How many of y'all dogs and degenerates have been to a club where any of Shadow's or anybody else's 2 AM situations have happened. And if you've been to one, have you gone back, after the fact?
As far as I can remember I have been to two. Shooters Alley and Follies. Both in Atlanta and right down the street from each other. There has been noticeable security increases in place at both clubs since the incidents.
There was a real bad fist fight in the front parking lot of the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger. I say fight, really it was just a bunch of guys beating the shit out of someone. It was not that close to 2AM either. I flagged down some police and directed them to it.
The Hip Hugger is closed now, but that is the last place I would have expected such a thing. I think it just drew in some creeps that night.
If such things seemed common, or if the general ambiance of the environment seemed to encourage it, then certainly I would stay away.
San Jose has had violence problems at its downtown discos. And yes, some have been closed.
The situations that I would take the most seriously would be the ones where the club and its bouncers are provoking violence and where the bouncers are themselves acting as thugs. This kind of a club I would terminate.
SJG, I heard that AMPs with dancers in purple dresses are particularly dangerous. Apparently the danger is heightened even further if they have a car wash. Please be careful. You might want to stay in your moms basement until the danger has passed. It'll probably be a couple of years or so. We'll let you know.
Slick, I was beaten and car-jacked at gunpoint by 3 bloods. Wasn't paying attention. The idiots stalled my camaro in the middle of the street and bailed. When the cops showed up, they asked if it was a drug deal gone bad.!!!???
I've been to Augie's Doggies in the Twin Cities, where one dancer was shot in the head by another. It's been probably twenty years since I've been there though. Dream Girls, a club I last visited back in August, is just around the corner and down the block from it.
I used to see yellow police tape at regular restaurants or bars about every month or heard about a murder every month in the area I used to live so if there is an incident at one club on a night I wasn't there,I hardly even notice what time it was. I did hear that a customer got killed by a bouncer at platinum plus. Most of the bouncers I see at the club look a lot smaller than me though. If a club had a security issue, I might stay away. A one time accident won't stop me. The university I went to was ranked most violent in the nation the first year I went to it. I thought it was seriously over ranked. They just partied real hard and a few people broke some laws. I never saw any violence. Of course I tried to stay away whenever I saw the police. I have heard about violence when the police get involved. I often feel more threatened when I see police around at night then ordinary people. You never know when the police are going to cause trouble or start harassing you or following you.
I think it's a sign of living in a police state nation when your biggest fear is not criminals or drunk drivers but police looking to cause trouble stopping people for the slightest reason they think of. I remember getting the nazi swat team treatment one night by 4 guys racing down the road shining flashlights all over, yelling at me, shouting put your hands on the steering wheel, etc, etc. My crime? Apparently I drove erratic when somebody else almost side swiped me. Of course they claimed they didn't see the other car. I thought it was them and that they had road rage, maybe it was. They should have signaled to turn left if they wanted to cut in front of me instead of nearly hitting me. I drive more cautiously now. You never know when the people trying to cut in front of you without signaling might be the police in an unmarked vehicle.
Usually if you see a very aggressive driver at night following you real close or not leaving you much space on the highway, it's the police. I think they tend to be the most aggressive dangerous drivers on the road most of the time. It does make them easier to spot when they haven't fallen asleep sitting along the road because only a few cars go by each hour late at night. Of course during the day I never see the police around when other drivers run red lights or weave back and forth talking on their phones.
Shark, if you are referring to PP in Greenville, it turned out the bouncer did not do anything wrong and certainly didn't kill the guy. The guy had some sort of medical condition which killed him.
Well slick im one of the wild cats that open and close clubs down so yes I've been around sum 2amers....shadow reported on the mouses ear in johnson city TN burned to the ground after i left to never return again....another time shadow reported on a shooting in gastonia NC and i once again was their.....know when club Xcapades in Asheville NC I've been their for many 2amers...that club was in the. Enter of all 4 hoods n was also a drug house for cocaine,pills and such....i remember one time a buddy from
High school got into a fist fight then took it outside to finish it off with guns.....cops was always at this club around 2am.....i loved this club it was a good place to get high and arrange for OTC Sex....u would thank it would have had Itc but but as a strip club it sucked...i also remember one 2amer were a gang fight broke out inside the club and bouncers and dancers was duking it out with yes slick juice lives it and shadow reports it lol...i still believe shadow has a personal hellacopter he reports from
Years ago the owner of a strip club on Eight Mile in Detroit had his car booby trapped in the parking lot and ended up losing both his legs when he left work. I would go to this club later when the Topless Prophet owned it, it was named the Booby Trap, and there was a lot more security. Still I was once robbed a block away from the bar. Depends on the neighborhood
last commentThe Hip Hugger is closed now, but that is the last place I would have expected such a thing. I think it just drew in some creeps that night.
If such things seemed common, or if the general ambiance of the environment seemed to encourage it, then certainly I would stay away.
San Jose has had violence problems at its downtown discos. And yes, some have been closed.
The situations that I would take the most seriously would be the ones where the club and its bouncers are provoking violence and where the bouncers are themselves acting as thugs. This kind of a club I would terminate.
Pete Seeger, Guantanamera…
What was your source material for your Dream Stripper? Penthouse? Playboy? Which issue?
@SJG-Good swing but Celia Cruz's version is the definitive Guantanamera.
I would go to this club later when the Topless Prophet owned it, it was named the Booby Trap, and there was a lot more security. Still I was once robbed a block away from the bar. Depends on the neighborhood