't deal w/ you b/c they still wanna get your $$$ – I'd say it may even be counterproductive to be a nice-guy/pushover n clubs and girls may actually treat you better if you are assertive and do things *your* way and not allow chicks to push around – i.e. do things and spend your $$$ on your terms and not the dancers'.
I would bet that most of us get burned out from time to time. The solution is try to mix it up and visit a few different clubs cause, I know that I get tired of the same dancers very easily I'm sure you guys do also. I used to have one girl that I hung out with at each club and I would go to that club based on if that friend, was there and if I was in the mood for that particular girl. Lately I have been clubbing at a different club each time I go out mainly because I have gotten sick and tired of the "same ole" . When it starts to get counterproductive, I just take a few weeks off from clubbing and when I go back to it I usually find some new dancers to be friends with the most of the old ones have disappeared or changed their schedule and I enjoy it all over again.
avatar for mark94
9 years ago
I hit the strip club wall a few years back and stopped going. I've recently started up again. It's just not as exciting and fun as it used to be. Mostly, I think, because I now realize that it's just business for the strippers. I've lost any illusion that I am anything but a money machine for them. Reality sucks.
Ya, everyone burns out a little here and there.. I find there's 3 things to do:
1. Just stop for a while, until I get a super urge to get back (*if* that happens)
2. Find a new ATF. I have sometimes doubled-down when I felt a little burned out ... kept trying until I found a new super-awesome chick, and for me, that one awesome ATF is all I need to recharge
3. Change the way I SC. I sometimes burn out when I haven't OTCed for a while, so I arrange myself an OTC. Sometimes changing from my usual no-extras alcohol club to going to a down-and-dirty extras club re-energizes me
avatar for nickifree
9 years ago
I seem to have finally given up on local strips. The "talent" is physically disgusting and the hood ho's nauseating.
Take a trip to Follies. I have never left Follies tired of strip clubs.
avatar for djsacto
9 years ago
I often feel the same way, usually when I first get to a club. You think too much about the reality of the situation, and you actually feel like a PL. But that's what alcohol is for. After 2-3 beers, I always feel better. Of course, if you've been doing this for a while, and have had great experiences with truly spectacular women in the past, your expectations become too high, and finding arousing hot dancers becomes harder and harder.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
There's an opportunity cost for everything. It involves your time and money. You can always spend the time doing something else you enjoy. If I don't see hot girls or the hot girls are always tied up and it's not fun anymore, I take a break and do other things. I just haven't found any other hobbies I enjoy more on a consistent basis. I find regular bars very boring unless there is something to do that I'm interested in.
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