
Rules of engagement at the SC?

Saturday, March 14, 2015 9:40 AM
My recent infamous “Will your ATF loan you $100” topic spurred passionate responses at what a shitty thing it is to play such a petty head game on a dancer. It was classified as a “dick move”. Disregarding the obvious of theft and physical abuse, I wonder what else you fellas would consider custie “dick moves”. I know telling a dancer you’ll get dances and not getting them is a dick move. Also, pulling back a tip from the tip rail would be a dick move. What others?


  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Following a dancer around the club. Interrupting a dancer while she's with another customer.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Walking up to the stage, staring intently at a woman nude on stage for like 30-60 seconds while she does her thing for you, and then either walking away or giving her a single dollar bill like the guy just made her night. This happened once to the DS when I was right next to the guy. I told him he was a cheap loser and I would show him how to treat a beautiful woman, then I gave her a $20.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Can't figure it out yourself, Lone_Sheep? Need our help in thinking for you?
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Dougster, yet more insults? I have to give you kudos for being a very good internet tough guy (AKA coward) hurling insults through the anonymous safety of the www. Truly, it must be a miserable existence for you to wake up everyday filled with such an overwhelming bitterness. Your only relief comes from spreading a tidal wave of negativity to everyone around you. No doubt this transcends TUSCL and permeates all aspects of your life. Man, years of troll like posts supported by dozens of bizarre fake (albeit entertaining) TUSCL personas. You must live a very sad, miserable life. Best of luck to you.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    ^^^ Projecting again, Lone_Sheep? Face it they busted you really good in that other thread. Maybe if you take a few shots at me, you'll be redeemed in their eyes.... Good luck!
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Your birth.
  • TortillaChip
    9 years ago
    lol lonewolf accusing others of having a sad miserable life lol the humor on this website keeps me coming back
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Lone_Sheep appears to be having a mini-breakdown after the SNAG image he tries to project got cracked in that other thread. What exactly is he hoping for in this thread? Someone to say something and then he can again feel we are worse than him?
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    What a drag it is getting old.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @JS69: There is one local guy I've seen in clubs a fair bit who will walk up to the stage sit down without taking out any money, then when the girl dances for him, he'll let out this huge sigh, slowly reach into his pocket, peel off a *single* dollar from his wad, and hand it to her. Then get up and leave. I've seen him pull this sort of thing several times, and if it weren't so idiotic, it would be funny.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    LW, I think you're overestimating the "passion" felt by other posters in regards to the loan gimmick. Sure it is kinda' douchey, but not remotely close to the worst that many dogs on here have seen I'm sure. My comments in that thread realted not to morality, but rather to the unintended consequences for your ROI that a stunt like that could raise. But go ye forth and all if that is not a concern for you. As far as morality, my view is: "He who is without sin among you, let it be he who casts the first stone..."
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    rickdugan, the fact that the hustle factor is so high on both sides of the g-string is what drove my surprise at some of the strong responses to the "loan me money" stunt. Apparently it is okay for the entertainers to pull any BS hustle on the custies but, in contrast, playing any type of a head game on them is considered a "dick move". Interesting. As for ROI, I don't think it had a negative impact but it is really impossible to tell in the bizzaro world of SC p4p.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    To me, one major dick move would be lowballing the number of dances she just finished for you but lost track of, especially when you have a damn good idea just how many dances she gave you. Another would be to tell the dancer you have to hit the ATM after some dances, then when she's out of sight, leave. A few years ago, one dancer gave me two or three dances but I had to hit the ATM. I figured she had followed me -- they usually do -- but she had wandered off. I found her sitting with a couple other people, politely interrupted their conversation, and gave her the money. She was surprised -- in the short time, she had completely forgotten about it. Course, she didn't leave me alone (much) after that.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    LW, the power dynamics are not equal for both sides. They are singing for their supper while this is just shits and grins entertainment for us. Also, any guy with a functioning sack knows that he can maintain some level of control simply by not opening his wallet, while the dancer has to find a way to convince a customer to do so. You can choose how you want to carry yourself in a club, but I always prefer to be the man in an interaction with a stripper. For me at least, it beats becoming just another one of the bitter, defensive and catty women in the club. ;)
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    RickyBoy: " but I always prefer to be the man in an interaction with a stripper. " Like the times RickyBoy just stayed home on nights when both his favorites were working. This went on for months. After all if one of them saw him talking to the other they might get offended and that is not a situation his "man in control" self could handle. Then there was the tune he spent the night driving a stripper from drug dealer to drug dealer and holding her purse while she shot up in the ladies room. Yep. Real good example of "man in control". I won't even bring up the whole thing about whether a "man" would have all th insecurities RickyBoy dies about needing a system and wearing a suit and not being able to compete with other suit wearers. You show us how that paying hookers for sex thing is done, RickyBoy!
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Moot question for me, because if it's going to resemble combat, I'll pass. While there's nothing unethical about hard bargaining, I'd be too worried it would put the dancer in a surly mood.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    I agree with RBD on this one. If it appears that you take things a stripper is doing personal (either good or bad) that makes you a douche. As long as you are there to have fun, expecting nothing more that to see some TnA then you're in the non-douche bag zone. And don't get it twisted if you can persuade some extras then awesome. Speaking with your money instead if your mouth, that's ultimate SC class.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    "Man, years of troll like posts supported by dozens of bizarre fake (albeit entertaining) TUSCL personas. You must live a very sad, miserable life." Succinct and extremely accurate, excluding the "entertaining" part. Kudos.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
  • alabegonz
    9 years ago
    I've done some D moves, unintentional, like dropping a twenty instead of a one. She gave it back to me, but I said I'm going to still give it to you by taking you to the lappers. But the damage was done and she probably took it like I was a D.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I think it sounds like a dick move to tell another customer who tipped a dancer that he's a cheap loser. You're welcome to tip anyone a dollar, twenty, or a hundred but it's rude to expect other customers to spend how you spend. It sounds like an invitation to an outside the club fight or getting car damage if he wants to show you he's not cheap and can do major damage. If he happens to be a hit man or has mafia connections, being rude might be a temporary condition. If he's an undercover cop or vice, you might get followed and pulled over. I would wait until I noticed someone drinking, then wait until they left and drove down the road weving around like a drunk, if I was a underover cop who had been told they were a cheap loser. Reminds me of when I wondered if one customer could be a murderer. One dancer wasn't nice to him. I was thinking there are thousands of murderers on the loose in The US. not everyone is nice and courteous. Seems to be a common thing especially for drivers everywhere on the road nowadays to be doing dick moves everywhere.
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