City of Industry clubs in CA, nowhere near detroit in terms of EXTRA's!

avatar for Kprince
I moved out here and heard a lot about extra's out in the COI, but I've visted every sc here and it's very hit or miss. Seems like less than half even offer them and the prices are nowhere near detroit. Also, some clubs have a very confusing "pay for vip room" and I'll take care you sale, but for me I need to know the specifics before I throw down, even if it's just 75.00 for a short time in the vip etc. Can anyone be cool enough to chip in their 2 cents about the COI clubs in terms of extra's? I realize it's easily the best city in all of CA to find extra's even offered, and no, I'm not trying to whine about it not be detroit, (bc really, no other city compares in terms of extra's) but Im just confused about the general pricing structure as it relates to the vip etc and the general tidbits (such as is it easier to find extra's willing dancers during the day shift, does vip usually include a hj as standard, etc)... There are some absolute hotties at SR which has the top talent by far but their prices on the night shift seem to be well above the top talent at Flight club, penthouse and colli in det. (400+ for fs, 200 for a bj, etc). If anyone can give me some insider info to a recent transplant I'd really appreciate it.


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avatar for humvry
10 years ago
Welcome to southern Calif.
The SCs in COI are indeed the most generous clubs as far ad extras are concerned. IMO the pricing here is quite reasonable compared to other locations,
Usually extras most likely are not offered to first time visitors. The dancers have to first feel comfortable about you. They will also like to know what kind of spender you are IOW you're still a new kid in town. Most of the girls here have a strong sense of knowing who they can trust, After all it's a Gentlemen's club.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
I've never clubbed in Detroit, so I can't compare it to the COI, where I have clubbed extensively. The extras there are infamous and too. There is no magic formula - if you know the busy price cut VIP days (they vary amongst the clubs) then you know the days that certain clubs are going to be packed with dancers & PL's, and those are the times when hunting is most lucrative. Becoming known to the girls helps tremendously, since there has been (and continues to be) raids occurring there alot recently. If they suspect that you are LE in any way you're hosed. I have never had any problem getting UUHM from any of the clubs there, especially SRCOI. It's amazing to me the level of hotness of the SRCOI dancers that are willing to go the extra mile on the cheap.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I don't get extras much in COI. The SR dancers are very extras friendly and good looking. But I don't partake a lot because they are high cost and fake boobs dominate there which really turns me off. At the other clubs, the quality of most of the dancers tends to be low and the few hot ones don't do extras (or at least they tell me they don't since I'm not a regular in the area). For these reasons I haven't found the COI clubs to be the great place for extras that some claim them to be.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
JS69 - the recent bunch of COI raids have really put a scare into the dancers, and if you aren't familiar to them, chances are that you won't be offered any extras. We all thought that after the last Nov elections the raids would stop, but they haven't - if anything they have increased, and it has everybody on edge. Rumor has it that the city is trying to oust the clubs (as well as the AMP's & smut shops), since they don't contribute to the tax base. So we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Lopaw, now you've done it. You mentioned AMPs. Now SJG is going to post a 100,000 word analysis of the situation in COI
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
Not to be captain obvious...
Detroit = poor
LA, not so much
pricing may vary acordingly
avatar for nemesisk7
10 years ago
Tijuana .
avatar for minnow
10 years ago
Kp the OP: You could always move your ass back to Detroit if it bothers you that much. (Or else surf the web for airline/hotel packages from L.A. area to Detroit.)
avatar for Kprince
10 years ago
No thanks, I love it out here ; ) As I said in my post, I wasnt whining I was just asking for info, the pricing structure of course is a ymmv type of thing, these dancer's arent robots, and yes, I don't expect it to be as cheap as detroit overall, just wanted to get the lay of the land from some experienced members.
avatar for Kprince
10 years ago
It's interesting TJ was mentioned... Tijuana has really made me a more efficient monger, obviously it's a 2.5 hour drive from LA but once you get down there you can get 90 min msog in a hotel room with a stripper quality latina for only 120 bucks total, or go to HK or AB and 60 bucks plus 13-15 for the room and 1.00 tip for the cum boy so under 100 bucks basically you could get a knockout girl who could work at SRCOI if she was up here. But I'm glad at least COI clubs exist since it's nice compromise from making too many TJ trips.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I think you are just gonna have to adapt and learn the game out there – the COI way of doing things w.r.t. extras is probably more in line w/ most other areas where extras are wroth having; whereas Detroit is kinda more of a rarity.
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