Closest you've come to being 2AMed

Have you had any experience where you thought you might make the headlines for a strip club incident at 2am (or maybe earlier?) Or maybe you've been at a club when such an event occured?
I haven't had anything too big happen. I've seen my favorites with other dudes when I arrive in the club. Typically, she says hello or gives a hug as she walks past. I see that she is sitting with another guy, and I pass the time by getting settled in and watching the stage show until she comes over to me. Maybe there's a bit of a wait, but I've never had a problem. Similarly, I've sometimes noticed a favorite dancer acknowledge another guy, say hello, give a hug, while she's sitting with me. The only exception I can think of is a time when I was at the club on a slowish night. I shared a drink with my favorite girl, we went for a few songs of lapdances, then more drinks and conversation. While we were walking over for a 2nd batch of lapdances, my favorite smiled at a guy as we passed where he was sitting. He angrily shouted "You're still with him? I've been here for an hour!". I thought for a second that he was going to fight me, but his anger seemed directed at my favorite instead of me. She leaned over and said something to him that was too quiet for me to hear, but he seemed to settle down. I left soon after our dances were over.
The other time was right when I walked in the door at a club I was unfamiliar with. As the bouncer was checking my ID and taking the cover, some drunk guy began trying to get in my face and screamed at me about how I "just didn't look right" and that he was going to "teach me a lesson." But the bouncer just booted him out.
last commentI always went to my favorite club when I knew my ATF or another fav was working. I'd generally have their full attention when there and if I wasn't paying her I'd encourage her to make money if she saw customers she knew were good for cash.
One night four guys came in the club and while she didn't know them, she quickly picked up on the fact that they were spending heavily. She went over to them and joined several other dancers crowding around them. She came back to sit with me and after awhile one of her friends came over and whispered in the ear of my ATF. She then told me that the four men were going to rent 2 champagne rooms and bring 6 dancers upstairs for 2 hours and promised them $1000 each. I said go for it. Over the next 2 hours I saw the waitress keep bringing bottles of expensive champagne up to them and occasional flitting back and forth from room to room by naked strippers. After 2 hours the 6 girls all went to the dressing room and about 15 minutes my ATF came out and sat with me. She hugged me but turned her face away and said she needed to gargle before kissing me. She told me she'd been paid $1200 and they'd been snorting primo coke and she'd blown 2 guys ( but no CIM) she swore. As best we could figure they'd just dropped about $10,000, made the night for 6 dancers, and had a hell of a party. She got old me that the guy with the money was the co-owner of a national home maintenance company and had a wad of Benjamin's that'd choke a horse. She also said one of the other guys had a "beautiful dick" long, straight with few veins and one of the other dancers was snorting lines of coke off the guy's dick. Such talent!
I left a club at 2 am but it was late so I don't remember what happened.
Our safety guy told me if it wasn't documented, it never happened.
I usually club in the afternoon. Could I be 2PMed?
^^^yes. Anything can happen anywhere.
To answer the question. Two times I was close. Once someone got shot and killed in the parking lot of a bar across the street from the club I was at...while I was there.
Another time I was in another city when two men left a nearby club and were shooting at each other while driving down the freeway near where I was driving home from another club
Well I have seen so many fights inside the club and outside in the parking lot I have lost count.
My closest personal 2am experience involved one of my idiot friends. We were in our mid twenties and 6 of us ventured in to a dive strip club between Christmas and New Years.
I was driving, 100% sober and everyone else was relatively sober, with the exception of my one friend. He sits right down by the stage as soon as we walk in and I think to myself "fuck he's going to do something stupid." Sure enough we haven't even been served yet and this skanky stripper is screaming at him so loud the DJ actually stops the music and my friend is surrounded by 4 bouncers. They escort him outside and all my friends look at me since I was the driver. I sat down and said "fuck him, he can wait outside." It was snowing... About 30 minutes later we decide to leave and we walk outside and my friend is hanging out with the 4 bouncers that kicked him out and they're all laughing.
We asked my friend what happened and he said "the dancer came over and puller the side of her g-string out expecting me to tip her, all I said was I'll tip you when you take your panties off." Always an adventure with this one!!!! Lol