How do you get better than perfection?

avatar for JohnSmith69
This is the latest installment in my continuing saga of the most sexually satisfying woman I have ever encountered. Just when I thought things couldn't get any better, they got better. A lot better.

So we are having sex a few days ago. I won't go into the details. Just imagine every possible sex act besides anal with the most sexually alluring young woman possible. It lasts for about 40 minutes. That was it.

What blew me away, besides the dream girl, and besides the incredible sex, is that she had at least five orgasms. Five! At least. You may say John, how do you know this? Good question. It was partially all the times she said "oh yes yes, you're making me cum, I'm cuming, god yes ohhhh" followed by similar declarations of delight. And she can't act, nobody could act this well even if there was a reason to do so. But, if there were any doubt, three of these times I had two fingers inside her tight little vagina and I felt the muscle contractions as she was moaning in joy. You can't fake that. Their were a couple of other occasions that also seemed like smaller orgasms, but I'm trying to be conservative here so I'm not counting those. It was at least 5.

Perhaps even more amazing is at the end of the last one, she wanted to keep going. She tells me this by arching her back and pushing her pussy in to my mouth to urge me to keep going. But I just can't. Sweat is literally dripping down my face like I just ran 5 miles. My mouth is sore, and both hands are tired. I alternated between each hand when my mouth got tired. I'm not 19 years old anymore. So I release my grip. and I slowly kiss my way up her stomach, across her huge breasts, to her mouth. We kiss and then I embrace her tightly.

While she is still in a blissful state recovering from all of the joy that I have given her, I ask her a simple question. "What does it feel like to have so many orgasms?" I will never forget the way she looked and sounded when she answered that question. She says in sort of a dreamlike state, like she's still waking up, "it's soooo woonderfullll...." If I get Alzheimer's one day and lose all my memories, I will keep my recollection of that moment till the very end.

So I learned some things about female sexuality that day. First, I learned that, being the incredible sexual stud with the huge cock that I am, I can give a woman incredible pleasure. In the past, two orgasms are the most a woman has ever had with me, and that was a while ago. It's almost always one and done. But now I know there can be much more.. Second, I learned that when you give a woman multiple orgasms there is almost nothing that she won't do for you out of gratitude. Now I'm not going to give you the details, because I've got to leave a little bit just between her and me, but my post the other day about feeling 19 years old was in response to her expression of gratitude. She was very grateful, as am I.

I have several questions as a result of this incident, and since some of you PLs have more experience fucking strippers than I do, please share your insights as you want to.

First, is this normal? I've obviously heard about women having multiple orgasms but I always thought that this many was almost mythical, kind of like the unicorn. Also, I thought that multiple orgasms were usually one after the other in rapid succession rather than spread out by several minutes each. Is this normal for women, or has my 10 just become a 12?

Second, doesn't this incident prove how much greater the strip club gods are than Allah of the Muslims? Think about it. Allah promises 72 virgins in the uncertain future, but the strip club gods gave me a DS in the here and now. One dream stripper today is better than the possibility of 72 virgins in the future. Also, Allah doesn't say whether his virgins have two legs or four. but my DS has only two legs and two breasts, and they're all perfect. And a DS is more likely to have multiple orgasms than a virgin who doesn't know what she's doing. Plus, the pussy on a DS is just as tight as a virgin. Thanks for the promise Allah but no thanks. I'll stick with my DS.

Third, does anyone still want to advocate the foolish claim that women reach their sexual peak in their 40s? This woman is going to kill some guy from exhaustion if she's 25 years away from her peak.

Fourth, how will I ever accept another woman when this comes to an end? Where do you go when you have reached the pinnacle? I have climbed higher than I ever knew it was possible to climb, and while I adore the view and am treasuring it, I can't help but wonder how to survive the fall whenever it comes.

Fifth, does anyone want to change their vote on adding Dream Stripper to the glossary. There is still time to join the movement. If you will join me in this campaign, maybe the strip club gods will give you your own Dream Stripper. You won't know unless you try.


last comment
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
Maybe what makes her so good is just how good she feels because she knows that you really like her.

avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
I'm not sure what you heard, but it's pretty much accepted that women do indeed have a surge of sexual prowess in their forties. Don't know if it's a peak compared to when we're younger, but it is definitely a level of increased horniness and sexual activity.

As far as the multi-orgasm thing, I have been with and known many gals who do-many many times in a night. I don't know how they do it. Sadly I am a one-and-done kinda girl.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
lopaw, you would know better than me. But if the 40s surge is generally true, it completely skipped my wife. Perhaps this is now the universe's way of making up for that oversight.
avatar for ellocohombre
10 years ago
It started with one then two,then three, up to four now. All oral, i can keep licking forever. Women have it made,wish i could cum 4 times in 10 minutes.
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
"I won't go into the details."

Criminy, how long would this post be if you did?

Can someone post a recap?
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
I just cancelled my subscription to Penthouse. :)
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Steve, I admit that things seem wrong when I post 12 paragraphs and SJG has only one sentence. However, when it comes to sex, length is always better. At least that's what jerikson40 and other women have always told me.

SJG, maybe you're right. However, I'm so preprogrammed to believe that strippers only care about money, it is hard to believe otherwise even when the evidence suggests that it might be so.

SC, who knows, maybe I'll have an x-rated book once this is all over.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Awe...JS69 is in wuv :) so cute feels like he's 41 all over
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
GAC, I may be in wuv, but at least I'm getting awesome value for my money. Try it, you'll like it.
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
Send pictures!

Seriously though, way to go. Sounds like the two of you have really connected. We should all be so lucky.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
10 years ago
You are a stud. Enough said.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
John, consider yourself the unicorn.

First, as far as number of orgasms, I can only go by what a woman tells me. One of the most beautiful women I met was an escort in the Twin Cities. At the end of our session, we were both getting dressed and she hauled off and smacked my butt. "I had two orgasms and you didn't even finish!" (Yeah, between the diabetes, the condom, the diminishing lack of feeling, and who knows how many other factors, I tend to last a while.) I'm still not sure if she was genuinely pissed or joking or what.

Second, Praise the Strip Club Gods! Great tithings bring great rewards!

Third, No way, no how am I going to try to speculate on that.

Fourth, hey, maybe she'll bring a friend sometime soon.

Fifth, I'm good. DS should be added, along with all of it's alternatives.

I second Corvus's motion -- Send Pictures! Of her please, not you...okay?
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
My wife has multiple orgasms but I am not sure I can take credit for a genetic fluke with good socialization before I arrived. She does wear me out sometimes but I always get lucky along the way. Comfort and lack of inhibitions helps.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
No anal? Dump her.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago

If you pay them enough they'll be willing to act like all they care about is money. But that is all it is, an act.

avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
SJG, when I get an adorable 19 year old to fall madly in love with me and fuck my brains out every time I see her, then I'll dump the DS. Until then, I'll take this girls act any day.

RockStar, I bet she would if I asked. But I ain't askin.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
But maybe DS's act is being your P4P. The more time you spend with her, the further she is going to be falling madly in love with you and wanting to fuck your brains out every single day.

It was always like this with AMP girls. The one's it went of stupendously with, I could not see again, because I knew that what they really wanted I was not in a position to give. So I had to go and find others.

avatar for GACA
10 years ago
@JS69 touchè good sir, touchè
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
Re: anal: "I bet she would if I asked her. But I ain't asking."

Hell, I'll ask her!
avatar for goonster
10 years ago
Re: multiple orgasms, it's more common than you think. I've found that generally, the less uptight she is about sex or her looks, the more she has them.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
^^^^^ Agreed! This is another reason why it is important that she know that you really like her.

If she is with me, then one reason she will know is by just how attentive I am to her tits and all of her curves, and by how I kiss her and by how much I kiss her and by how I keep looking at her face, and by the things I say to her.

By the time we are done, we both will have surrendered all our emotional barriers.…
discussion about related matters with GACA and Papi

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