
rickdugan and jerikson40 are both fagggots!

Friday, January 16, 2015 7:00 PM
Title says it all!


  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Wait, isn't jerkison a girl? So if she takes it in the ass....? my head hurts.
  • zipman68
    9 years ago
    C'mon Dougsta, let's be fair. Jerikson40 has a bit of the ol' "someone on the Internet is wrong" syndrome. But who among us hasn't wiled away some time telling anonymous folks how to live their lives. True...jerikson can be a bit more vehement than many folks, but we all have our own Internet personas. And I'm sue RickyBoy is an OK dude deep down. He just feels compelled to emphasize the douchier aspects of his personality. Clearly, there was a real douchebag that RickyBoy admired while growing up and that is his vision of how "cool dudes" act. So he plays up the "I hope my sexy hunchback slips up on her sobriety so I can save $100 on OTC with her" side of his personality while still claiming to be a rich stud. Of course, he doesn't realize that the only rich people who care one way or the other 'bout $100 are real D-bags.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    I got nothing against dugan but that jerkoffson is a faggot for sure.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    I don't know. RickyBoy is at least funny. Jerkoffson, OTOH, does say some accurate things about 20% of the time versus RickyBoy's 5%. So although they are both faggots hard to say who is worse overall. I guess RickyBoy is also mellowing with age, which can happen to guys with his personality damage starting in their 40-50s. Jerkoffson just becomes more nostalgic and a bigger whiner as he gets older.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Dugan....I got a reality tv series to pitch to some network about a guy like him. It would be perfect for him, because that guy needs a reality check.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    At least jerikson40 will join in on the Dugan bashing and make some good points. I'm betting Rickyboy is Jewish. He's got all the stereotypical qualities, even perceived value for overpriced OTC, because he jawbones the topic toward his views and anyone seeing it gets so exhausted they give up and quit. I suspect jawboning is another technique for his OTC antics, because apparently the girls aren't doing it on their own fruition.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Can we vote on this? I vote for Jerkoffson being a girl from stripperweb.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    My money is on RickyBoy being Italian or Greek. I think he implied he was Catholic once, so that tilts it in favor of Italian.
  • zipman68
    9 years ago
    ^^^ I don't know RickyBoy's actual background, but I suspect he tries to look like a Guido from the Jersey Shore. A little paunchy, walkin' around in a leisure suite with a girdle underneath to keep himself from looking too paunchy, hair slicked back over his bald spot... I can just see him after being bumped on the street. Ol' RickyBoy turns around, fire in his eyes, and yells "you hit muh hair...I put a lotta work into muh hair...I need it ta look pahfect so I can run muh system ta pay hookahs fuh sex". Unless the dude that bumped into him looks like he could kick his ass. In that case he holds his tongue.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ hah hah! I believe in his case he doesn't say shit to anyone in the clubs until after he greased a bouncer or stroked a manager. Then he talks to strippers after tipping them and standing at the bar ordering high priced drinks. Otherwise that dude will have to shut his face before someone rearranges it.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    So RickyBoy is probably Italian. I've wondered if Josh43 is Jewish, however. Most Jews I know are not complete idiots, however, so probably not.
  • Josh43
    9 years ago
    No, Dougster, but everyone appreciates a little antisemitism in a thread which has a tittle about faggots. If ya try a little harder, maybe you can alienate the entire human race!!!!!!!
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