I'm just wondering if a draft gets enacted next year (link follows)
http://www.projectcensored.org… where both men and WOMEN up to age 26 get drafted for mandatory military service, if you guys think this will hurt the number of strippers available in strip clubs. It may very well hurt the number of available girls outside of clubs as well I believe. Even being in College or escaping to Canada will not do any good this time like it was during the Vietnam draft dodging days. If being in College doesn't let you get out of a draft, then being a stripper probably will not either. I am not looking forward to this. Anyone know if both Kerry and Bush support this draft legislation?
last commentYou may be right though, the military believes in following the chain of command no matter what and punishes those who resist or refuse even if it shows they have brains.
I hope they don't get courtmartialed.
But, the military will likely have to courtmartial them in order to maintain discipline. Letting soldiers use their brains to decide not to obey dangerous orders is not something the military wants to encourage. You might have mass desertions as soldiers decide that its not just that one mission that was fucked up, but the entire war.
I don't think you need worry about young people being ordered to serve their country. More like being ordered to serve oil tycoons and other business interests.
There are many guys who still believe in protecting the weaker sex from getting killed or maimed serving without a choice. Now if the women want to serve voluntarily, I see no problem.
Extra note: I heard on the evening news a group of US soldiers refused to do a very risky and stupid mission to deliver containminated fuel. The fuel was useless but they were ordered to go drive into a very dangerous area with no armor on the vehicles with fuel trucks. I don't believe any of them should get court martialed. They exercised their brains and are alive today.
I think young women should be drafted to the front lines just like young men. Perhaps this is a good reason not to draft young men or young women.
If one wishes to advocate protecting women, then shutting down strip clubs is a good start along with escort services, imo. Also, no cigarette smoking for women and no tattoos or piercings and no "fake" surgery i.e. bigger breasts, bigger lips.
Oh puh-leeze. Give it up. Women today don't want or need that attitude. Like I said....."welcome to 2004"!
I would think protecting our women would include eliminating strip clubs as well as magazines like Playboy and Hustler as well as most breast implants. Women would be valued for their homemaking and childrearing skills NOT as sex objects.
And, if women truly are the weaker sex than that might be good thing for both men and women.
The answer is VOLUNTARY abortion along with an extra mandatory 2 years of service if necessary. Of course voluntary will mean voluntary like complying with the IRS code is voluntary. :) In a country this dishonest and bloodthirsty anything evil can be sold as a justice or freedom or security or whatever.
Welcome to the 21st century!!!
I hope that any young people stupid enough to considering "serving their country" think about that and forget the canned speeches of their beloved leaders. Yes, to the draft for BOTH men and women whose parents are politicians or lawyers.
I was watching a CNN segment on the government's phony campaign against immigration. If women are drafted, illegal immigrants can always ride to the rescue as they have in so many industries--lower wages and better service, true "service to their country."
A lot depends on how bad the situation is. I sure as heck wouldn't trust the news media to tell the straight story.
I had the opportunity to have lunch/dinner with a couple of foreigners a few years back. One was from the former Soviet Union and the other was from France. I expected both to pro-American because after all they're living in this country and they have good jobs and there is plenty of good stuff to buy. The lady from the former Soviet Union was initially reluctant to talk. The young man from France said he really didn't care for America and that he thought France was a much better country?! So of course I asked then why would you leave? He said it was due to the draft and that almost any industrial country would be acceptable to him. Then the lady from the former Soviet Union said she had no love for America, but at least there was plenty of food and other products. She believed in communism and she felt that she was a political refugee.
So perhaps young men and women will flee America to avoid the draft and then tell people in their new country that they'd rather be in America. :)