
contacting faves

So how does yalls relationship work? Do you text her telling her you're coming in or does she initiate? What days nets better responses, working or off? And do they become too annoying?

Mine works weekends and is all business working days, in that she tells me when she's working and asks when I'm coming w me initiating it. Day after she doesn't respond, and middle of the week it becomes more casual. Predictable pattern and seeing if y'all noticed anything similar.


  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    I'm not a big fan of favs, but there are always exceptions. I have the numbers of 2 strippers in my phone. One I asked for and the other gave me her number after I did 2 VIPs with her.

    I'll text them sometimes and see what days they're working and come in when it's good for me. As I said before, I'm not big on favs, but these 2 are great performers ;-) which is why I have their numbers
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Usually they're there on Friday and Saturday nights, and that's when I usually go to strip clubs, so I just show up and I see them. With my CF she works weekdays dayshift, and I live 40 minutes away from her club, so I'll text her if I'm going to stop through.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    I usually just show up. Sometimes I text but I am lind of doing away with faves also
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    I currently have two faves who always text me when they'll be working. Sometimes, when I reply that I can't make it in, they change their plans to sync with mine.

    On days when neither of them are working, there are a few others who I'll text sometimes to see if they'll be there, before I decide whether to go.

    Really the only thing that gets annoying for me is how often strippers change plans at the last minute, and how often some of them lose their phones and have to change numbers. The rare times I've had strippers blow up my phone with texts in the past, I just ignored them until they stopped.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    For me, if they've made it to "fave", chance are we have a pretty relaxed texting pattern. Sometimes she texts me to tell me she's working. Sometimes I text her to find out when she's working. We text to exchange jokes, pics, or shoot the shit. I had one fave who, it turned out, liked some of the same TV shows I did. She would text me at the start of each show, and we'd text snarky comments all the way through it. We always text to coordinate on days when I'm coming in, since I expect her free and not already drunk (that's my job) when I get there. I'll tell her when I'm leaving the house, when I'm 5 minutes away, ask her if she wants a coffee if I stop off on the way to the club.

    With girls who aren't quite a fave -- that is, I'm not a regular, etc. -- I find the girls almost always are strictly business with texting. Days and times they'll be coming in, sometimes slow or no response if they know they're not working for a while
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I go when I want to go. Screw waiting to go only when certain dancers will be working. I'll just take pot luck. At least I don't have to put up with any stripper shit this way.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I make contact w/ them by pressing my hard erect commando torpedo against them
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    With the ones that I actively want to see, I generally initiate the contact, asking them if they'll be working on a day or at a time. Normally I do this the day of my visit. Some few will text me when they're having a slow day. The MILF used to do this, but somewhat slyly never actually asked or suggested that I come see her. It was always a "hey, how are ya" type of text with innocuous conversation. Obviously, she was fishing, but I thought it nice that she wasn't blatantly asking or demanding that I come see her.

    Others ranged all up and down the annoying scale, from fairly obvious mass, multi-recipient texts of "hey I'm working" (one girl often asked "who is this" when I responded to such :) to ridiculously obnoxious demanding attention.

    Doesn't seem to be any correlation with a specific day, unless "Slowday" has been added to the week without me noticing.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    My phone doesn't have that feature.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ my phone is so smart it's brilliant
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    My ATF and I text all the time so it's hard to say who "initiates". I now text my #2 and we'll see how it goes.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Shadowcat: " I go when I want to go. Screw waiting to go only when certain dancers will be working. I'll just take pot luck"

    Totally cool if that's what works for you. But to clarify, I rarely wait until my favorite is scheduled. Nearly every ATF I've had, if I tell them, "Wednesday is the only day I can make it this week", will add on that day. I don't have a flexible enough schedule that I could always twist it around to match her workdays. The beauty of texting days before, is that she conforms to mine

    'course, if you're not into ATFs, then that doesn't do you any good. But if you are, I've found it's easy to push her towards a day that's convenient for me
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    We have a date almost every week. At the end of each date we set up when to meet the next week. The date may be meet ITC one night and OTC the next, or ITC followed by spending the night in my hotel after her shift is over, or just OTC. It depends upon schedules and what we're in the mood for. I try to mix things up.

    Occasionally plans are modified via text but not usually. Have to schedule in advance cause of travel need to reach her.

    Trips together are usually scheduled 3-4 weeks in advance so plane tickets aren't too expensive.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    "I'll just take pot luck"

    I think Sam Kinison would make that into a stripper joke
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Papi, is that a new avitar? Cute but I would've expected more of an ass focus from you. I do love the tits if they're real.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Shadowcat wrote: "I go when I want to go. Screw waiting to go only when certain dancers will be working. I'll just take pot luck. At least I don't have to put up with any stripper shit this way. "

    I find this admirable.

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago

    I’m pretty sure her tits are real; black chicks are often naturally firm like that.

    I’ll take a fine pair of tits just like I would take a fine ass – I’m not vain.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    It would be pretty unusual for a dancer to decide to work a certain night just because you told her you're coming. She'd have to be getting a big percentage of her income for the night from you. And even then, dancers don't want you to get the idea that they need you. That tends to lead to requests for extras they don't provide, and you getting pissed because they say no. Some are willing to respond if you ask them when they are working. Don't be heartbroken if the info is not very reliable, especially if you're asking about a night other than tonight. One of my former favs would send out a broadcast e-mail with her work plans. It was reliable in her case. Bad thing was she didn't know about or bother to use bcc.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    ^^^ This is true for most of us but JS69 seems to be dropping major coinage on his DS so she may indeed show up just for him.

    I contribute very little to my ATF's bank account, but she has given me carte blance to visit her at her apartment if I call ahead, so if she's not working it's even better, since I don't pay her for 'social calls'! LOL
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    "It would be pretty unusual for a dancer to decide to work a certain night just because you told her you're coming. "

    This definitely hasn't been my experience, ilb. Pretty consistently, my faves add on, on days I'll be there. Obviously, some days they just can't, but they usually try. And I'm not a huge spender, for the most part. But, what I do bring to the table is, I relentless seek out the slowest times of the slowest shifts -- Beginning of Sunday nightshift, Tuesday dayshift 1pm-4pm, etc. -- so even though I usually only get a couple of VIPs, it's during a period of time when most girls make very little. At least, that's what I assume the motivation is. But it's de rigeur with me and my ATFs.

    I'd also like to think it's because I'm so fucking fun -- as I've posted, I routinely fill the girls up with food and alcohol. But know enough strippers well enough to know not to bet that that makes any difference :)
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    I used to have a phone full of stripper phone numbers, but I realized that I never call them and when they call me I never go to see them. So now I keep only 2 UUHM stripper numbers in my phone, and when either of them calls I try my best to drop everything and go see them.
  • saer
    9 years ago
    My fav always works the same days. She texts me on those days or beforehand to ask if I'm going to be there. If it's slow, she'll start harassing me wanting to know when I'll be there, and sending me pictures and shit.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @Lopaw- Have you added "Carmen" to your list of numbers yet?
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Sadly ranukam, no. I wish that I had. I just assumed that she'd always be there. I haven't been to BE-LAX for a couple of months, but a dancer that works there and posts regularly on a local SC board indicated that Carmen was fired. I plan on visiting very soon to see if it's true. If it is then I will be kicking myself for never getting her number!
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Noooo, say it ain't so. She was the hottest girl there, that's dumb business. Idiots.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I pretty much have no routine favorites right now. Just dancers that keep asking for dances and I say yes more often than not because there aren't a lot of choices anymore. It's not like I can get a two for one dance at any time from whoever approaches me. That was One big draw that I liked about Platinum Plus. It also caused me to spend a whole lot more on dances because you didn't have to wait an hour for the next two for one and you could buy another two for one if you liked the first two. example, two favs at platinum, get 4 dances from each in under one hour and spend $120. now, once an hour, get two dances and spend $25 or $30. Someone said they didn't understand why the platinum clubs were popular. If your max budget was say $500 and you only had 3 hours, it would be easy to pick your club where you could have more fun.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    My experiences run the gamut. Some of them have texted often, others have not, and on rare instances over time I have initiated contact. But many of them have initially tried to text me a lot, only to quickly learn that it doesn't help them much. If I happen to be going out that night I respond. Otherwise I blow them off until I DO plan to be out. My clubbing activities are often game time decisions and I have no interest in coordinating my schedule in advance.
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