Am I missing something?

avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high

I wrote these observations a couple of weeks ago before my recent trip with the DS. But being with her for three days has only reinforced the sentiments expressed.

I'm at a bar in a tropical location. Older crowd, 40s-70s. Almost all couples except for me. I'm alone.

With only one possible exception out of dozens, the women here are ugly ugly ugly. If they offered to undress I'd tip them all to keep their clothes on. I could not get an erection with maybe 85% percent of these women. Maybe it's because I just fucked the DS last night, but WTF????

Why do men settle for this? Is being "alone" so abhorrent that most men are willing to settle for such incredible mediocrity? Did many of them start out beautiful and this is just what's left? I'd bet tens of thousands of dollars that most of these women aren't worth shit in bed. Even if they are willing to be sexually adventurous, which I seriously doubt, how do the men get it up regularly for this? Why are the vast vast majority of men willing to settle for a life of such a lack of sexual excitement and beauty? Why are so many older women so extremely ugly?

Yeah, some of these guys play with strippers or escorts to salvage some sense of sexual excitement like most of us do. But those habits are expensive, take know how that most don't have, and require the ability to regularly get away from the wife. We are the distinct minority. I assume that most of these men must either go through life constantly horny or, more likely, their former sex drive has mostly been sucked from them. A night in a good strip club and they could regain their normal sexuality if only for a night. But it won't happen for most of them. I guess a lot of them probably watch porn, although that's a pretty sad life if all your sexual excitement just comes from jerking off to a computer screen.

I'd much much rather be alone most nights but sometimes get to fuck incredibly hot young girls than go home every night and be limited to what I see at all of the tables around me. But in having that viewpoint I seem to be in a very small, distinct minority.

Am I missing something?


last comment
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 yrs ago


avatar for GoVikings
10 yrs ago

"Why are so many older women so extremely ugly?"

I don't know.

However, women tend to age faster than men. Or another way of putting it would be, their physical appearance deteriorates at a quicker pace.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 yrs ago

I get cabin fever so I’m often out of the house and hang out at a Starbucks for a while surfing the web and such.

I often see couples hanging out there and the female going on and on about a friend of hers she doesn’t like yada yada yada – or the female in an extended dialogue about senseless shit that no male in his right mind would have any interest in – yet the dude sits there nodding and smiling and not saying a word while the cunt just goes on and on and on talking senseless shit.- probably all in hopes that she may decide to give him something at some point, if she indeed does and is interested.

To each their own – but if all I want is some pussy then fuck having to jump thru so many hoops and listen to so much shit and drama. If I wanted to have children and raise a family; then it would be different.

avatar for gawker
10 yrs ago

I got married in 1969 at age 24. My wife was a beautiful young woman. We've been married for 46 years and there's still love, devotion, commitment, or whatever you want to call it. But excitement in the bedroom ended decades ago. We're proud of our kids & their accomplishments and grand kids are great fun.

When I was 40 I had a six month affair with a co-worker who at age 29 was HOT (a 10 by most standards. My wife found out about it and we separated for the better part of a year. My lawyer made it very clear that if we divorced I'd be broke for the rest of my life. We reconciled and she told me that if I needed something on the side to be discrete and don't rub her nose in it. We've gotten along fine and I respect her and put her needs first. 6 years ago she was diagnosed with Alzheimers and I'm the primary caretaker. It now is difficult for me to get away and the frustration of caring for someone with dementia is trying. However if I were the patient I know she'd be there to care for me. She does have long term care insurance which will pay for her care when it's time.

About 20 years ago I started seeing escorts when traveling for work. About 6 years ago, I went off the deep end with my ATF and while having a grand time checking items off my sexual bucket list I also maintained a solid middle class life style. In many ways I've been living a double life, but due to care taking responsibilities, I've had to stop working, so free cash has dryed up. But I stil get away to sew a few oats ( last night I met a new dancer, age 22, and an 8 or 9. One lap dance, 5 minutes of negotiation, and then a half hour in VIP: HJ, BBBJ {sloppy & poorly done}, DIY, and exchange of numbers.

I'm hopeful that with familiarity will come improved skills, but the chase is fun.

Back to your point: in 2 weeks, my wife & I will drive to Florida to join all the other snowbirds for a month. While my wife has declined in appearance, mental acuity, and memory function, she still has needs and wants & I'm living up to my commitment, but on my terms.

I'm still envious of your DS.

avatar for shadowcat
10 yrs ago

gawker - Your attorney wasn't absolutely correct. A divorce won't always kill you financially. I thought that for 27 years so I put up with a terrible marriage for that and the sake of the kids. Finally I could take no more. We settled out of court and I had to buy out her 50% ownership of the house. No alimony and she isn't getting any of my retirement pay. A little luck on my part.

avatar for JohnSmith69
10 yrs ago

sc, can you give us your lawyers name and number?

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

JS69: "Am I missing something?"


avatar for LeeH
10 yrs ago

"Am I missing something?"

No, but apparently I am. Can someone please point me to the announcement that says that JohnSmith69 is the fucking arbiter of what is and is not attractive? Then also the announcement that says that JohnSmith69 is the fucking arbiter of how a woman (that he doesn't know dick about) performs in bed?

BTW, gmd, was that kinda what your "yes" meant? ;-)

avatar for JohnSmith69
10 yrs ago

Didn't mean to induce a hormone fueled hissy fit. If you're into the average looking 50-70 year old women these days and they fill your sexual fantasies then go for it. I'm not judging or arbitrating anything. But it sure doesn't do it for me.

avatar for LeeH
10 yrs ago

"With only one possible exception out of dozens, the women here are ugly ugly ugly."

"I'd bet tens of thousands of dollars that most of these women aren't worth shit in bed."

"I'm not judging or arbitrating anything."

Do you even listen to yourself?

avatar for PhantomGeek
10 yrs ago

John, you have different tastes and different standards. You have a greater income than most of those guys, so you're able to roam and explore a lot more than them; you're able to sate your desires. A lot of these guys probably have much lower incomes, possibly even fixed incomes, so they can't roam and explore and experience.

The men and women there are probably all locals; they probably know each other do some extent, possibly even very well, and they probably no longer see each other "beautiful" or "handsome" but as friends and companions. You mentioned that this was a tropical location, so I'm guessing it wasn't the U.S.; if so, chances are the cultural expectations of beauty are much different than our media-saturated and -defined standards of beauty.

So what might be ugly to you could be a friendly face, a warm body, and a loyal personality that someone can look forward to waking up to each morning.

avatar for georgmicrodong
10 yrs ago

@LeeH: "BTW, gmd, was that kinda what your 'yes' meant?"


avatar for jackslash
10 yrs ago

I can't imagine dating women my own age (60's). They look like my grandma--the way she looked when I was a little boy. I would have to be an even bigger pervert than I am to fuck my grandma.

Most women don't age well. Christie Brinkley is an exception. I would gladly date Christie, but she won't return my calls.

avatar for jackslash
10 yrs ago
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 yrs ago

"So what might be ugly to you could be a friendly face, a warm body, and a loyal personality that someone can look forward to waking up to each morning."

PG, it was actually a very exclusive yacht club in southern Florida -- most of those people probably had a lot more money than I ever will. Nonetheless, I think your point is a valid one. In some instances, they may love these women even though whatever looks they once had are gone. I'm sure that part of my reaction is due to crap going on in my own life, but I'd also bet that shadowcat's fear of the financial consequences of divorce was a stronger motivation for many than love.

avatar for JohnSmith69
10 yrs ago

Yes Lee obviously I was judging the looks of these women and I was focused on the women's value as sexual objects. If you have issues with that, go talk to the girls at stripperweb. youll be in good company there.

avatar for goonster
10 yrs ago

Different strokes for different folks. What ugly for you might be the gold standard for someone else. Also, looks aren't everything. Personality and how well you get along play a part too. I've had plenty of 7s and 8s that where great and a blast to be around, and 9s and 10s that really sucked.

avatar for LeeH
10 yrs ago

"I'm not judging or arbitrating anything."

"obviously I was judging"

Oh, yeah, now it all makes sense.

avatar for lopaw
10 yrs ago

Let's be fair and turn the mirror around. I sometimes join some friends when they want to hang out in cougar dens. Yeah plenty of the older women are unattractive, but by far so are the older men there. I see more and more cougars nabbing young cubs since they don't want the old guys anymore than the older guys want them. It works both ways.

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