
the chase

Dirty Cop
Saturday, January 10, 2015 4:01 AM
Lets face it boys not all of us club for extras as the #1 objective. Some crave the process of the hunt and chase. Like me once the sex is had the fun is over for my desire for that stripper. So in order to maximize my rush i find clubs and girls ready to put this old boy on a old fashion rabbit chase


  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    Maybe review one of the clubs you visited??? A troll?
  • jvTroop
    9 years ago
    Thats not really a nice way to welcome new members.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    The chase? Chase to pay hookers for sex?
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    jv, When one has been here for 14+ years, one begins to recognize the making of a troll as oppose to a contributor. Just toss out a review from a club. Must have visited, correct? Reviews are the main purpose of TUSCLIST. :)
  • jvTroop
    9 years ago
    Thanks for clearing that up for me clubber. I will write one up soon
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    I do agree that part of the fun is seeing something you like and going after it. Let's face it: To me, a dance with a 9 or 10 that involves a good grind and some hot seduction, even without extras, is better than a 3 or a 4 doing an act that involves initials (BBBJTC, FS, FIV, IRS, PDQ, IDKWTFBBQ, etc.). The challenge is first getting the dancer you really want, then getting as much as you can out of her. It's an interesting game.
  • LeeH
    9 years ago
    jvTroop, be prepared to be shit on. Many of those who only go to the club for one reason adamantly insist that that's the only reason to go to a club and will give you hell for suggesting that not everyone is alike. Maybe even suggest that you're just a troll. Go to the clubs for the reasons that you like and engage in the conversations here. Just be sure to wear a cup if you're going to suggest that there may be 2 or 3 types of people among the 7 billion on the planet.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Try not to use your Chase card in a strip club
  • LeeH
    9 years ago
    motorhead, for the win !!! :)
  • LeeH
    9 years ago
    Anonymous Jim, she apparently wasn't doing IDKWTFBBQ right, then.
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    See, I prefer my IDKWTFBBQ more Kansas City style, with that sweet flavor. I think she was more Texas style, that more smokey kind. Oh well.
  • sflguy123
    9 years ago
    I received IDKWTFBBQ once but a few days later I ended up with SICRMWRAD so never again for me. I'll stick with the standard AYSCNEA with a little INHAQWERTY.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    Lee, Nice backhanded try at an insult!
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    If you are new and haven't gotten hazed by Clubber then you aren't TUSCL'er material :)
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    GACA, As I said, "LIST". Now if this site was TUSCIBIO, Newbies would be just fine. :)
  • LeeH
    9 years ago
    Thanks, Clubber. I was rather proud of it.
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