
Do girls at smaller clubs give out personal information quicker?

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:30 AM
It's been a while since I have been to a large size stripclub(probably about 4years), but the smaller stripclubs that I visit the majority of the girls don't seem to care that you know their personal lives. Over the past 3months I have met a few dancers who "right of the bat" told me their real first name. I didn't ask them for that information I just introduced myself and they were like well my is Heaven but my real name is Jessica. Other personal information that has came out is how many kids they have, what town they stay in, whether the are married or dating someone, How old they really are... etc and some of these girls have told me this info right when we first met. My cousin has even gotten a few of the dancers phone numbers(although nothing transpired from getting those numbers). Maybe it is just me but when I was staying in the Atlanta area some years ago, and was visting a particular club that is now extinct, I don't recall any of those girls getting that personal with the customer.


  • Daverinstl
    19 years ago
    I know for a fact that many strippers have two strip club names, a stage name and a fake 'real' name the give to guys who insist on knowing thier real name. I have never asked a dancer for her real name and never will. Its a sure sign of a PL.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    I would have to say yes to that one. At bigger gentlemen's clubs, it's all about the dancing girls. At smaller titty bars, they may have a girl dancing naked on stage, but they have stuff like pool, darts, Golden Tee, a TV with a sports broadcast, and that computer game system most regular bars have as other entertainments. They also have guys who come just for a drink, whereas guys don't go to a gentlemen's club just for a drink. Anyway, dancers are in competition with nondancing activities at smaller clubs and need to do more than simply get naked. So they talk, and at least they seem like normal people, because then they want to talk about normal things.
    19 years ago
    I think that the small neighborhood clubs are more like the way strip clubs used to be, including girls who are more open and friendly. The GC's, full of professional dancers who try to maintain a distance from their customers, used to be limited to the downtown areas of large cities. But GC's are invading more smaller towns and neighborhoods, and when they do I think there's a mismatch between what the customer expects and what the club is offering. I think a lot of these clubs aren't going to do very well. They are places where guys will go for special occasions but not places where they are going to hang out on a regular basis, they're too espensive. So they may do OK on Friday and Saturday nights but the rest of the time they're dead. And that's not enough business to pay the rent.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I think the answer to this question depends on two things. The dancer and management. If the dancer likes you and management is not going to be all over her case then you are more likely to get personal info. I remember going to one club where the girls had no problem at all with seeing people outside the club. I remember visiting one time and a dancer who I had never seen before told me about a party someone was throwing somewhere and she invited me to come along with her. I passed this one up since I was no longer a local in the area and was going to leave the next day.
  • Jpac73
    19 years ago
    FONDL, you had a very good description of what the "smaller" clubs are like. Some of the smaller clubs around where I live call theirselves a "Gentleman's" club but to me they are not because the club is small, no more than about 10dancers working at a time, and the quality of goodlooking girls is still low. I haven't seen anyone over a 8 in these smaller clubs. On the average the girls range from a 5 to 6 with a few 7 or 8's here and there.
    19 years ago
    Shadowcat, I agree that it depends on the personality of the dancer. But I think that, in general, what I call the amatuer dancers are more open and friendlier than the pros, and the amatuers tend to be more likely to work in the small neighborhood places while the pros are more likely to work in the large GC's. Hence the girls in the smaller clubs tend to be more open about personal info. Also in the small neighborhood places the girls, along with the customers, are often more likely to be locals and they sometimes know each other, so the tendency to try to keep their personal life shielded from customers is less of an issue. At least that's been my experience. The small neighborhood places are a very different experience than the big GC's. By small I'm referring to the places that are like a neighborhood bar with a few dancers, maybe 3-5 girls working during the week and maybe a dozen customers, maybe 10-15 girls and 40 or so customers on a weekend night. GC's could have 3 times that or more and have DJ's, parking attendants, bouncers, bathroom attendants, fancy buildings, large stages, VIP rooms, while the small places have none of that. In one small place around here the laps are done in the basement storage room on a sofa surrounded by cartons of supplies. Last time I was there 3 girls were working, 6-8 customers drinking beer at the bar. Typical.
  • Clubber
    19 years ago
    In my experience, yes.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    Can someone define small club versus large club? Is a small club one that has hundreds of people in it or is that a medium size club? I know of one club that has less than 50 to 100 people in it including dancers. I do believe some clubs instruct the dancers not to give out any personal information while small clubs may not care. It might depend more on the management than anything else. I know of some small clubs that are very strict on no personal exchange of information at the club.
  • ShotDisc
    19 years ago
    i tend to agree that dancers at smaller clubs are more honest and genuine. But i think the more successful barometer is the girl herself. i have gotten personal info from dancers at clubs large and small.
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