
Strip Clubs are Illegal????

layin low but staying high
I was looking at strip clubs for a recent trip to San Franciscoly SF clubs suck ( horribly overpriced and mostly clothed lap dances) which may explain SJG's fascination with AMPs. So I started looking at clubs in nearby cities. Santa Clara county cities were out, for obvious reasons, so I started looking at Oakland, the nearest large city. I search but cannot find a single club, either good or bad, anywhere in Oakland. WTF? I do a little research, and apparently any strip club of any type is illegal in Oakland


Never heard of such a thing before. I'm pretty sure ( God bless the USA) that young sluts have a constitutional right of self expression to display their naked bodies to paying PLs. Where is the fucking ACLU when you need them? Has anyone else ever heard of a city where any strip club of any type is illegal? Sounds like communism to me.


  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I brought up Oakland not having any stripclubs earlier this year. Bullshit.
  • crsm27
    10 years ago
    Why not go to Santa Clara county??
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Another reason why Raiders fans are so damn angry.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Hey folks, I told you so. This is why I went into such detail about the issues at stake in an earlier thread about Legal Restrictions:


    This is also why I have talked so much about the machinations of Clip Joints, and why it is instead important to get to physical friendliness with you girl before going to any booths or back rooms.

    What it comes down to are unconstitutional local ordinances, things which violate the 1st Amendment, and then un-jury tested interpretations of things like PC-647(B).

    It is a really sorry state of affairs.

    This is also one of the reasons why some people set up a string of Table Dancing or "Bikini Show" in some Mexican Bars in San Jose and Gilroy. There were trying to full an extreme vacuum. And all of them have had serious trouble with the Santa Clara County DA as a result of this.

    In San Jose there is AJ's. This is just a bar. It is on one of my favorite bicycle routes, so I've passed it hundreds of times, and I've seen there dancers out in front. It is just for a few hours a couple of nights of the week. Bikini, strict no touching.

    There used to be another AJ's, maybe in Fremont.

    This was probably the inspiration for the underground Table Dancing circuit.

    So it is bleak. Just a few clubs in Santa Clara County, all strictly no touching. Nothing in Contra Costa County. Oakland used to have 3 or 4 clubs listed on TUSCL. But they are gone now. They were probably just bars, and the dancers were probably street hookers.

    Used to be two in San Mateo County, but the city got the building torn down for club ante. So now it is just the Hanky Panky. Officially no touching and topless. But that has always been a Mexican place and known for dancers who do OTC.

    Then it is San Francisco. Other than that, unless there is still some of this underground Bikini Show circuit going, then you would have to go to Sacramento or Stockton or Fresno, or the SR's in Santa Maria and Santa Barbara, or two the one club in Eureka.

    Oakland does have a couple of "Adult Entertainment" or "Lingerie Modeling" places.

    Yesterday, being a holiday, I did window shop 21 San Jose AMPS. There are 10 within 3 blocks of where Hwy 17 crosses Stevens Creek. Many of those I looked in on are not even listed on Rub Maps. But I believe at all the ones I looked in on, FS can be had. I say this just because of how the girls talked to me. All but two were Vietnamese. The other two were in City of Santa Clara and they were Chinese.

    Most of those I looked at do not come up with the most extreme searches one could do on Rub Maps either. This confirms my hypothesis that Rub Maps is an underrating, because the guys who really get along with the girls are not writing about them. I am not comfortable with so much being said for places that the cops can just walk into either.

    There was one woman who is very highly rated. I window shopped her place twice. She is always busy and even at a retail biz where I asked directions, they knew about her. It sounds like she really does do escort style sessions. So 60min is 60min and she is right there GFEing you the whole time.

    In San Francisco the places are even more extreme and they maintain zero plausible deniability. The women may often be younger as they will have a trans-Pacific supply line. These will mostly be Korean. Whereas in San Jose it is mostly US Resident Vietnamese. They are older, but also more Americanized and more like ordinary people.

    The reason MBOT got started was the Jim and Artie would never deal. They were busted and taken downtown and booked over 100 times. Each time this happened, they went harder core the next day. They would not let the DA be the one to make the interpretation. It had to be a jury. Very few people are willing to do this and face a risk of doing serious time. Very few are willing and able to pay for expert legal council either.

    So I hope people will read my posts on the legal restrictions thread, the one so many were upset with. And I hope people will read Bottom Feeders, by an S.F. Chronicle writer, John Hubner.

    I hope JS69, that you will post about your S.F. experiences too. Tell us what you actually did do and how it went.

    All this having been said, I feel that if you want to meet an eclectic bohemian girl with radical politics, then the first place to look would be S. F. Crazy Horse, followed by MBOT, and then by all of the other S.F. clubs. Just don't go there looking for the ITC experience. Go there to meet your next girlfriend, and be willing to shell out some money and play along with a clip joint set up, just to flatter her and to get the chance to talk with her.




    Please also read on the Legal Restrictions thread and the Karaoke Girls thread some of my suggestions about how to get around these local rules.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    "Yesterday, being a holiday, I did window shop 21 San Jose AMPS."

    Wow, you sound super lonely, with nothing to do. Why not read the intense fiction I recommended for you?
    "More Sinned Against" is just a short story, It's a masterpiece.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Ban Oakland
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    There are no strip clubs in the county where I live and probably never will be. Recently the county passed legislation dealing with where sexually oriented business can be located. The county picked 4 areas where no one would want to start any kind of business.
  • slaux.pas
    10 years ago
    You people are so retarded. Strip clubs are not illegal cuz the first ammendment says the speach is free. All a stripper has to do is talk when she gets naked. I guess blow jobs are not first ammendment tho. Cuz she cant talk you retards. Im so funny an smart.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    ^^^ classic
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    SJG, I didn't go to a club in SF because 1) the clubs suck and/or are grossly overpriced, and 2) My dream stripper fulfills all of my sexual needs at the moment (and takes most of my strip club funds
    as well). It was the first time I haven't gone to a club while visiting a large city in many years.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    "Another reason why Raiders fans are so damn angry"

    Bring back The Snake
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    Strips clubs can be illegal. In some states' counties "smart" city councils ban such establishments or certain parameters. Take Washington DC for example, you can't get a lap dance there.

    "Stupid" city councils forget to put ordnances into place and have a strip club next to a church (I've seen it happen).

    The strangest similar law I've ever seen is in Toronto. Where at a massage parlor the (according to the by laws) a masseuse is allowed to get nude and give a hand job, just no bjs or sex.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    There are many reasons to avoid Oakland. This is just another one.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    JS69, I respect your decision not to SC in S.F. Particularly because you have so much experience in so many other places. I place a great deal of weight on your decision. I also feel vindicated in my own view that the direction these places have gone ( too much front room regulation = clip joint, and open ended expensive fantasy = nothing is actually impossible, but the mileage is actually low for most people and the fantasy keeps them paying and paying )

    Did you consider AMPing? The SF ones are FANTASTIC! But I will admit that it is an acquired taste.

    All of these local ordinances are unconstitutional because they are making laws that only apply to certain types of expression. It is just like saying you must paint your front door blue instead of red. They are saying that certain types of businesses they don't like. If a woman wants to work in a place and take of her clothes, that is her 1st Amendment right.

    The only reason there are any strip clubs in S.F. is that people violated the laws, and then stood up for themselves in court. Melvin Belli was one of the attorneys who did this in the 60's, and then it was Jim and Artie Mitchell in the 70's and 80's.

    The people who run the SF clubs now don't care about any of this. They just want to make money, and make it off of you by preventing you from getting friendly with your dancer until you have feed money into the reverse ATM.

    And Mikeya02, my decision to window shop AMPs on the 11th was impromptu. I had to buy something at the Valley Fair Shopping Center, and so since I knew there were many around, I just started. Then eventually I traveled in a loop of a few miles each way.

    I had mentioned my friend Sherry from years ago and her East Indian husband. Well, their shop is gone as the building was torn down. But there are lots of new ones.

    I may be lonely, but more I am just extended. I have leadership responsibilities in areas of public controversy and scrutiny. So rarely do I get any time of my own. I also have lots I am responsible for planning, and so this keeps me and my mind occupied. On the 11th I wanted to see how the AMPs of today compare with those of yesterday. There was a definite decline, but now they are coming back. At most the girls are still afraid to wear dresses and high heels. But there were some notable exceptions.

    In S.F. you won't find any such problem.


    Body Count, Live in LA
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    I assume that your decision to skip S.F.'s strip clubs was based on what you've read in reviews. My own feeling is that they are clip joints and that what causes this is just a lack of competition. Considering that these are the only contact clubs in the Bay Area, there are just way too few of them. I do not know what the legal restrictions might be which prevents more from being opened in San Francisco.

    Might you be willing to tell us what things you read in reviews which influenced your decision? It would help us in learning to distinguish these clip joints from the better places in other areas.

    Was Sacramento a possibility for you?

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