One strip club owner complains to the state about a neighboring club's sign
This is pretty amusing. The owner of one club worries on camera about what his kids might see on a neighboring club's sign.
This is pretty amusing. The owner of one club worries on camera about what his kids might see on a neighboring club's sign.
His second club, Black Cauldron, has been "closed for remodeling" for several months, probably due to difficulties with the liquor commission or the lottery commission. Many Portland clubs derive much of their revenue from lottery machines (electronic slot and poker machines).
@jestrite50 The club that's complaining is famous for their steaks. At one time the owner also owned a cattle ranch that provided the (bovine) meat for his strip club.
In porno movies I usually would fast forward past the girl on girl parts. But live, and often including open tongue kissing, it is a real turn on. All the more so when the girl goes from that on stage, to being on my lap.
Things were better before Deja Vu, and in many ways better before going to booths or back rooms.
Reno also had its video sign controversy, The Wild Orchid was showing similar content to that in Portland, i.e. dancers on stage.