Hi all, I've orchestrated what could be my last trip to detroit for awhile as my territory just lost michigan. I'll be at Penthouse Club around 5:30 to probably 9 as I had my best time there between there, bt's and flight club Over the years. Never did bogarts, Henry the 8th as I value a nice vip room and not a chair and curtain. Could be more fun with a few NORMAL individuals, especially if you know the ladies. I usually just fly solo at the bar but may splurge for a booth this go round. Feel free to respond here or pm me if you'll be there. I'm mid 30's if that matters.
Sorry not enough notice I'll be in another part of the country (a strip club drought zone) have fun. Be sure to post reviews. When I do Detroit and since I almost always fly solo I never tie myself to one club. If I do not see what I want I bail and move on, I figure it's only the cost of parking & cover and if I can't afford those I should not be clubbing anyway. BTW Boggies, H8, Silver Cricket, and H8S have no parking charge. Landing Strip and Subi's parking charge are easy and safe to avoid. At Penthouse I worry about the moron parking guy taking my vehicle down the street to park at an unattended lot since they have a sign that they are not responsible for any theft or damage. I usually taxi from my hotel when I go there.
Thanks TT for the heads up. I'll have a rental car and so far I've had no bad experiences with checking in my Corolla or Altimas. Hopefully that continues. I've just heard so many stories about cops waiting for people to leave, so that's my only reluctance in driving. I figure going early and leaving not too late is my MO to avoid this harassment without cause. Until next time...