
Terrible smile

Monday, January 12, 2015 12:59 AM
Have you ever seen a dancer with a smile so ugly you tried not to say anything funny because you didnt want to see her laugh? This happened to me at a Hooters once. I was there with my cousin and he told me to stop telling jokes to the waitress because he didnt want to see her smile anymore. Her smile was ugly though.


  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Not with a dancer but with a dental assistant. She had drop-dead gorgeous, bedroom blue eyes and I was really looking forward to her pulling down that surgical mask, but -- DAMN! Her teeth were a mangled train wreck.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Dental assistant? That's just wrong! But I guess she's need an orthodontist to fix that, she's working at the wrong office! Several years ago my friends and I were on a road trip and we stayed overnight at some random town off the interstate near the West Virginia/Kentucky border. We went to a strip club and there were a few 6s a best... Then this stunning brunette comes out in glasses and a school girl outfit, no tattoos, just gorgeous.... Then she opens her mount, and one of her front teeth is missing (top)! Ruined it for me, she sat and chatted with one of the guys in the group all night.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Croomed or missing terth will definitely ruin a smile. The Hooters girl I am talking about didnt have that problem quite as noticable as her face. She was girl next door cute but, when she smiled she scrunched her face up in such a way that looked awful. Good thing she was well endowed. It was either look at that awful sme or get busted staring at cleavage...lol
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Or missing teeth not terth...who is the redneck now
  • SlickSpic
    9 years ago
    We use ta have a saying about folks who had jacked up teeth. We use to say, " Her teeth look like she bit a brick." I don't know if y'all have used that saying, but I loved it. In fact, we use to know this broad who's nickname was "Bit-A-Brick".
  • SlickSpic
    9 years ago
    There use to be a manager at this local McDonalds. She had so many teeth that we called her "10,000 Teeth".
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    Years ago, I was sitting with a girl at a club and this girl with a knockout body was dancing on stage that I hadn't seen before. The girl I was sitting with said "she has a great body.... butter face." I couldn't understand why the girl I was sitting with called the girl on stage: "butter face." So I asked her what that meant. She looked at me and said: "nice body, but her face." And that day I learned a new strip club term to add to the lexicon.... lol.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I've encountered women I find hard to look at. And yes, it is a problem. Usually just getting to know the person better will solve this. Mutual respect, instead of critical judgment. But of course, it would be very rare that I would be finding myself physically attracted to someone I can't even look at. SJG
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