
Taking a trip with a dancer

layin low but staying high
Thursday, January 15, 2015 5:54 AM
I've got a 3 day trip planned with my DS in a couple of weeks. I'm very comfortable with this young girl, and we know one another pretty well. But I'm still a little uncertain what it'll be like to spend 3 full days and nights together. So far our longest date has been 8 hours or so together. I imagine if she has SS this'll be when I discover it since it hasn't shown up so far. Since this is my first trip with a stripper I was wondering if anybody with such trip experience has any advice.


  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Hide your valuables.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    PM Farmerart
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    I took a trip with my ATF many years ago. There were no problems. Wasn't three days, just two days and the overnight. Well, there was one small problem. I wanted to pay for everything, but she insisted she chip in. Our compromise, she paid for an excellent dinner the evening we stayed over.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Ask farmerart. He's done that at least once.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    The only trip I've ever taken with a stripper was over to the ATM machine so she could get her money.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Make sure you have some free time for both of you to do your own thing. Could be an hour, or several hours. Just so you each have a break and can get away for a bit. Or, read @Carolynne's thread from a few year's back titled "ethical question" dated Dec 29, 2012 (sorry cannot post a link - search for it) and never let DS leave your sight.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Here is the ethical question thread [view link] It deals with a guys date fucking other men while he is away during the day for business. She sounded like a complete escort (got paid in advance for example) while my DS does not escort. She just does OTC dates with her best customer. I'm not worried about my DS fucking other guys for money ob the trip. However, it did cross my mind that she might meet some cute young guy at the pool or a club who she wanted to spend time with. I told her that I expected to be the only guy she was involved with on the trip and she agreed. Also not likely to come up because I'm not doing any business while she is there. So while we may take short breaks from one another, for the most part we will be together the whole time.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Clubber my DS is almost perfect but she would never offer that. I always pay for everything. It would be a nice gesture if she offered to buy me something one time, but I strongly expect it ain't gonna happen.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    JS69, I didn't mention it was a work excursion for her. She wanted to check the area for possible work there, at times. Since I was going anyway, seemed a perfect match.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    9 years ago
    You got some excellent advice above. It sounds like your reservations have been made. I would have recommended you try just one overnight, at first, to see how it goes. Please do report back on how the trip went.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    One other piece of advice: Don't do anything that will convert her from your Dream Stripper to your Nightmare Stripper from Hell.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    GMD, don't worry I'm not going to insist upon anal sex as part of the worship service. Besides that, I can't imagine what could cause such a conversion. Goer, I thought of that. But it's an expensive trip to a nice place. And I'm there all week. It just didn't seem right to only invite her for such a short stay.
  • farmerart
    9 years ago
    I took several trips with Toronto sweetie before she dumped me. The trips were to isolated resorts in Hawaii or Corsica and were of a week to ten days in length. Before venturing on a vacation with Toronto sweetie I had come to know her via sex weekends on my Toronto business trips. I am a wealthy guy so Toronto sweetie was able to enjoy some spiffy resorts, good booze and meals, and comfortable business class or first class travel. Toronto sweetie is a mature beauty in her early 40s and a champion performer in the sack. I loved our vacations together as did Toronto sweetie. I always gave her $5K or the equivalent in a shopping spree on each of our trips. Just two pieces of advice for you: 1. Do not combine any business with this trip. 2. Be absolutely certain that you truly KNOW this girl. e.g. manners in public, personal hygiene, her true interests as compared to yours (outside of the sex), etc.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    You are braver man than I am. I would never consider going on a trip with a stripper. I would interview and select an exclusive escort if I had that kind of money rather than a club stripper.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Research the area and things to do in the area that she might enjoy. I’ll use my area of Miami for example: Miami has the beaches – one can go to South Beach (SoBe) and easily spend a day there enjoying the weather and the outdoors - - things to do in SoBe for example: + go to the beach and lay out some (certainly doable pretty much all year round although the water would be too cold to swim in) + many people walk around SoBe so there is often a bit of a vibe and is good for people watching + there are outdoor bars and restaurants to eat at in SoBe + you can rent bicycles or motorized scooters and do some riding getting some sun and exercise + there is a big outdoor mall in SoBe called Lincoln Mall which is like 4 blocks long with shopping and dining which is very popular with tourists and locals alike You can also do simple things to fill the time like going to the theatre to watch a movie that is currently popular and the DS might enjoy watching – you can also do simple things like maybe go bowling in order to fill some time if it’s something she might enjoy or doing if she’s never done it b/f. Other attractions in the area you plan to visit – for example in Miami there is Bayside Market Place in downtown near SoBe that is popular w/ tourists and has things to do like boat rides in the inter-coastal; etc ([view link]) There is also the Miami Seaquarium; etc – just using Miami as an example of things/attractions to a particular area.
    9 years ago
    My really nice Dancer friend (currently she is in her late 30's and beautiful and me late 50's working to stay in shape0 and I have gone on three or four day vacation/trips once and twice a year for the past 5 years plus years. Over the years, we've gone to fairly nearby casino resorts, palm springs, reno, las vegas and hot springs resorts in Colorado. Very laid back, relaxin but we are on vacations for both of us..... Advice, really know the other person well.......maybe do a couple regular dates first to really try to be sure. slip
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I once took my ATF on a vacation. I knew she was a heroin addict and we had talked about her kicking her habit. I figured get her away from dealers she knew, spend a week getting sick and I'd be there to support and feed her. We flew down south to a condo I owned and when we arrived I learned that she had hidden her syringes in my checked bag. She had stuffed 5 packets of heroin in her snatch and the paper had dissolved in the warm moist environment. We went out for a meal and while in a sketchy neighborhood she jumped out of the car yelling for me to drive around the block. On my 4th trip around the block I got pulled over by police who thought I was trolling for drugs or a hooker. Rental car, out of state license - I explained my GF & I argued and she split and I was looking for her. A 1/2 hour later she called my cell from a motel where she just scored some drugs. She met a homeless woman who returned with us to my condo and she started smoking crack. I said she had to go and agreed to drive her back. On the way she offered me a $25 blow job which I declined. I was able to switch our flights to return 4 days early. Bottom line - a complete failure and one never to be repeated. Proof that there's a major difference between a dream stripper and an all time favorite.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Isn't taking a stripper with you on vacation, like taking sand to the beach?
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Where are you going with her? May I suggest the Bermuda Triangle. Both are already good at swallowing seamen.
  • scatterbrain
    9 years ago
    Did a trip with two decidedly younger than me dancers to Vegas for the weekend. It was a lot of fun and all went well. We smoked lots of cigars, shopped, gambled, and ate nice dinners. We also went to a couple of SCs to se if they might be interested in dancing there. All in all it was a fun trip. My advice, know the dancer(s) well and discuss all expectations up front.
  • alabegonz
    9 years ago
    Take her to a place where she would only enjoy you and no one else. You know, these strippers are so much good at socialization, she can ruin your vacation if she decides to. In an instant, she could walk away and party with someone she just met. Just make sure her attention is to you and only you.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Thanks to everyone for the advice, the jokes, and the horror stories. I will report back after the trip.
  • ididthisonce
    9 years ago
    I did it a few times. All worked out just fine but I remained wary about keeping personal info hid. (I was married at the time).
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    JS69, You sound like someone who has experienced all the joys of marriage, so you are left genuinely wondering if you would ever want to spend too many consecutive hours with any female ever again. Bro, I am with you on this. SJG
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    "joys of marriage" A clear contradiction in terms.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I think the real solution is that the time spent with women does need to be structured time. Some of it can be sex, and this can be elevated to the height of pagan ritual. There can other types of structuring too. But beyond that I think it better if women and men actually have duties and responsibilities. Just hanging out with a woman for too long, in my opinion and experience, is destructive. SJG
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    SJG, the strip club gods are gonna smite you for calling my worship of my dream stripper a "pagan ritual." Its a beautiful, soul searching, worshipful experience that no purple dress massage girl could ever touch. Repent now. The trip is next week, so I'm looking forward to her complying with her "duties and responsibilities" for the three day adventure. Will report on the results.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    I've never done an overnight but I think three days and nights is a long time to spend with anyone no matter how cool you are with them. I would start off with a much shorter trip with a very tight itinerary.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @JohnSmith your link is exactly the reason you should never take a hoe with you for vacation. Don't expect her to be faithful.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I get the risks and concerns. I know that nobody believes me but this really is an extraordinarily unique dancer. The details are too personal to explain, but I'm comfortable doing this with her even though ive never met another dancer that I would do this with. Her faithfulness during the trip is my least concern of all.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Good luck and have fun, John. And make sure you don't take any pictures -- risqué or touristy -- that you'll have to explain to your wife! ; )
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    The Abrahamic Faiths were invented to destroy the women centered pagan religion, in which sex is one of the primary rituals. Read the Bible, they were more afraid of this type of religion than of anything. More people have been killed in order to suppress this pagan religion than pagans have ever killed. The Abrahamic Faiths center on a weekly daytime Sabbath. This was invented to pre-empt a the night time monthly lunar women centered rituals of the pagan faiths. But this type of pagan faith will never completely go away. Consider someplace like the TJ Hong Kong Bar. That place runs around the clock, and it looks like the girls are encouraged to bed down with customers when ever they feel like it. So what kind of a clock does it really run on? It runs on a lunar clock, as this determines when the girls get time off. I use this same clock/calendar when I decide when to visit one of my Asian RA's. SJG
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Huh? SJG, that may be the strangest post I have ever skimmed.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Pre-patriarchal religion would have been women centered. It almost certainly would have been based on a monthly night time lunar ritual. I mean once every 28.3 day lunar month. From this, the women would have obtained menstrual synchrony, today known as the McClintock Effect. From this they would have gotten complete reproductive control. The Abrahamic Faiths were invented to crush this and to turn women into livestock. If you just read the Patriarchal Narrative section of the Book of Genesis, you can see this. So the daytime and male centered weekly Sabbath was invented to pre-empt the night time and women centered monthly ritual. But the old religion never has completely gone away. It continued in what we call Religious Prostitution, in the temples of the Near and Middle East. In the Prophetic Division of the Bible, you can see that this is what they were most afraid of. Also, in various forms of Gnostic Christianity it has resurfaced, and it always continued in the religion of Ancient Egypt. It was there in the 13th Century in what some call the Burning Times, when huge numbers of women were burned as witches. And of course this is always what the real fear over witchcraft is, that women will gain reproductive control. The response to this sort of religion resurfacing, which would give women reproductive control, has always been mass execution. And it is there anytime women work in situations where their job is to have sex with as many guys as possible. Their schedule becomes lunar, and not solar. So of course you see this in a place like TJ's Hong Kong Bar, where women can work around the clock, bedding down with whoever they want when ever they want. There are some domestic UHM strip clubs where they post dancer schedules online. These are lunar schedules, and sure indicator that it is a FS establishment. And of course I saw this first hand being on close terms with the staff and management of a number of AAMPs. I'm going to post about last night's AMP visit, actually a negative experience, but maybe not the final word on the matter. [view link] Viagra Thread: Is it things like frustration with marriage, coupled with frustrations from the P4P types of sex, which cause the psychological changes which cause the decrease in male sexual capacity with age? [view link] SJG Gary Moore, Wishing Well [view link]
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