
First Lesson in Vietnamese

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
So I had my second session with L. To keep the girls straight in my own mind, I am going to refer to this one as L/J from now on.

This time I did get to learn her real working name. The girls use multiple working names. Though she did not affirm this, I am sure that the reason is that they don't want people learning about them from things written on the Internet.

In her shop they makeup way more than in any other South Bay shops. They all go for extreme cateyes.

Of course I just love it. They paint up their mouths too. I have always understood the real meaning of this too. Don't kiss her unless you want her to fall in love with you.

L/J really turns me on. She reminds me of other Viets I have known and got on well with. Of course a big part of why I get on well with them is just that they can tell that I really like them.

Moving about to show me her stripper shoes, "You like high heels? I love to wear high heels."

"I like *you* in high heels."

After a very sweet and extremely intimate session, "You really like to kiss. You kiss *a lot*"

"I love to kiss *you*. Pretty girls should be kissed."

And continuing as I am sitting on the massage table and she is down on her knees putting my socks on for me, "You like to talk."

Well yes, I love to talk to women I like. I've learned to do this in AMPs and in our local no touching strip clubs. I call it, "Fonding her between the ears." I inundate them. I keep them paying attention to me. I pour it on, not so fast or heavy that they tune out, but enough that they have to give me their full attention and so that they will be processing it for days and days after wards."

So I replied, "Yes, I really like you, so as I've been here with you I've either been kissing you, talking to you, licking you, or sucking on your nipples."

The exception to this is during FS, then I lighten up a lot.

When I got there she was going on about how much she had missed me and it had been a month. Of course it had been roughly one lunar month give or take. I told her that I look at the moon and then come back when the moon is the same. Not sure if she understood this.

But she actually insisted on giving me a great deal of massage and she is extremely good at this. She uses her forearms and her body weight and irons out the kinks in my shoulders.

We never discussed what was to happen or negotiated. I'm not sure if I have ever have kissed a girl more than that in one hour or not. It would be hard to do more. I keep it gentle but purposeful and focus my full concentration on her. That is actually very easy.

At the end I handed her money and she acted as if she was genuinely surprised and grateful, and she never counted it in my presence. She said "Thank You", and then again in Vietnamese.

Over the decades I have fucked 3 counties worth of Asian RAs, and the vast majority of them have been Vietnamese, as I do prefer them. I have extensively kissed most of them too. But never have any of them offered me a Vietnamese lesson.

She said it many times for me slowly, and it is hard. But I can say it if I do it by imitating her voice. "cam an"

Then she said something else, "anh yeu em", which means "I love you". I got her to write both down. Of course what she wrote included pronunciation marks.

Founder, we need the Vietnamese character set here, in case any other TUSCLers start getting personal with Vietnamese girls.



  • HungryGiraffe
    10 years ago
    Very cool story. Thanks SJG!
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    SJG you're getting way ahead of yourself, reading way to much into stuff. You can't begin to think they have personal feeling for you until you go on date-date (not a date-as-euphemism-for-P4P-date). If you date a poor woman from a poor country, you should make it clear if you're just having fun or open to the possibility of marriage.

    If you want to marry a woman from a poor Asian country, your chances of a lasting marriage would be better if you went to the country and married a non-sex-worker. There's always the risk of getting ditched as soon as she won't loose her green card by doing so. Sex workers are more jaded and less likely to take marriage vows as seriously.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    Everything you say is both insightful and true.

    I wrote that I was getting "personal". I thought about that later. What I should have said is that I jumped into the deep end, and now I'm not sure if I can swim.

    I've jumped into a realm where fact and fantasy become indistinguishable, because there is no difference between the two. She says things, I say things, but what does it really mean? Who knows. Just have to wait and see.

    As far as marrying a woman from a poor country, no! I've been married once and that was more than enough.

    As far a civilian dates, I still have other obligations which tie me down. So that will have to wait.

    But no I am not just having fun either. I am trying to make some friends. There are 6 Asian RA's I am trying to maintain contact with. But there could be lots lots more too.

    I am not leading any of them on. What I tell them is true.

    Before I was married I did sessions, but I never tried to maintain contact. Of course when I was married I never tried to maintain contact.

    But now I am being open to contact and trying to maintain it.

    Eventually I will just pick a girl and session with her. What does or doesn't happen won't really matter, nor will how much money I pay her. Because I will just say to her, "What time does this place close, 10pm? I'll come back then because I'm taking you out to eat." Most of them, if they don't have other obligations, would go for this. How fast might it escalate from there? It could be explosively fast. And what I'd also be doing very quickly is introducing her face to face to my friends. I'll escort her to a lunch with the men, and then I'll have her delivered to a lunch with the women.

    If she couldn't accept the after hours going out to eat, I'd just say, "Okay, what time does this place open tomorrow, 10am? I'll be there, for more of the same." I've never yet met a girl who, if she is unattached, would not quickly yield to this. It will be all the more so if you're fucking her in the sessions.

    The point though really is to make some friends, and to expand a circle of friends that I am creating. So no, it will not end in marriage, though it is impossible to be around some of these girls and not find yourself wanting to marry them. But it is not just "having fun" either.

    I am trying to open a third way. This is complex, and I have thought about it hard and I do have most of the details worked out. But I am not there yet.

    Guys get married, or they get into relationships which are a conveyor belt to marriage. And it sucks. It crushes them and the girl. I still suffer from PTSD from my marriage.

    So they go to pay 4 play. They deliberately use money as a mediator, instead of treating the girl like a civilian and courting her and being respectful. This forum is saturated with accounts of this.

    So with either way what results is sexual frustration. I am convinced that it is this sexual frustration which causes the decline in sexual capability. Guys think it is physical in origin, and so they take things like Viagra. But if it were physical, why would Viagra be able to do anything about it?

    No, it is just the body shutting it off. It is the wisdom of the body coming into action. But they don't want to listen to that. If they listened, then maybe they might be more open to their feelings and they might look for ways to solve the problems. But no, they just keep taking Viagra and then sticking their dicks into negative situations.

    So I say, lets build another way, a third way, and then we won't have to face constant frustration.

    I was going to buy L/J a Tet ram or sheep, but I didn't have time to get to the right kind of store. So I bought her a little stuffed animal, red with hearts on it, for Valentine's Day. Also, if she has kids she'll probably give it to them. But she says she doesn't. She says she lives with her parents and her two sisters, and that the also has two brothers. True? Maybe.

    What matters though is that I am opening up and starting to heal. I hadn't planed to start AMPing or SCing yet. But boldened by all the talk here on TUSCL, on a whim I went window shopping in an area of SJ saturated with AMPs, on 11/11 Veteran's Day. Just looking, no money. But this is where I did first see L/J. I had walked into their shop 30min before and seen one of the others. Then I went and looked in others. Then I passed by again and saw L/J. So went in again, and the other girl called her over. She came and took my arm and said, "Want a massage?". So I decided to practice what I'd been talking about. Should be possible in and SC. But in an AMP, and especially in South Bay where they are so careful about LE? We were shoulder to shoulder with our bodies at 90deg angles. I tried to kiss her on the mouth. She evaded by turning her head. I spoke some more to her, then tried again, with the same result. Hey, fortune goes to the bold.

    But in this last session we were talking at the end about all the kissing, and I reminded her of this earlier attempt. That she likes me is mostly because she can see that I like her. It is always like this with girls. So reminding her of this 11/11 attempted kiss helps.

    I'll get her a Tet ram. Doesn't need to be expensive, just something to show that I am thinking about her. I've already given away two pairs or thigh highs, and two books bought from used book stores.

    Dates and regular telephone contact I am not going with yet. But I am trying to set up email contact with them all. Two have zero email experience. One volunteered that she would open an email account to talk to me. But it hasn't happened. One was going to use her email account to talk to me, but it hasn't happened. One gave me her email address, and we confirmed it on our second session. But she doesn't seem to know how to use it. One gave me an email address based on her real name and which leads to her totally civilian facebook page with her pictures. But still no response. She I am going to call on the phone, for the first time, in about 1 hour.

    When I was married, zillions of lovely AMP girls slipped out of my life because I could not maintain contact or do regular sessions. While we cannot control how things go, we still can influence them. Starting with these 6, I am going to try and maintain contact.

    I do this while I work on other things, which should eventually leave me free for civilian dates and for, as I say, introducing these girls and lots of other women and men to the group I am trying to build.

    I do need psychological healing too. Though things sometimes get rough when emotions are in play. I am mostly getting along with these girls quite well.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I read and I look for something which will show the pronunciation marks which Vietnamese requires.


    Looks like this is actually a phrase which thrown around pretty easily.



    Like I say L/J reminds me on looks and persona like a number of other Viets I have gotten along with. These have been both pros and civvies and it has entailed everything from just talking and flirting, to DFKing and tab A in slot B.

    She says her younger sister is really cute. I would not be surprised at all about this, because L/J certainly is cute. This is what I noticed right away. I had on Veterans Day window shopped their place and talked to one girl, at about 10am when they were first opening. I looked a couple of other shops and then passed by their's again and did a double take on their second girl. So I went in again, and the first called her by name and she came and took my arm and tried to lead me into the massage room. I wasn't ready to session that day. But I did at least try to show her how much I liked her by twice trying to kiss her on the mouth.

    Clearly their three girls are coming from a San Francisco environment, where because in SF the FS is right out there, that also means that the heels are higher, the clothes more slutty, and the eye make up is out of this world.

    And like I say, I've been kissing pretty Asian massage girls from long before GFE was ever invented.

    I feel like in terms of sexual capability, I was worse off than my real age. Suffering from Post Marital Stress Disorder. But since I've lost 10 years with each of my two visits to L/J.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I'm going to call L/J on the phone today. The ones who give good sessions get more sessions, and she is awesome. I really like her.

    People may laugh and people like @IME may try to mock me. But with this one I really would be happy to be having her make my breakfast in the mornings.

    So because I am seeing her once per moon, I don't actually otherwise call her. It is the ones who don't give good sessions who get more phone calls instead of sessions.

    But today I will call L/J and let her know that I'll be seeing her next week. Not actually making an appointment, just letting her know.

    I have lots of Post Marital Stress Disorder to heal from, and she is the one to help me do it.

    The first time I saw her I was just window shopping, but as soon as I saw her I tried twice to kiss her in the front room, and she evaded. I'll always have that story to remind her of how I wanted to let her know that I really liked her.

    Before I was married I never went this far, trying to maintain regular visits. And then when I was married of course I never went this far. But now I am, and soon I will be going even farther.

    This L/J is a treasure. When I begin civilianization one of the first steps will be to introduce her to my other friends, both the men and the women.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I called. She was off that day. This information is of course helpful, because it means I have have been a bit early in estimating when her period comes. Otherwise she would have been there.

    So I will make another call Saturday, and I will delay one day my planned visit.

    I did talk to the other main girl. Let me call her ANC.

    This is the shop where they go for stripper height shoes, eye makeup which they couldn't wear outside, and slutty dresses. I love it. ANC may be the architect of this.

    So over the telephone I complimented her on this.

    She twice invited me to come in and she would take care of me. But I declined. Over the telephone was the ideal way to make such a compliment though.

    This shop is a treasure.

    This ANC was the one who was encouraging me at my first session when I was kissing J/L goodbye. So I like this shop and all their girls.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    This will be my third time with L/J. In my whole history of AMPing I have never done it this way. Only about 5 at the most did I ever do a 3rd session with. And never by planning it deliberately to be once per month, and timed. So this is new territory for me.

    As I have said, I did not go far enough before I was married, and certainly not after I was married.

    If I had gone further, the course of my life would have been different. I would not have been married to the sort of person I ended up with.

    Eventually though I will be gong the farthest, and civilianizing. I'll be introducing these AMP girls to my friends, and of course to each other. But not yet.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I called L/J on the phone again, and again ended up talking to ANC as L/J was still out. So I had misinterpreted when her monthly vacation comes. So I am going to see JOC first, and then L/J after that.

    Never before have I tried to keep seeing AMP girls in this sort of calculated manner.

    These ones I am seeing, they are good 60 min rent-a-girl-friends to me.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    This L/J is unaccounted for. I keep calling the shop, but she is not there and is about two weeks beyond what should be her Aunt Flo vacation. So I've been making calls and talking to the boss, ANC. But she doesn't seem to know where she is. If I were to guess I would suspect that she is back in San Francisco. Her slutty makeup and manner of dressing are definitely San Francisco. They get more money there, and the biz might be better, and they don't worry about any plausible deniability. This is why L/J is more used to kissing, and in fact when I first window shopped her I showed her that I liked her by twice trying to kiss her in the front lobby.

    If she is in SF, she is probably just testing the waters for one month. This is also why she doesn't answer ANC's calls.

    I hope she comes back. ANC says she doesn't answer her cell phone. I told ANC to text her, and ask if she can give me her number.

    I'll wait until I am ready to session with another, timed to also allow for L/J. Then I will walk into their shop and see what I see. I'm not going to session with any of their others yet. If L/J is not there, I will have another I intend to see. But if L/J is there, then the other can wait till another day.

    If I were ready to civilianize, L/J would have been in my own bed months ago and long term contact established. But as it is, the only way she could try to communicate with me would be by making an email account and then contacting me.

    Oh well.

    HA, yesterday's session

    New England and how to interpret RubMaps AMP reviews:

    football guy's GFE thread:

    AMP Advice to an out of state TUSCL bro:

    Hookup script versus Dating script:


    Wes Montgomery, Beginnings
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    This one, L/J, is the one who was the most dolled up and the one who I liked the best. Tried to see her for a 3rd session over a month ago. Seems that she went on her Aunt Flo break and then never returned. Now I have been twice to her shop and they are saying that she got married and retired.

    Oh well. There is a good chance this is true. I could see this as being so. It is also possible that she just left their shop for greener pastures, like San Francisco perhaps. Oh well.

    Not sure if I am going to session with any of their others, or if I will try out a new shop. RubMaps indicates to me that there are others at least worth window shopping.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I read SJG's first post, and I was going to respond. Then I saw another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and ......
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