
OTC Pre Sex Dinner

layin low but staying high
Here's scientific proof of at least one of the reasons why an OTC date should include a nice pre sex dinner.



  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    See, I always knew my OTC strategy was scientific. Now I'm just waiting for the study that says that, after the pre-sex dinner, there should be pre-sex strip-clubbing.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    'cause, based on my own scientific observations, pre-sex strip clubbing gets you some crazy OTC sex afterwards. Unless she gets too drunk at the strip club, but I just consider that a confounder.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Subra, I agree that pre-sex strip clubbing can be great if the girl is bisexual. Cause she's getting turned on in the same way that you are. However the insane prices that many clubs charge couples for dances sometimes keeps it from being as fun as it could be.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Yep, strip clubs don't exactly cater to couples or make it easy. But I don't always go for dances during the pre-sex strip clubbing. And when I do, it's often not couples dances. Last time I when OTC strip clubbing, I didn't do any couples dances. I bought myself a dance, and I also bought her a dance (which was fucking hot to watch). And we spent the rest of the time either at the tip rail (she definitely gets away with far more touching than guys do, really fun to watch the interactions), or back at our table just flirting with strippers and doing shots. Anyway, it's a blur of tip rail, shots, at-the-table fraternizing, and sometimes, dances.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Pre-sex dinner is ok, but I hate feeling too full when the real event starts later. I've done the pre-sex strip clubbing a few times with other strippers and that was a lot of fun, but also very expensive. Clubbing in NYC with an uber hot stripper who is trying to keep other strippers happy is not for the faint of heart (or wallet).
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I prefer an afternoon delight followed by an early dinner. Then a nap. :)
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Several years ago I went to my ATF's apartment and cooked dinner. I brought the ingredients and made North Beach Tortellinis. ( Prosciutto, green peas, and fresh tortellina coked in butter, heavy cream and Parmesan cheese). She loved it and was as amorous as I've ever seen afterwards. However, like RickDugan said, I felt like a bloated whale after consuming this "heart attack on a plate" and ended up lying on my back while she did all the "work". Still a great night.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Long ago a civilian GF told me that she is more horny when she is hungry.

    But I have also often been frustrated being with civilian girls for whom everything seems to revolve around food. They make it into a huge big deal and they make it take up as much time as possible to the exclusion of all else.

  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    yeah but in the back of the whore's mind she's thinking "I could have used this time to fuck him, get the money and move on to t he next john"
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I agree and a lot of times have a pretty OTC dinner with my girls. Sometimes it's lunch at a restaurant or dinner. Or sometimes pizza at my place. As far as president OTC clubbing it's cool too but like somebody said clubs try and charge 2 times as much for couples. I do not play that shit. I let it be known that I will go back and do 5 dances with me and my girl and pay you $100 for example. If they don't agree to that then me and my girl will be tipping and doing floor dances all night
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    Especially if CurvyGirly18 is your OTC conquest.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Talking about dinner - presex etc....

    I once saw a provider that wanted to do it this way:
    1. Sex
    2. Dinner
    3. Sex again if you were up to it.

    That way, if you feel like shit after gorging yourself, you already had sex so you're not out of anything. Also if you're still horny, you can go for sex twice!
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    I always have dinner at a nice restaurant before any OTC date. In fact if they won't go with me to dinner it is a deal breaker. I don't want them. I am looking for a GFE not a prostitute !
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^ !!!!!

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I once saw a provider that wanted to do it this way:
    1. Sex
    2. Dinner
    3. Sex again if you were up to it.

    Of course this makes sense. Right away I recognized that TJ's Hong Kong Bar and Cascadas Hotel were set up for this, to let you entertain your girl during the in between times.


    Besides the Jacuzzi's, they have an inside restaurant and room service. The girls have got to eat somewhere sometime, and they've got to sleep somewhere sometime. Guys come in to the airport, very close by, and they might not even be interested in adapting to local time.

    And then from all being written about the place, their girls do a very good job of making you understand that you want to be spending that sort of time with them.

    Heavenly Paradise here on Earth!


    Pretty Viejas

    Dr. F.'s Definitive TJ HK Bar

    HK Bar as strip club?

    How to get HK Bar quality here in the US?

    HK Bar lap sitting
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