
Mexican bar table dancing

layin low but staying high
I've developed an affinity for Mexican bar table dancing. It is really awesome. I truly love it. Is there anyone else here who shares my passion? If so, what can you tell me about it so I can get more? Thanks for any help.


  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Come on, really, nobody knows about this subject? How about somebody in a state that's adjacent to Mexico? Like maybe, California, for example. Does anyone in California know anything about Mexican bar table dancing?
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    I am so glad you have asked about this. Unfortunately that circuit which ran in and around San Jose is long gone now. There have been other talent agents who have tried to set it up again, but what they did was never as good. See they were providing dances for $20 a song. When you do it that way it is never that playful. Once you hand the girl the money, you just have to let her do what she wants. It is a one way street.

    Of course these new talent agents do it this way because they want to try and stay out of trouble. They don't want to get charged with a felony and end up in jail awaiting trial and the possibility of a 1 year minimum on a 3 year term.

    This is what happened with those earlier talent agents. LE must have sent in undercovers and they planed it well. They pulled the both of them, Dave and Bob, over simultaneously while driving mini-vans loaded with girls, on highway 101 driving from San Jose to Gilroy. It was months before either of them were out on bail.

    Then they make the charges so heavy that they can intimidate them into pleading guilty on lesser charges. It is all extremely unfair and entirely unconstitutional.

    They just don't want that in Santa Clara County, so they will do whatever it takes to stop it. It hinges on their extreme view of PC 647(B) that it even applies to pawing and flashing for tips. No jury has ever seen it that way. But here in Santa Clara County the DA's Office figures out ways to do things without the need for a jury. They are scared that it could go the way of San Francisco if they lost a few key cases.

    The one who introduced me to the Table Dancing Circuit was a dancer named T. She blew into Sunnyvale from somewhere. She would bring her own bouncer, to drive her around and hold her money and all. She would come up close and say, "I'm looking for gigs."

    She told me about the circuit and explained how nice it is because when you talk to guys, "Your boobs are right in his face."

    Well yes, she picked these vertical one piece outfits so she could do just that. She was fun to talk with that way, especially as she always had her boobs right in my face, for $1 at a time. And besides I liked her.

    So you just handed them a $1 at a time and you could usually get away with a fair amount of pawing, and sometimes it went beyond that. It was not what you guys would ever call high mileage. But it was still lots of fun because of how interactive it was.

    One girl S. said she wanted $5 for the entire song. So I obliged her. She climbed up on my chair and gave me a song worth of pulling her panties aside for a nice pussy view.

    With most of them though it was $1 at a time and playful pawing and tities in the face and grinding, and a fair amount of talking too.

    Usually I would try to budget my money to be able to try out each of the girls. This was just in keeping with the spirit of openness in it.

    Of course it was the Mexican men who really knew how to fondle them. They did it with extreme reverence. Never seen anything like that. I discussed this elsewhere with a dancer C. from Kentucky. She said, "Yes, with the Mexicans it's like they are making love to you." So I watched and tried to put it into practice myself.

    Low cost, highly interactive, and playful, you can't beat that. Another reason I don't really like the booths and VIP Room approach.

    Now of course with this table dancing circuit a much higher portion of the girls did OTC's and were looking always to try and set this up. The Latina's themselves were the best because they respect their own people. They respect working class people. Other races in this country do not respect working class people. They try to screen them out. This is a disadvantage in dealing with Asians, by comparison.

    So sorry, the circuit is gone now. Many of the bars themselves seem to be now closed too. I can't find Maria's Club, 13th St, on Google. Google also says Flamingo's is closed. Others closed too.


    Where I would try is Watsonville. Just look for and ask for Mexican Bars and walk in and pay attention for signs and ask if they have a "Bikini Show". If they do, it will only be on certain nights of the week.

    I have wondered if Chicas Bonitas in LV, or maybe Chicas in Phoenix are anything like this? Can it get fairly touchy, and on the cheap. And is it so highly interactive, as this is how you get to know the girls. It is talking and pawing together. If you can do this, you can get them so they are eating out of your hand, and so they will do whatever you want them to. It will be just like being in Mexico. And then do their girls do OTC. I want to be in these places and find out for myself.

    Thank you for asking about all this!

    Karaoke, a way to beat the tough regulatory environment and make this competitive?

    Public Displays of Affection

    Making it happen in AMPs, treat the girls like civilians and they love it!


    Thin Lizzy, live
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Thank you SJG! Damn, what a coincidence that you know so much about the history of such an obscure subject in, of all places, Santa Clara county. For a minute there I thought you might have been too busy at work to help me out.

    So what do the rest of you say? Do you want to get together for some Mexican bar table dancing at the next tuscl meet up? I'm know I'm ready.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Often things go so fast on this forum that I cannot allocate enough time to keep up. Today however something are closed as it Columbus Day.

    Thank you for asking about the Mexican Bars. Have other people been to places where it is that playful and interactive with the money and the touching?

    Sporty's Bar in Sunnyvale had been called the Candid Club, and before that Richard's Lounge. Of course today it is highly regulated. But if you go back far enough they did go around the room and dance for each person to get extra tips. And of course that is difficult to regulate. And before that they didn't even have a stage, so it was a lot like what went on in the Mexican Bars.

    Very good learning experiences, but all past now.

    Will I be pleased at Chicas Bonitas in LV, or at Chicas in Phoenix?

  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Lot's of Mexicans down my way. I assume you are talking about buying the whores a drink and they dance with you?
  • rattdog
    10 years ago
    are these places what some refer to as ficha bars?
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I must be living a sheltered life. I lived in So. Cal. for 45 years, traveled all over western Mexico from TJ to Acapulco by plane, ship, bus & auto and was even married to a Mexican for 27 years and I have never seen or heard of what you describe.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I once saw a dog playing poker but I've never seen a table dance.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Buying the whores a drink? No. Ficha bars? I think these would be hostess bars and the fichas are what the hostesses get each time the guy buys a drink, and then they turn them in for cash. No I don't mean that either, and I have never myself been in such a place.

    So Cal has more strip clubs than the Bay Area. So they might not have these underground shows.

    There have many times arisen these table dancing shows which are held in Mexican Bars and a few other venues. As I know this has been limited to San Jose and Gilroy. Some of the dancers are from the Sunnyvale clubs. Some are from the Latino community. Some are ones the talent agent goes out and finds on their own, like by approaching girls in discos.

    I call it "table dancing". What they call it in the Mexican Bars is "Bikini Show" or "Ballarinas Exoticos". If you go into a Mexican Bar and ask about these shows, use the terminology "Bikini Show".

    Once the talent agent gets their dancers and gets a weekly show going at one bar, they will try to get as many more nights and as many more bars and other venues going as possible. So they build up a circuit.

    They get it going, then sooner or later it gets shut down by LE.

    Some bar owners refuse because they don't want to get in trouble themselves.

    One place where they have had it often has been Maria's Club on 13th St. This is gone now. That bar had been there since the 1920's.

    The most famous of the Bikini Shows, with the most people and the most dancers, and the one most local people would know about would have been at La Copa Inn, on Alvin Ave near Tully and right next to the Reed Hillview Post Office, and behind a Mexican restaurant called El Gruillo.

    One which often had their own independent show, one I don't like very much, and one which is probably still going is at the Red Baron, at Capital Ave and Alum Rock.

    Oh, but look here, they say it is closed:

    Last time I was there I punted on doing more than one $20 dance. But the huge tits and blonde haired cocktail waitress was talking to me and volunteered to give me her phone number. Yellow and white dress, makeup done in yellow, and yellow stripper shoes. I did call her twice, but she didn't want to talk. I think she must have wanted me to invite her to P4P OTC. I was not interested in that at that time. But I still did like her very much.

    San Jose LE is really aggressive about closing these bars down now and then replacing them with upscale town houses. I don't know if there could still be any such shows still going on.

    To find such underground strip clubs I would suggest looking in Watsonville or Salinas. You can ask dancers at any aboveground strip clubs, or you can just find the bars and walk in and ask. The shows will only be for a few hours and on a couple nights of the week. So again, the talent agents will always try to get additional shows set up in other venues.

    Most of these shows are incredible fun, the cost is moderate, and the girls make good money. It works like this because it is all done at your seat, and so the girls don't have to get you to agree to anything up front. They don't even ask permission. They just begin, and then hold out their G-string to tell you that they want you to insert $1. If you don't want to partake, just hand her $1 and wave her on when she first starts.

    What is going on in these shows is considered by the cops and the Alcoholic Beverage Commission inspectors to be illegal. They are doing things which could never be gotten away with in the advertised and above ground local SC's.


    Smoke on the Water
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