
Have you mentioned ghosts or vampire to dancers?

Just wondering how many dancers are interested in that stuff. I've met a few who were. I usually never talk about it though in the club. I guess if a dancer brings up the subject first I might.


  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    I've talked about ghosts with several of them. I bet 100% are interested. Never talked about vampires, OTOH.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Yeah I've met a lot more dancers talking about ghosts than I have in vampires.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    One time in a Detroit club I mentioned Alucard, and all the girls started booing and throwing things at me.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I don't mention Alucard either. Someone might not appreciate the thread I started where I showed a spaceship and Dougster said he dropped off Alucard on his home planet. He dissapeared at the same time. Planet s. something. Rip Alucard. I'm not going to visit that planet.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I haven't gotten that high in a club yet. But now that you mentioned the idea, it's only a matter of time before I bring it up.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    What are you going to say about the marijuana gods? You had divine insight?
    They wanted to bring peace, love and healing powers but mankind wanted greed and power and made it sound dangerous and got congress to ban it so that hemp was outlawed and DuPont and others in congress got rich making nylon rope and nylon fabrics? No insider trading laws so you know it wasn't hard to persuade greedy congressmen to outlaw the cheaper hemp used in ropes and replace it with the more expensive nylon.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I don't use drugs myself. I just pick up on a gazillion thoughts from multiple people in multiple dimensions in multiple alternate universes. I had a dream where aliens told me my brain was being used as one of many intergalactic telepathic hubs but that information was leaking out of me. I wasn't supposed to be aware of it all.
    I dreamed there is a massive galactic Internet but it works via telepathy. Now all we need is an Human scientist to develop implantable nanobots that can read the brainwaves responsible for telepathy. It all makes sense to me but you'll have to talk to a scientist to explain it all.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    One girl brought it up. I mercilessly made fun of her. I'm normally not that mean.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    I knew one once where we went to the club's VIP area once and we spent probably half the time talking about ghost stories. It was interesting, but I never wanted to repeat that experience again, and I would avoid that club if I knew she was there.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "I dreamed there is a massive galactic Internet but it works via telepathy. Now all we need is an Human scientist to develop implantable nanobots that can read the brainwaves responsible for telepathy. It all makes sense to me but you'll have to talk to a scientist to explain it all."

    Is there a lot of porn on the galactic Internet? I bet that is some brilliant porn! :)
  • bang69
    9 years ago
    I once met a stripper who's religion was witchcraft. She was from Salem MA. we had a great chat about witches vampire's.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    You might not be interested in intergalactic porn 4got. I remember seeing some images of an octopus like alien creature sucking on an appendage. Just file that under weird alien sex. Just think what human society would do if they got a hold of an intergalactic porn channel. It would replace all the gossip about Britney Spears or whomever. nahhhh.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Mikea lol classic
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    sharkhunter - an octopus-like alien putting a tentacle up Britney's asshole! Brilliant! :)
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @bang69 i would have ran away. She probably would have cut you up for a ritual if you weren't careful
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Shark, it's very hard for me to believe that the some of the stuff you post is not drug inspired at some level. Maybe some LSD usage in the 70s that has come back to haunt you?
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Nope. Never used drugs. I can really dream up some weird stuff though. What would you expect from someone whose dreams have traveled into other dimensions and other realities in time and space? Some of my suitemates in college used drugs but they were afraid to give me anything. One guy said I had a natural high.
    I was given a shot of liquor for colds though as a young kid. It didn't affect me much.
    I got the imagination of Stephen King and some others. Actually my dreams seem like real life in another reality. It probably made things worse when I could alter my dreams, lucid dreams that is. I did it so much, I had super powers in my regular dreams and didn't think anything was wrong.
    What really can freak me out a bit is the thought, what if I'm really in a coma and Everytime I get upset or not feeling that great, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc all start up because this entire universe is something I dreamed up? Maybe I'm just a little bit different because I had a near brush with death. I may perceive the world different than many people.

    I've been directly under a big tornado although inside a house.
    Inside a dust devil spinning around me for about a minute.
    I've had some ghosts interacting with me. I guess the alternative is that I experience occassional pyscho kinetic power blow ups. I think it was ghosts.
    I do not Understand all the electrical disturbances. etc, etc. I must be in a coma.
    I think anyone else would be a bit crazy.
    The time warps I experienced were cool. I guess another explanation could be I'm possessed. haha. another alternative is that the whole universe is a computer simulation and the AI that is keeping tabs on me finds it amusing to read my thoughts and make things happen. I can imagine some guys watching us as if we were a sim game and some dude says, hey let's see if he freaks out when the door opens for him. nope? ok do it again.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Not all the aliens I dreamed of were that bad. I met several very hot female human looking aliens in my dreams. I escaped from one such planet full of hot alien females. They are probably out there looking for me. If you see a massive fleet of ufo's , hold off shooting. They may want to have sex with every available guy in the western hemisphere. I can imagine guys getting abducted and the only ones upset are human females. They have beer too. no censorship on their home planet. Completely nude beaches.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Maybe I should just stick to strip club dreams. I remember walking into one strip club and taking a seat. A dancer approached and asked if I wanted a bj. I must have looked surprised. She pointed to a sign. All customers had to get a 2 bj minimum. BJ's $5.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I think you'd really enjoy being high. You could actually visit the planets where the aliens are from.
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