Yes your eyes are seeing it
2 big kings 2 big fish 6 minni donuts Bo jangle tea Arni palmer lite
Someone alert the bathroom attendant.
Juice is going to perform a load test on the local McDonald's shitter after eating all of that!! Holy shit batman!
"Well son... Looks like I've got some work to do..." finished i really do feel like shitting
2400 calories 140 grams of fat
Mikea im just warming up lol
I ate a large pepperoni pizza once for dinner when I was young. I only weighed 160 lbs.
I once ate 24 inches at subway i was only 275 in 9th grade
Take a gander at Matt Stonie....
I love matt stonie that dude can eat with the best of dem...i love his videos
1 small suggestion to start:
When I was younger I ordered two Quarter Pounders w/cheese but didn't realize they were on sale -- buy one get one free so I got four quarter pounders. Quite unintended - but WTF? Won't be good tomorrow.
How was your Maxx Shit?
You ate all that and you bothered to get a diet drink? You crazy fucker...
Joe approved
last comment
Someone alert the bathroom attendant.
Juice is going to perform a load test on the local McDonald's shitter after eating all of that!! Holy shit batman!
"Well son... Looks like I've got some work to do..." finished i really do feel like shitting
2400 calories 140 grams of fat
Mikea im just warming up lol
I ate a large pepperoni pizza once for dinner when I was young. I only weighed 160 lbs.
I once ate 24 inches at subway i was only 275 in 9th grade
Take a gander at Matt Stonie....
I love matt stonie that dude can eat with the best of dem...i love his videos
1 small suggestion to start:
When I was younger I ordered two Quarter Pounders w/cheese but didn't realize they were on sale -- buy one get one free so I got four quarter pounders. Quite unintended - but WTF? Won't be good tomorrow.
How was your Maxx Shit?
You ate all that and you bothered to get a diet drink? You crazy fucker...
Joe approved