Which club has the best website?

Which club has the best website? And does it accurately portrait the dancers there? What makes it good? I think my vote goes to MSC in S.F. I really like the fact that they include floor diagrams. It makes it much easier to visualize when reading reviews.
last commentwww.clubexpose.net in San Diego is a very nice site. They recently updated it to include a list of the girls currently dancing and have lots of photos (tho' without names). Pretty nice club too.
tangoindia.net is pretty good.
I think the best clubs have galleries of current dancers.
Ten's in Salisbury Mass has some great galleries.
I'd go with Shark's on Daytona Beach because the web master turned this little rat hole of a club into a veritable pussy palace when all it is a little dive in the back of a liquor store.
Most websites are "under construction" or not working. You can tell that a club is being run on the cheap, when it doesn't have a website to attract new customers.