Are you kidding me?

avatar for deogol
Fast company is kinda going liberal here... yes, there are a couple of jerks. But most were NOT harassing her.…


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avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I have asked strippers about this and they usually tell me that they like, or at least don't mind, a guy on the street respectfully telling them that they are beautiful. That's what most of the guys did here. Plus the guy in purple was a pimp, so he doesn't count.
avatar for Dolfan
10 years ago
yeah, that kind of shit seems to be in the news a lot lately. I get it, it can be annoying to have strangers trying to talk to you all damn day. But I agree, with the "are you kidding me" sentiment, for the most part there's little there I'd call harassment & less of it is really about her being a chick or being objectified. Hell, if I walk down the street for an hour 10+ dudes are gonna say some shit like some of that to me.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
I watched the video. I think most of those speaking to her are being inappropriate. She looks rattled. As I have noticed, in downtown San Jose, most of the young women who walk through there, say on their lunch hour, do look similarly rattled.

You do have to be proper in talking to women. You cannot assume familiarity or that your communication is wanted. You have to be respectful of the fact that she does need to protect herself.

Usually women can only be more open in screened environments. Sorry, but this is how it has to be. Out on the street there are all sorts of people she is best off not talking to.

avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
I didnt see anything too harassing in there
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
It gets old real fast in a place like NYC with s much pedestrian traffic. It doesn't matter if what is said is pleasant or not...... IT GETS OLD. A constant barrage of comments yelled at a stranger really is an invasion of privacy. If you are not a celebrity then you should not be expected to tolerate it. These jackasses need to STFU already.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I hear some crap from some guys walking around sometimes.

Some people have no manners and no courtesy and comment on everyone.

I even heard some girls whistling at me when I walked past a certain dorm building in college. I don't know why they did that. Must have thought it was funny. I felt far from irritated though. I was wondering who was doing it and if they were hot or not.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I remember one girl in college on a day or two had a weird way of expressing interest in me. She kept staring in between my legs most of the class. I think I was too embarrassed to say much since she was in an earlier class where I got too relaxed and every single girl in the class who could was looking in between my legs. I got too relaxed and I was trapped in a crowded classroom where the girl next to me had hot legs propped up next to me and another girl kept looking over my way. A bunch of hot girls staring at your hard on doesn't help.

Did every guy have an embarrassing moment like that? I was horny back in college. Hot girls in short shorts were all over the place.
avatar for jester214
10 years ago
She walked around for ten hours, they handpicked two minutes and that was the worst they could come up with? Half those people were probably trying to sell her something.
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
If you are in public, how much privacy can one expect, is the societal norm, and what actually constitutes harrasment? If this woman is an actual victim of harrasment, then what can one say about the harrasment young minority men who haven't commuted a crime get from law enforcement?
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
Between the bums and the street trash I would eliminate about four fifths of this. New York is not normal town. I walk around my city and get about %80 of what she got.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
Generally women aren't going to want to talk with people out on the street. This may seem elitist, but we still have to respect their preferences. Women only open up more when the venue includes built in screening. This does not mean that they are cruel or judgmental. It simply means that they are trying to survive in a very harsh world.

avatar for sinclair
10 years ago
Ninety percent of the guys catcalling were black. I think this is how women are picked up in the urban environment, very caveman and direct. I've even seen guys grab women by the arm or shoulder and run this weak game.

Another thing: this chick is not even pleasing to the eyes. She is like a 3 or 4. These guys are really thirsty (desperate for pussy).
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
New York had to drop the "Stop and Frisk" movement so this is the new thing, "Street Harrasment". It's aimed at Black Men. For more info, check out Tariq Elite for more info.
avatar for slaux_pas
10 years ago
She should have been home making a sandwich for her man but that clearly wasn’t an option.

avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
I think women just want to be able to go about their business in peace. This doesn't mean they never want to get male attention. But they do insist on being the ones who decide when it is welcome and when it is not. We have to accept this.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
It's intolerant to tell people they can't greet and/or pay a polite compliment (like "hey beautiful") to a stranger on the street. If you don't like meeting strangers on the street, that's fine, but it's not a rule you have the right to impose on the whole world. When I was young women would occasionally strike up a convo with me on the street or in the supermarket.

I have no problem with it if somebody asks me for spare change. But once I say "sorry no" I expect them to fuck off. There are lots of aggressive ones who won't fuck off. It does tend to make you nervous about even non-aggressive pan-handling. But that's exactly the same way that life gets hard for Black dudes. Non-Black people have a bad experience or two with a Black dude, they hear a lot of bad stories about Black dues, so they feel justified being afraid of and looking down on all Black dudes.

These chicks have a point, but they are going overboard, getting paranoid, and being unfair and intolerant.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
If I knew that chick personally, what I'd tell her is "I know you SHOULD be able to walk around in clothes that show off your great figure without being harassed. But, realistically, the world being the shitty place that it is, it's smarter to stick to loose fitting clothes in many situations."
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