True events opinion making guys jealous or what
New York
This happened to Me in 2003 but if it were to happen again whats your opinions.
I go to a strip club in the boondocks of PA accomapnied by a friend who looks like a nerd. Dont rememberif this club had an entrance fee but lets say yes for argument sake I go at 1am The bouncer refuses to let Me in because he says my passport id is invalid. after pleading with Him and getting management involved and My friend pleading He finally lets Me in but asks for someone to watxch over Me(LIke I need babysitting). after I get a seat in the back corner with My nerdy friend and order a round of beers I notice after examing dancers on stage far away and then the crowd as I like to check out the scenery of the club and who visits the club at some point 75% of the male patrons(of average appearance or ugly) start simultaneously look at Me or off and on and giving Me dirty looks or mean stares.(Had this happen before But I laugh smile at it) it appears half the strippers in the club which could have been 10-12 and mostly blonde haired caucasian women staring at Me simultaneously at Me if I were either a Hottie someone they have sex with or a breath of fresh air but no stripper approaches). I returned to the club again but notice a few gangbangers or guys out of jail at the club having fun with some strippers and guys staring at Me off and on like before. The third time I went to the club when there were around 12 strippers same thing like first time happened. i notice some of the girls look pist as they approach guys and guys ignore them dont tip them etc... I sumise it has something to do with Me i guess. I go another time sit in same seat time last time though being escorted by a bouncer to My seat and stays behind Me for a bit. The girl I intently focused My eyes on the week before is not there so I go leave because there were more guys then girls and it was near closing time when I went. Had I gone earlier or another week and same thing happened like the third time where strippers were being ignored and not tipped(dont remember if drinks were also being refused) and management saw this hapen and also strippers looking at Me and male patrons the same should I be esorted out of the club or banned the next time. Lucky it wasnt to be as I only went four times to that club. should a stripper/barmaid blame Me or who in that case
I go to a strip club in the boondocks of PA accomapnied by a friend who looks like a nerd. Dont rememberif this club had an entrance fee but lets say yes for argument sake I go at 1am The bouncer refuses to let Me in because he says my passport id is invalid. after pleading with Him and getting management involved and My friend pleading He finally lets Me in but asks for someone to watxch over Me(LIke I need babysitting). after I get a seat in the back corner with My nerdy friend and order a round of beers I notice after examing dancers on stage far away and then the crowd as I like to check out the scenery of the club and who visits the club at some point 75% of the male patrons(of average appearance or ugly) start simultaneously look at Me or off and on and giving Me dirty looks or mean stares.(Had this happen before But I laugh smile at it) it appears half the strippers in the club which could have been 10-12 and mostly blonde haired caucasian women staring at Me simultaneously at Me if I were either a Hottie someone they have sex with or a breath of fresh air but no stripper approaches). I returned to the club again but notice a few gangbangers or guys out of jail at the club having fun with some strippers and guys staring at Me off and on like before. The third time I went to the club when there were around 12 strippers same thing like first time happened. i notice some of the girls look pist as they approach guys and guys ignore them dont tip them etc... I sumise it has something to do with Me i guess. I go another time sit in same seat time last time though being escorted by a bouncer to My seat and stays behind Me for a bit. The girl I intently focused My eyes on the week before is not there so I go leave because there were more guys then girls and it was near closing time when I went. Had I gone earlier or another week and same thing happened like the third time where strippers were being ignored and not tipped(dont remember if drinks were also being refused) and management saw this hapen and also strippers looking at Me and male patrons the same should I be esorted out of the club or banned the next time. Lucky it wasnt to be as I only went four times to that club. should a stripper/barmaid blame Me or who in that case
If this happens to you too often then I would recommend becoming a homosexual. You will never find any woman that can handle a hunk like you, although you'll find plenty of dicks that would like to meet your asshole.