My absence from the site

avatar for Aravas
If y'all tuned in to my last thread I had to give club a break for couple weeks which makes this week my week I return :D I also haven't been posting on this site if y'all haven't noticed. In the mean time I have constantly been on cam site chaturbate, I stayed on the site so long almost every day since the last time I posted here :/ ...I now know exactly how too much porn is bad for you. I watched a DVD and couldn't even get hard :O I haven't watched porn in couple days and woke up with wood so it must be getting back to Normal. I will continue to not watch porn rest week and go to strip club this weekend :)


last comment
I guess we can safely assume that you don't have a $350K job to keep you busy during the day.
avatar for Aravas
10 years ago
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
"I have constantly been on cam site chaturbate"

@Aravas - weren't you supposed to be or practicing the piano during your down time?

I'm very disappointed in you.
avatar for Aravas
10 years ago
Steve-Ya I was going to but porn took over, I an now in new hobbies including piano I'm not falling into porn again
avatar for jabthehut
10 years ago
Was that you that was AWOL Aravas? I was wondering why there wsssuch a dearth of club reviews ehile you were on sabatical.
avatar for Aravas
10 years ago
Really good porn (is that an oxymoron?) can be addictive. And I suspect, like most of us, you know just how you like it. It's funny, when you start looking at the various categories, you realize just how different us perverts can be. I have no idea how someone with more rolls of fat than me can be attractive to men, but some find it to be a turn-on. Some like 'em young, some older. Some like 'em sucking, some fucking, and some getting tortured. Some prefer cumming all over them while others prefer a good creampie.
I guess that's what makes the world go round. I still prefer the real thing over watching.
avatar for Aravas
10 years ago
Ya I agree
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
"Really good porn (is that an oxymoron?)"

If you meant "good" porn as in "virtuous" porn, yes, that's an oxymoron!
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