
What is it like being a sugar daddy

layin low but staying high


  • Meursault
    9 years ago
    This: "Being a sugar daddy is lonely when you realize the attention is fake."

    WTF!? That is grade-a next level PL.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I wish I had enough money to be a SD. For me to get sex now, I usually have to find a girl who actually LIKES me.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    If and that is a BIG "IF" the right girl came along I would probably jump in but I'm not in the $350k/yr bracket. So I would probably have to give up clubbing to afford it. That is a lot to give up. So you know she would have to be something pretty special.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    Sounds like the perfect win-win situation if you can afford it and if you do not have a wife.
    You have arm candy when you need it, no strings and you both get what you want.
    I have seen articles here and there where co-eds do the sugar daddy thing to help them get through school or grad school. Everyone is happy.. she gets her tuition paid plus a little and he gets what she has to offer. The over ridding theme in these articles from these women is that they were not looking for a relationship with a boy and why should they give it to someone when they could date a man who has the means to give them something in return.
    I have always thought that you pay for it one way or the other, marriage you pay for it with her sucking the life out of your soul as well as your earnings being pissed away on her relatives all the way down to buying dinner on a date to get a little. I have never been lucky enough to have a fuck buddy who costs me nothing. Things may have changed since I was young but I doubt things have changed that much.
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