
Anyone know if there is a way to clear your search history on facebook?

I saw facebook today was suggesting I become friends with an exotic dancer. I'm thinking what the..
I clicked on her tonight and realized I had looked at her page the other day. It's not someone I know. I just got curious. facebook reveals too much information in my opinion.
I still can't find myself if not logged in so maybe I have extra restrictions turned on.


  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Now facebook is suggesting I become friends with a dancer I am familiar with. That is weird. Popped up with her name and everything.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    Facebutt is one of the biggest phishing scam there is currently on the net. I was on it for a while and canceled it several times before I finally had to send a certified letter via US mail telling them if they did not stop harassing me and that so many people have seen my profile recently and wanted to be "friends". I found it quite surprising because the people that had "seen my profile recently" had seen my profile after I had supposedly closed my account months before and to top it all I never had a public wall or profile. I told them if I ever received anything from them I would be contacting an attorney and that any and all information they had collected on me was to be considered confidential and destroyed. Facebutt's privacy settings are bullshit, they will not be turned on unless you demand it multiple times and only if you call and talk to a tech, the ones in your account are fake (or so I have been told). I think the operation a sleazy scam operation whose only purpose is to gather information from clients to sell. The best thing is to demand they remove ALL of your information. Posting anything on their site or your wall regardless of your settings mean you may as well post it on the side of a bus or bill board.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    No problems! Just never run for public office. :)
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    In Facebook, Go to Settings > Activity Log > Search, and click 'Clear Searches'.
  • azdd
    9 years ago
    I've had the same experience, having done some marginal online FB stalking to find out more about some of my favorites. After searching and viewing profiles, they pop up as people I might know. What I want to know is if my searching will cause ME to show up on their newsfeed as someone THEY might know, which could creep them out.

    I do know one thing that will link up "people you may know", if your cell phone number is in your FB profile, and you use that phone to text a dancer, they will see you pop up on FB as someone they might know. I had a dancer tell me this, and our only connection was phone numbers. I never knew her real name, and had never searched for her on FB. Interestingly, she hasn't shown up on my list of suggested friends. I told her she could friend me if she wanted, but she declined, and has since quit dancing and moved away.

    One other consideration for FB users would be to set your friends list as private, viewable only by you. This helps prevent your account from sending spam to all your friends if you're hacked. I've found FB profiles of several favorite dancers just by scrolling through the friends list of another dancer. I suppose it's a little creepy, but I have a voyeuristic curiosity about their real lives, and seeing pics of them outside of a club setting.

  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    FB is the Big Brother of our generation. I wonder what George Orwell would think.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Thanks chandler. Also thanks for the other information posted.
    I did discover you can not delete places where you last worked at, it only allows archiving.
    I did not know until yesterday that your only connection to suggested friends could be that you clicked on their web page with zero friends of theirs. Unless facebook is marking every time you click on a web page with a dancers name on it to something else. Facebook will track you across the internet if you don't log off.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Several months ago I did restrict my facebook account about as much as it could be and still allow friends to view my posts. You can call me paranoid but I don't like revealing everything to the world about all my friends and connections etc. Facebook is aggravating and I only use it because a relative of mine has no computer and wants to see pics all my relatives post. However I'm getting the hang of it a bit. I didn't realize how easy it was to find lots of people. I might do more searches of people before I try clearing my search history. 2 people I did not find so far, myself and a nephew, without being logged in that is. Actually more than that. I must be doing something wrong.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Well I confirmed it well. I searched for suggested friends and if I viewed someone's page or timeline, they show up on there. That might be because I do not use facebook very much. I'm not sure. Apparently looking at someone's page is enough for facebook to suggest I become their friend.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Ya. I'm still curious if you show up as a suggested friend to the person you were FB-stalking
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Shark: "Anyone know if there is a way to clear your search history on facebook?"

    You'd have better luck convincing the IRS to let you never pay taxes again. Seriously. Even dying won't be enough for them to let go of every bit of info they have on you.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I surfed on a few pages of Atlanta strippers. I checked suggested friends. They were suddenly top of my list even though no mutual friends or any connection. Unless Facebook ties in multiple visits to this web site and strippers together as good friend candidates. Two girls did not identify themselves as strippers but you could tell they were by their pics. I heard Facebook tracks you across the internet and the stupid site hasn't allowed me to log off on my iPad in several days because it crashes in less than 4 seconds every time I try. I don't know how I'm always logged in on my iPad but logged off on my pc.
    I actually wanted to find myself and friends without logging on but it requires you to log on so I can't tell how much of my information is available to everyone.

    I usually only log onto Facebook twice a month to show a relative other relatives family pics. Seems more like a government tracking site. There's probably a government and Facebook super computer tracking all the connections between people and web sites visited. I'm really bad with remembering names. If anything really weird happens to me again and I wake up in a parallel Earth dimension, I want to be able to prove it with information. No one believes any of my weird stories unless I can prove something weird. If I see someone alive who died by random bad luck, I'll know I switched again. Of course not freaking others out might be an issue. I could freak others out already so I'm staying a bit quiet. I can't prove anything even to myself so far.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Note: I hardly call it stalking to merely look at publicly available information. That isn't even hacking. A dancer actually gave me the idea because she told me she was going to look for me on facebook. It's not like a few dancers don't already know me. I wanted to avoid adding any more friends as well. Well unless they send me the friend request first and I know them. Then I will need to warn them that I rarely log onto the site, maybe once or twice a month tops, usually. It's a government tracking CIA operation I've heard from some people. Not sure if true but it wouldn't surprise me. Anything you post on there can be used against you in a court of law and some employers actually require you to log onto your facebook account to see if you pass muster. You can't even delete pictures if someone else posted it. Maybe you can if you get them to take it down. You can't delete your account, only deactivate it. I know because I attempted it once.
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