
Strip Clubs – An Alternate Universe ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

Not in the weird Twilight Zone kinda way.

More along the lines of kinda going into a different world sorta.

Running the risk of outing my level of PLness; although it’s probably too late by now; for me often times SCs are an escape from at least the same ole same ole routine and sometimes just to get away from any things/problems that may be on my mind or bothering me.

Often times when I’m in a SC; I forget about the world for the couple of hours that I am there. It seems as if my brain is either fully immersed in the SCness or the part of the brain that was previously worried about something all of a sudden goes dormant and the “happy/alert brain” takes over.

How about you PLs; I mean esteemed SC colleagues – do you often find yourself in a SC as if it was an “alternate universe” or at least feel as if you are not in the real world w/ real problems?


  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Alternate as girls aggressively approach you universe, Then yes.

    Alternate as in don't worry about sexual harassment kinda of universe. Then yes

    Alternate as in completely different from the world I live in. Then no.

    I guess the fact that I have to spend money to make it happen destroys my "willing suspension of disbelief" in order for the fantasy to work.
  • VeryBigDawg
    10 years ago
    My experience has been the whole SC is an artificial environment, but artificial in a positive way. If I am feeling blue it takes awhile to get in the SC mode but it definitely gets me out my funk. And nobody gives a fuck who you are so you can enjoy yourself. I have gone in when I had some minor pains but after an hour all the pain is gone.

    You know the girls are putting on their best attitude to get in your wallet. But even beyond that the girls like the environment, because they can do whatever they want, work whenever they want, come in late, and drink on the job. Not may jobs with those lenient benefits. So they are happy too. And where else can you have young lovelies drolling over you?

    Similar to Las Vegas where you can't be too tacky or too stupid.

    Keep on SCing!
  • IHearVoices
    10 years ago
    GACAclub's first statement says it all for me. That was what I first started to like about real SCs. We actually get approached - or even chased (most of the time) - as opposed to having to initiate everything.

    In general, SCing seems a lot like regular dance clubbing for me. I do both to hear music and dance with women. I feel a little different because the dynamic mentioned earlier, but it's pretty similar.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    It's just entertainment at it's finest.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I'm good at forgetting everything else when I go visit strip clubs.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Strip clubs can be a great -- but expensive -- way to check out of reality for a little bit. Every now and again when I'm in one, I have to let reality pinch me -- those dances could've been a tank of gas or a week's worth of groceries, or I really don't feel like seeing a list of strip club charges on my next credit card bill, not when I'm trying to pay it off.

    My preferred method of checking out of reality for a little bit is movies. When I got laid off from my job in the Twin Cities (thanks to Bush's incentives to outsource American jobs), the first thing I did was hit a cheap, second-run theatre for a couple of flicks. Maybe ten bucks, including munchies, to decompress and check out for a while -- I figured it was a good investment. And it was definitely a helluva lot cheaper than bars and strippers.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    Strip clubs provide me with a more interesting universe, a universe with hot girls showing me their tits and rubbing against me and telling me how much they like me. Life would be bland and boring without strip clubs.
  • warhawks
    10 years ago
    I've often said that SC's are a little slice of heaven for me.

    Beautiful girls, dressed sexy, persuing you, and sex to be had.
    Alcohol, and sports on TV on screens all around you.

    For me, those are some of the most enjoyable things in life!

    The only thing that would make it better for me is If they only had classic cars and motorcycles and gambling too.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    I have done the same thing. When I leave sometimes it takes a while for the real world to hit me again
  • eyeamlong
    10 years ago
    Sure there are times I go from hanging out with friends at the local community center, for seniors 55 and older.
    Seeing these old girls wearing granny panties, and compress stocking, playing checkers, or chess(wtf)..Sometime I'm on the golf course with Bible tote'n conservative guys....(I'm Liberal)

    Going to a strip club , allows me to create my own .... Event, Condition, & Circumstance =
    My, Reality or ( Universe)....
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    Are you sure this "real world" of which you speak is not the alternate universe?
  • deogol
    10 years ago
    It's all real. The constraints are changed, that's all.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Yes, yes, yes, it's true.

    I'm like in a different world when I enter a SC.

    Just like what happened yesterday night.

    I visited my favorite and she was there looking all so pretty and sexy, oozing with so much goodness, inside my mouth was drooling waiting for her to start a conversation with me.

    While waiting for her, this dancer who also pretty with lust factor of at least 8 walked to my direction and sat beside me, started a convo, our conversation were a bit awkward because my eyes were fucking her, she understood what my eyes were doing to her and she responded by doing a fake fucking movement, it's like a we're caught into a moment were are categorically having sex. We were still having a conversation in addition to that playful eye contact.

    I then decided to get one (just one) dance and by the end of the dance, I felt a little disappointed maybe because we are still breaking the ice, so she wasn't the deal I was looking for. I let her go and she went on looking for more dances.

    All that I didn't know my favorite was aware of it, I sensed a little jealousy from her when she sat next saying

    "You should spend more of your with me."

    "Yeah, I got distracted."

    I asked for a dance and we went there.

    She took me to another place and time, she was just wonderful to be with. She can't be compared to the new dancer I just met yesterday, she simply smokes her.

    She is totally from a different world that I can only stay for a few hours and then I have to leave for some sad reason.
  • AbbieNormal
    10 years ago
    Stripclubs are a world of their own in the sense that they have their own unique culture, as I'm sure most here will attest. While the rules of that culture are connected in many ways to the real world culture (a quickly disappearing distinction with Halloween essentially becoming "dress like a stripper" day for women) the rules are both different enough from the real world to be distinct, and consistent enough across "Strip Club Nation" that I'd say there is a definite strip club culture that exists within the real world as a part of it.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Always bring a towel when you hitchike, that's all I'm saying.
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    Papi_Chulo, my friend, you are correct. No place else in my Universe like a SC.

    Wish I was there right now.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    It's a fun (tho expensive) way to escape the bullshit world for a few hours, and drown in the flesh of hot ladies.

  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I was in the ATL the weekend of 11/14/14 – 11/16/14 – hit 7 clubs and 9 visits total from that Fr- Su – hit 6 black clubs where the dances were either $5 or $10 and also hit Follies @ $10/dance – that weekend *did* feel like an alternate universe of just pure lust and indulging.

    Planning on a Fr – Su weekend road-trip in mid-December from Miami to Cocoa Beach to hit the Inner Room and then onto to Tampa for more SCing b/f driving back to Miami on Su.

    w/ all these trips I’ve been abstaining from hitting local SCs but I could not hold out any longer and decided to hit a local Miami black dive that has $5 dances and some nice/willing-to-please chocolate. Got there @ 4:15 pm and was planning to stay 1 to 2 hrs max –ended up leaving @ 9:15 pm and again it felt like I was in alternate universe for those 5 hrs where the only thing I was thinking off was all the naked tits and ass all around me (this black dive is similar to most black dives where dances are full-nude 2-way contact on the floor – so b/w all the dances I got and all the naked hot chocolate either giving nude dances all around me or just walking around naked – yeah – 5 hrs of bliss.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Slick, thanks for reminding me -- that's another series of books I need to read!
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I think they are an alternate universe. But I also say that they are not viable as actual solutions to anything. They just offer us a different perspective on relations between men and women.

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