
San Jose Guy????

layin low but staying high
San Jose Guy, are you OK? We’re worried about you. Are you sick, were in an accident? First I post a description of my dream stripper that broke your record for posting length. Yet you did nothing to defend your title. No response at all. Most recently, Shadowcat has a 2 am posting of, of all places, an event in San Jose, in Santa Clara County! Holy shit. We all knew that you would post a 100,000 word analysis in less than ten minutes. And still you haven’t responded. It’s inconceivable to us that you don’t have some extensive insights into a shooting at a San Jose strip club. We’re worried about you. Did you go to one AMP too many? Did you get a job? Were you detained in the San Jose shooting? Were you the one that was shot? Were you the shooter? What’s wrong San Jose.....


  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    I like SJG's short stories. They are perfect..........FOR ME TO POOP ON!
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Jeez why encourage the idiot?
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Contrary to what JohnSmith69 seems to think, I only have a couple of hours budgeted to be on this each day. So as much fun as this is, I am still probably on less than he is. So I missed this thread and Shadowcat's. I have made other posts though if people are interested to follow them.

    I am surprised by what happened near the Pink P, but I doubt there is much connection to it. I've spoken to this.

    About the Pink P though there is another incident back from the mid 90's. One Steve Tausan was a bouncer there, and he punched someone, and the guy died, and so Tausan was tried for murder 1.

    What our DA's office was saying was that the Pink P. owner ( really one of the sons of the founder ) was across the street in this bar called the 49er Inn. This was the first I'd heard of the place. With him was a dancer, and this guy started getting difficult with her and so this owner had to intercede. Our DA's Office said that this incident was the motive for homicide.

    So then this owner used a pay phone to call Tausan and ask him to come in as business was picking up and they needed extra security. Our DA's Office, then under George Kennedy, said that this call was to instruct Tausan to kill the guy who was funny with the dancer in the 49er Inn.

    Of course this sounds strange. The Pink P owners have at times run a bachelor party talent agency. They are going to kill someone because a dancer's feathers got ruffled? And they are going to do it at the Pink P., an extremely well oiled money collecting machine?

    Anyway, the guy had a long history of drugs and alcohol and medical problems and he got out of line and Tausan punched him. He didn't die at once, but within a few hours at Valley Medical Center he did expire.

    Tausan may have been excessive, but this was not murder one.

    I actually called the Metro, our arts and entertainment newspaper to criticize them for their Source Journalism, that is just printing what the authorities said, as though it was the absolute truth. They denied that they had done that. They admitted that the story made no sense, and they said that probably the deceases was a drug informant. So then they were admitting to me that they printed something which they new was not likely. They were not using their own judgment in ascertaining what was probably true.

    Tausan was a security, an enforcer, for the Hells Angels. He had a nickname, Mr. 187, and he had this tattooed on his arm. That of course being the penal code for homicide. The newspapers and the DA's Office made much of this, because other wise they didn't have much.

    A night or two after the killing, the Sheriffs raided the home of the local Hell's Angels leader. It might have been Jeffrey Petticrew. They shot his two elderly dogs dead as they were retreating. They confiscated all sorts of stuff. They were trying to say that there was a meth ring at the bottom of this, involving the Hells Angels and the Pink P. owners, and that this was the reason for the killing. Okay, but this still makes no sense as the guy might not have died, and why do it at the Pink P. Eventually the Sheriffs would have to return the stuff and pay over $100k.

    Tausan was acquitted by a jury. But just a couple of years ago something else happened. This Jeffrey Petticrew was in Vegas at a casino and someone shot him dead. They think it was the work of a rival motorcycle club. Tausan, now a bail bondsman, was his body guard.

    So here in San Jose at Petticrew's funeral one guy named Ruiz?, he got emotional and tore the "enforcer" patch off of Tausan's vest. Tausan responded with a punch. Ruiz then pulled a pistol and shot Tausan dead. A near riot ensued and Ruiz fled without his motorcycle. He was then wanted for murder one. Not sure if he is still at large.

    Several days later the police dug up Petticrew, for fear that "evidence" might have been interred with him.

    All very strange indeed. Much animosity with our DA's Office and Cops about the Hell's Angels and the Pink P.

    Once a Sherriff named Tiano ran for the office of head Sherriff. A picture of him in front of the Pink P. surfaced. He was out on the sidewalk and he had a dancer under each arm. It was just a silly picture, but it did hurt his chances and he was defeated.


    Clapton, Hyde Park, Old Love
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Thanks. I feel better now that everything is back to normal.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    ^^^ lmfao
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Well, gee whiz, thanks a buttload, JS69!
  • Josh43
    10 years ago
    Have some compassion for SJG, man. That build-up of testosterone causes a type of psychosis:

    Recent media coverage has suggested the demographics of California's Silicon Valley have produced a great excess of single men compared to single women between the ages of 20 and 45. Supposedly, this is the worst imbalance in the United States including even Anchorage, Alaska, long known as a town full of men. Article after article in newspapers and magazines suggest the same thing: that for a man, getting a date in Silicon Valley is harder than making a billion dollars in a start-up.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    "great excess of single men compared to single women"
    "getting a date in Silicon Valley is harder than making a billion dollars in a start-up"

    I've never heard anything like this. But there are lots of things which are true. For one, a very large portion of the incomes for the semiconductor manufacturers and Hewlett Packard were always coming from government sources. It was mostly defense, or things very closely related to defense. Very different from the image they tried to create.

    Steve Blank
    Secret History of Silicon Valley

    Now this Frederick Terman was bit too old for solid state physics and semiconductors, he was a microwave man, someone who worked with classical physics. But one very strange and very problematic man, William Shockley came on to the scene, and Terman appointed one of his students, James Gibbons, as the liaison.


    During the late 80's, people became sick and tired of the Reagan era of spending to develop post Vietnam era weapons. What this meant was that the bottom fell out. And so the Venture Capitalists got scared and money for startups stopped. There was also talk of billion dollar fabrication facilities going up all across Asia. These far exceeded anything ever built here. Now in the years since such fabs have been built in the US, in lots of places, but not California. So vacant manufacturing buildings are being converted into vacant office buildings.

    When Gore and Clinton started boosting for the "Information Superhighway", and money started flowing, I knew something was wrong. People were putting money into stuff which was really just branding and media, no technology at all. What this revealed was just how serious the situation was, as there clearly were not better things for people to invest in. So we had this huge Ponzi scheme, as we had companies with $1 billion valuations, which were still in red ink and did not even have a plan for how they would become profitable.

    What this all showed to me was that money concentrated in too few hands is a serious problem. A small elite has control over our economy. It is misleading to even talk about a single economy, making it sound like we have a shared interest in it.

    Jim Hansell, about why venture funded start ups are so risky, dealing with individuals I have personally worked with. Talented technical people who would like to be doing real work, are being shunted into gambits for market control.


    But about some male to female ratio issue, remember that San Jose is a city of 1 million people. Those who work in the tech sector are just a small portion of this. Even those now running for mayor of San Jose, like Sam Liccardo, do not seem to understand this. San Jose has spent lots of public money trying to brand itself as the "Capital of Silicon Valley", and buying into a real estate bubble. But in fact, most of the tech sector has always been in the surrounding suburbs.

    In San Jose whites are a minority, as it is mostly Latino and Asian. As such, there is no shortage of very nice women, and I can't see any reason why anyone would have a problem finding a date.

    I have though always noted that there is a lack of college educated white women. Where are they is my question? Some say they are in the "helping professions". I don't think this is really true. Maybe they are housewives?

    Lots of people in Silicon Valley have nothing and are living very precarious existences, and in a place with very high rents.

    A few years back yahoo real estate listed San Jose, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale as the very worst place in the country to buy a home. This was followed by the second worst, San Francisco, Berkeley, Oakland. The issue is just how far prices could fall. It could happen any day. Refusal to see this is a kind of collective insanity. What awaits us is something no less than what has happened in Detroit, St. Louis and many other cities in the east.

    Silicon Valley Debug, an organization made up primarily of people of color which tries to show the other side. I have always admired their work:


    A new organization which tires to combat the unfairness in our county's courts and how they destroy the lives of mostly poor people and people of color:


    Here our streets are filled with the victims of childhood abuses, in the form of the homeless, the drug addicted, and the victims of the mental health system. Our governmental policy is to try and keep the truth suppressed. So our County Mental Health, Corrections, and Probations aligns itself with Evangelical Christians and Recovery Programs, as has San Jose mayoral candidate Sam Liccardo. People who have to struggle to survive everyday are told that they are the ones who are at fault, and so public money is spent trying to keep these people passivated and hidden. No justice, just further victimization.

    And then of course we have the stereo type of the computer nerd, and then these sex surrogates who supposedly work with them. This has never seemed right to me.


    What we do have in huge quantity are AMPs, and AAMPs. Most of the customers are white, especially at the AMPs. RedBook was set up to promote independent escorts. But as AAMPs became the dominant form in the South Bay, a special section was set up.

    I already posted something from the web site of the main lawyer in San Jose, on West St. James St. Want to talk about Feng Shui? Just walk into his office, an Irishman with a phenomenal totally Asianized office. Also a Vietnamese secretary and I think a Vietnamese wife, and he speaks fluent Vietnamese.

    Now, Vietnamese participation in AAMPs is actually quite low. They were dominant in the South Bay AMPs, but then they pulled out, but now a new crew is coming back.

    This lawyer specializes in the AMP and AAMP cases, for all nationalities. He explains that almost never do they bust white escorts, they just go after the AMPs. His mission in life is to make the laws unenforceable.

    They are an embarrassment to the authorities. For many years Cupertino hosted the hottest Vietnamese one, fashion model grade hotties. That was 20 years ago. Now they do everything they can to stop such places from opening.

    But as San Jose is broke and has dropped from 1400 police to 900, they can't put too much time and energy into such.

    Asian Massage is an embarrassment to the authorities since so many white guys partake and really come to love it. It could really undercut normalcy, and with different living patterns it could undercut the real estate market.

    Now the AMP women live here and live relatively normal lives. I am sure that the reason that RedBook was such an embarrassment to the feds pertained to AAMPs, as the women are just here for 6 months or 3 months. So they are getting through airport customs. We have serious draconian laws now which impose major penalties for very loosely defined crimes. These are based on the premise that these women are victims. But the fact that such a system continues to operate would seem to undermine this interpretation.

    Airport customs screens women very carefully. They separate them an give them hot box interviews. But these women have been coached and they have been provided with spending money to show to legitimate their stories.

    They also get coached on how to do it here, that once they get the guy inside the door they should start DFKing him until his knees start to go out. Then and only then do they ask for the money. Sometimes they will have kissed a window shopper, but overall this method leads to less walkouts and they come out better. What sorts of people would have decided that they should be coached in this way?

    And then of course besides those who actually get money from this, there is a vast culture of Asian Americans who provide all sorts of logistical assistance, and then there are those who run the Asian restaurants and the Asian banks. It is a vast network, and only the women who actually do the service stand any real chance of being busted.


    Steely Dan, Katy Lied
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